Found in 180 Collections and/or Records:
Nautical astronomy, 1770 - 1810
A set of loose pages dealing with problems in ascertaining latitude and longitude at sea by observation of the stars, with descriptions, computations and formulae referred to apparent time. There are also sections on finding the Moon's longitude from the nautical ephemeris [RGO 4/196: 1r], the motion of the Sun's image in a Hadley quadrant [RGO 4/196: 2r], and the testing of other people's hypotheses.
It is not known if the papers are foliated in their original order.
Navigation tables, 1750 - 1828
Undated extended manuscript navigation tables.
Nevil Maskelyne: Personal and Family Papers, 1749 - 1950
Newspaper cuttings on the RGO and astronomy, 1922 - 1998
Nicholas Saunderson: Lectures
Notes on Sanderson's lectures in the hand of William Haswell. Includes: lectures on hydrostatics, sounds, optics (with others), mechanics, astronomy, tides, technical chronology, and the doctrine of heat and cold. With (fo. 128) copy of letter from James Bate to Hans Deveille, 3 Jan. 1726
Nicholas Saunderson: Lectures
Nigel's last service, 19730608
There are two letters with the same date: a.) Chapel on Sunday, possibly Nigels' last service, viewed Venus from the bathroom window. b.) Confirmation of Nigel's last service, drinks in the OCR beforehand, with an invitation to Geoffrey Martin to attend a Charlie Chaplin film.
Northern Hemisphere Observatory papers, 1963 - 1991
Note from George B. Airy to Mr Simmons concerning the Transit Circle, 9 May 1870
Notebook containing notes by Theresa Story-Maskelyne on the letters of Lady Clive, 1850 - 1900
Preceded by a subject index. The notebook includes biographical notes, notes on letters concerning Urania [Uranus] and comets, and extracts of letters on various topics from cats and carpets to Lady Clive's collection of globes.
Notebook on analytic geometry as an introduction to celestial mechanics (under Sir Robert Ball), 1902 - 1906
Cover page marked Lent 1902, but includes notes annotated up to 1906. Includes (reverse of p60) blank notepaper of the Honorary Secretary of Cambridge University Cruising Club.
Observations, 1758 - 1764
A rough copy of observations of major stars made in 1758 and on a voyage of 1764. The volume includes adjustments to the barometer and atmospheric conditions, 1758; calculations of star positions; the longitude of various foreign towns; corrections to the sextant and quadrant; and calculations to discover longitude.
Observations and correspondence, 1786 - 1829
Observations and correspondence regarding miscellaneous astronomical matters.
Observations in the voyage of the Daedalus, 1791 - 1792
Astronomical observations and calculations made by William Gooch during the voyage of the Daedalus.
Observations in the voyage of the Daedalus, 1791 - 1792
Observations of the minor planet Eros to determine the solar parallax: papers and records, 1930 - 1941
Observations on a voyage of discovery of the HMS Investigator, 1801 - 1807
Astronomical observations, calculations, etc., made during voyages of discovery.
Observations on HMS Adventure, 1772 - 1774
Observations made on board HMS Adventure during her passage to the South Seas as part of the expedition led by Captain James Cook in HMS Resolution.
Observations on HMS Resolution, 1772 - 1775
Observations made on board HMS Resolution during her passage to the South Seas on the expedition led by Captain James Cook.
Observations on voyages of discovery, 1763 - 1805
Astronomical observations and calculations made during voyages of discovery, including the voyages of the Glatton, 1763-1764; the Providence, 1794-1797; the Thetis, 1794-1797; the Pallas, 1805; and on Captain Cook’s third voyage.
Overseas Observatories including Saudi Arabian Telescope Project Papers, 1963 - 1985
Papers of Alexander Boksenberg, 1981 - 1996
Records created by Alexander Boksenberg while Director of the Royal Greenwich Observatory, 1981-1996.
The collection is currently uncatalogued. A partial boxlist is available on application to the RGO archivist.
Papers of Bernard E.J. Pagel, 1945 - 1986
Papers of Frank McClean
Papers of John Franklin-Adams, 1897 - 1909
Two journals by Franklin-Adams recording his astronomical work from 1897, when he first established an observatory at his house, until 1909, thus covering his time spent mapping the southern heavens at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope (1902-1904).