Board of Longitude
Found in 388 Collections and/or Records:
Explanation of the Solometer or Pencil for Ascertaining the Situation of Place, 1821-01-26
Sent by Lester to the Board of Longitude, providing details on the technical construction of his invention, the Solometer.
Extract from a report of the Committee of Instruments and Proposals, 1820-04-20
Concerning estimates received from Troughton, Dollond and Jones for instruments for the Cape Observatory.
Extract from a work by Arthur Hodge, 1814
An extract from 'Commerce and Freedom' regarding a boat with wheels, with drawings of the same.
Extracts from Board of Longitude minutes, 1737 - 1761
Extracts from the Minutes of the Board of Longitude, including the findings on John Harrison's chronometers.
Extracts of minutes of Board meetings and of letters concerning Earnshaw's reward claims, 1803 - 1804
Fair minutes, 1765 - 1828
'Hodge's Meteorological Journal', 1811
Printed copy of a journal by Arthur Hodge.
Illustrated letter from Dr Patrick Browne to the Board of longitude, 1782-09-04
Concerning 'the longitude discovered on mathematical principals and made clear and safely both by sea and land'. The letter outlines his proposed method of finding longitude and includes drawings. It was marked as undeserving of the Board's attention by Nevil Maskelyne.
John Horner's 'most divine Gospel System' of finding longitude, 1828
Proposal outlining Horner's 'most divine Gospel System' on natural bodies proving perpetual motion and longitude. Includes mathematical diagrams. Preceded by a letter to the Board of Longitude.
John Tyson's 'wild letter' on an instrument for finding longitude, 1817-05-08
Latin ode, 1825
Sent by Bartholomew de Sanctis to the Board of Longitude.
Letter and advertisements from Edward Massey concerning a trial of his sounding machine, 1818-07-11 - 1818-07-13
Letter to the Board of Longitude enclosing five copies of an advertisement announcing a public trial of the comparative merits of Massey's sounding machine and 'Gould and Burt's Buoy and Knipper'. These were originally enclosed in a letter to Captain Thomas Hurd [RGO 14/31: 143-143a].
Letter and colour illustration from Joseph Bonasera, 1792-03-17
Two letters and two papers, with a related note from Daniel Powell & Sons, a London-based firm which forwarded Bonasera's work to the Board.
Letter and copy letter from Arthur Hodge, 1822-10-12 - 1822-10-29
Letter to the Board of Longitude originally enclosing a sketch drawing of his perpetual log. Also additional copy of the same letter, dated 29 October, with an addendum by Hodge. The drawings are at [RGO 14/31: 244-255].
Letter and diagram from S. Price to the Board of Longitude, 1825-08-16
Concerning his proposals on perpetual motion; preceded by a diagram.
Letter and drawing from W. Carr, 1818-02-06
Letter concerning a counteracting spring for winding timekeepers at sea, with an explanatory drawing.
Letter and drawings sent from David Thomas to the Board of Longitude, 1821-04-03
Letter outlining Thomas' method of remedying the effects on pendulums and springs of the different degrees of gravity and different climates. It includes three explanatory drawings.
Letter and fair copy from Francis Stanford, a Franciscan friar, to the Board of Longitude, 1813-05-18
Providing details of his discovery of longitude. The letter is addressed from Castlebar [county Mayo, Ireland]. See also [RGO 14/39: 281-283].
Letter and Latin ode from Bartholomew de Sanctis, 1823-12-20
Letter from de Sanctis to the Board of Longitude outlining his astronomical observations and enclosing a Latin ode. He refers to the Board as 'the Scientific Protectors of the British Navigation, as Castor and Pollux were of the old Ships of Greece and Rome'. Addressed from Crown Tavern, Vinegar Yard, Drury Lane Theatre.
Letter and proposal from [George] Lindesay, 1826-01-11
On a method of finding latitude and longitude at sea in fog by two bearings of the sun, using a fog compass and a chronometer.
Letter and proposal from Henry Croaker on the motion of heavenly bodies, 1819-02-17
Includes drawings of a sun-dial and compass, a diagram on the circular motion of the sun, mathematical calculations and tables of longitude.
Letter and proposal from Robert Miller, 1815-11-16
Concerning his method for finding longitude by using a timekeeper and a three-hour sandglass.
Letter and proposal from William Waldron, 1819-02-10
Concerning his plan to find longitude.
Letter and related note concerning James Hughes, 1813-05-24
Letter and tables from Mr Wellmens, 1827
Letter to the Board of Longitude concerning a clock which 'shews [sic] the difference between true and like time'; with related tables.
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