Found in 156 Collections and/or Records:
A Journal of the House of Commons, 1640 - 1641
A Vindication of the Earl of Bristol in relation to the Treaty with Spain, seventeenth century
Accounts of proceedings in parliament, Early seventeenth century
Alexander William Kinglake: Letters and Papers
Alfred Lyttelton: papers, 1885 - 1911
Includes certain papers relating to his post as Colonial Secretary, 1903-5.
An Argument upon the Question of Impositions and Concerning Ship-Money, 1636 - 1700
Anarchy unveyled, seventeenth century
A copy, in the hand of Thomas Corie, of 'Anarchy unveyled, or, animadversions upon a booke entitled, A treatise of monarchie, by J. H.'
Argument on impositions, 1638
'An argument uppon the question of imposicions digested and divyded into sundry chapters by his ma’ties attorney generall of Ireland', Sir John Davies; begins (after the dedication to the king's most excellent majesty) 'The question itself is noe more but this ...'. See also MS Ff.03.17, no. 1. At the end of the treatise is written 'R. O. 10 Januar. 1637'. Two leaves follow containing lists of chests and other furniture brought in to Dover House.
Arguments for the liberty of free men and other political writings, Seventeenth century
Arguments for the liberty of free men and other political writings, including a parliamentary journal, Seventeenth century
Arguments for the succession of the kings of England to the kingdome of Fraunce, c 1610
The manuscript has a dedication beginning 'Most excellent prince, and next unto our soveraigne lord and master. In perusinge some olde writings I lighted uppon a manuscript of auncient characterie …'; the title appears on p. 3 and is followed in another hand by three rough drafts of an oration, the third of which begins 'May it please your masterships, Mr Readers merritt yeildes soe much matter of report that store hath made me poore ...'.
British Parliamentary delegation to Russia, 1945
This series contains correspondence, photographs, cuttings, and reports about the parliamentary delegation in 1945. Members of the group included Colonel Walter Elliott (Conservative MP), Mr Wilfred Roberts (Liberal MP), Lord Farrington, Mr Tom Fraser (Socialist MP), Mr PW Jewson (MP), Major RE Manningham Buller (Conservative MP), Mr John Parker (Socialist MP), Colonel CE Posonby (Conservative MP), and Commander Stephen King-Hall (Independent MP).
Catalogue of the nobility of England and collection of miscellaneous documents of the sixteenth century, c 1593
Collection of documents chiefly concerning relations with France, 1620s
Collection of papers, chiefly concerning Parliament in 1640, seventeenth century
Collection of political tracts, chiefly relating to the Stuart succession, late sixteenth century
Collection of small tracts, Late sixteenth and/or seventeenth centuries
Collection of tracts and notebooks, fourteenth to seventeenth centuries
Colonial Office, 1954-07 - 1954-08
Letters received on resignation from the Colonial Office mostly from members of the House of Commons and from the House of Lords, with some replies from Oliver Lyttelton (110).
Commonplace book
Copies of documents chiefly relating to trade negotiations with Denmark, Poland and the Hanseatic League, Late sixteenth century
Copies of documents relating to Italian politics, seventeenth century
Copies of documents relating to the Congress of Cologne, mid or late seventeenth century
(1) ‘Instruttione data da n. s. Urbino VIII. all’eminmo cardl. Ginetti suo legato de Latere per trattare la pace universale nel congresso di Colonia’; (2) ‘Breve relatione delle difficoltà frapostesi nel radunare il congresso in Colonia avanti l’eminmo sigr cardinl Ginetti legato di Latere 1637, 1638, 1639’. See also MS Ee.03.47.