Air warfare
Found in 1041 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 30 Jun 1942 - 01 Jul 1942
Telegram from General Jan Smuts [Prime Minister of South Africa] to WSC suggesting that the Royal Air Force concentrate its maximum bombing force against the German army and ports in North Africa instead of bombing towns in Germany.
(Untitled), 01 Jul 1942
Telegram from Minister of State in the Middle East [Richard Casey] to WSC marked "personal and most secret" asking for his help in getting the Boston aircraft from Basra [Iraq] for use in Egypt.
(Untitled), 03 Jul 1942
Telegram from WSC to Evatt [Australian Minister for External Affairs and Attorney General] apologising for the delay in the provision of Spitfires to Australia.
(Untitled), 03 Jul 1942
Telegram from WSC to John Curtin [Prime Minister of Australia] thanking him for his agreement regarding the diversion of 42 Spitfires to the Middle East but asking him to accept the July allocation for wastage in two instalments.
(Untitled), 04 Jul 1942
Telegram from WSC to President Roosevelt regarding the urgent need for Boston bomber aircraft in the Middle East and asking for permission to have the forty Bostons in Basra [Iraq] which were en route to the Soviet Union.
(Untitled), 05 Jul 1942
Telegram from WSC to General Jan Smuts [Prime Minister of South Africa] marked "most secret and personal" reporting on the various types of heavy bomber operating in Egypt and opposing the transfer of the main bombing offensive from Germany to the Middle East.
(Untitled), 06 Jul 1942
Telegram from WSC to General Sir Archibald Wavell [Commander in Chief India] marked "personal and secret" questioning Wavell's reasons for delaying offensive operations from India and his request for 1150 first-line aircraft.
(Untitled), 07 Jul 1942
Telegram from John Curtin (Prime Minister of Australia) to WSC marked "most secret" accepting WSC's amended proposals regarding the monthly delivery of Spitfires and describing Japanese raid no. 67 on Port Moresby [Papua New Guinea] on 4 July.
(Untitled), 07 Jul 1942
Telegram from President Roosevelt to WSC confirming that Stalin has no objection to the transfer of the forty Bostons from Basra [Iraq] to Egypt and that instructions have gone forward to transfer the planes at once.
(Untitled), 08 Jul 1942
(Untitled), 09 Jul 1942
Telegram from WSC to Premier Stalin thanking him for consenting to the transfer of the 40 Boston bombers from Basra [Iraq] to Egypt.
(Untitled), 09 Jul 1942
Telegram from WSC to President Roosevelt thanking him for arranging the transfer of the 40 Boston bombers from Basra [Iraq] to Egypt.
(Untitled), 09 Jul 1942
Telegram from Evatt [Australian Minister of External Affairs and Attorney General] marked "most secret" to WSC thanking him for his "thoughtful wire", commenting on plan to provide Spitfires for Australia, and stating that a black swan has been allocated to WSC and will arrive after plumage attaches itself in August.
(Untitled), 14 Jul 1942
(Untitled), 05 Jun 1942
Telegram from Field Marshal Jan Smuts [Prime Minister of South Africa] to WSC expressing his grave concerns about the weakness of the air forces in South Africa and Madagascar: stresses the importance of defending the Cape and calls for more equipment and aircraft without further delay.
(Untitled), 05 Jun 1942 - 06 Jun 1942
(Untitled), 05 Jun 1942 - 06 Jun 1942
Telegram from General Sir Claude Auchinleck [Commander- in-Chief Middle East] and Air Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder [Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief Mediterranean] marked "most secret" confirming that they appreciate the value of operating aircraft to support the Malta convoy from bases as far west as possible and that the necessary measures are being taken.
(Untitled), 09 Jun 1942 - 10 Jun 1942
(Untitled), 13 Jun 1942
(Untitled), 14 Jun 1942
(Untitled), 14 Jun 1942
(Untitled), 16 Jun 1942
Telegram from the Minister of State in the Middle East [Richard Casey] to WSC marked "most secret and personal" stating that "Vigorous" [codename for Eastern Mediterranean Convoy to Malta] is returning to Alexandria [Egypt] but that "This does not mean that we have given up all hope" and stressing importance of retaining the Liberator Squadron from the United States to attack Italian heavy ships.
(Untitled), 16 Jun 1942
Telegram from the Minister of State in the Middle East [Richard Casey] to WSC marked "most secret and personal" putting the case for a force of modern high-speed heavy bombers that could be used in the Mediterranean to menace the enemy's lines of supply and end his control of the sea.
(Untitled), 18 Jun 1942
Telegram from WSC to Field Marshal Jan Smuts [Prime Minister of South Africa] marked "most secret and personal" regarding the provision of air forces for the defence of South Africa.
(Untitled), 06 Oct 1942
Telegram from President Roosevelt to WSC commenting on WSC's proposed text of message for Stalin: advocates a firm commitment to putting an air force in the Caucasus; argues that shipping convoy PQ19 must sail to the Soviet Union and comments on how this might be achieved; refers to his anxiety about a forthcoming message from the United States Ambassador to the Soviet Union.