Land reform
Found in 48 Collections and/or Records:
Official: Cabinet: Irish Land Bill., 1903 - 1909
Official: Cabinet: notes., Feb 1909 - Apr 1909
Official: Cabinet: papers 1 to 20., Jan 1927
Official: Colonial Office: East Africa Protectorate [EAP, later Kenya]: land policy: notes and papers., 1907 - 1908
Political: Constituency, Epping [Essex]: correspondence., 05 Aug 1924 - 06 Nov 1924
(Untitled), 10 May 1904
Letter from Henry Massingham (34 Grosvenor Road, Westminster, [London]) to WSC an mentioning article on Liberal land policy in the Contemporary Review and recommending that WSC meet Mr Outhwaite, former editor of the labour newspaper in Johannesburg, who can give him important information about South Africa.
(Untitled), 13 Jan 1904
Letter from Lord Hugh Cecil [later Lord Quickswood] to WSC, regretting that he was unable to join WSC for meeting in Aberdeen [Scotland], as he did not wish to offend orthodox Conservatives by appearing on a platform with WSC two days before the opening of the Parliamentary Session, because of WSC's open support for the Liberals, also commenting on negotiations with the Liberals, and on David Lloyd-George's "pernicious" views on land.
(Untitled), 24 Jun 1910
Letter from Lucien Wolf (15 Brunswick Square, London) to WSC urging that the Board of Agriculture be revitalised and advocating a scheme of land reform and other measures as the most effective way of countering Tariff Reform. Signed typescript. Annotated that WSC protests against Wolf's attributing to him an idea for a system of bounties.
(Untitled), 09 Jan 1910
Letter from Sir John Dewar [later Lord Forteviot] (The Royal Hotel, Portree, Isle of Skye [Inverness-shire, Scotland] to WSC (Dundee, [Angus, Scotland]) enclosing a memorandum on the land question in the highlands of Scotland [see CHAR 2/50/2-3]. He thinks the Small Landholders (Scotland) Bill meets the wishes of the crofters and small-holders whilst Lord Lovat's bill does not.
(Untitled), 1911
Notes to clauses of the Land Transfer Bill. Annotated: "3 April". 6,[1p. Leaves printed on one side only.].
(Untitled), 1911
Table showing the recommendations of the Royal Commission on the Land Transfer Acts and their treatment in the draft land transfer and registration of assurances bills.
(Untitled), 1911
Draft of a bill intituled an act to amend the land transfer acts, 1875 and 1897. Annotated: "3 April". 12,[1p. Leaves printed on one side only.].
(Untitled), [Jan 1910]
Memorandum [by Sir John Dewar, later Lord Forteviot] explaining why the crofters of the highlands of Scotland support the Government's Small Landholders Bill as the best means of making more land available to be held on crofting tenure, and why they oppose Lord Lovat's rival measure, which would entail the merging of the Crofters' Commission with the Congested Districts Board. Sent with CHAR 2/50/1.
(Untitled), 06 Jan 1910
(Untitled), 22 Feb 1910
Printed cabinet memorandum by "J S" [John Sinclair, 1st Lord Pentland, Secretary for Scotland] summarising the proposals of the Small Landholders (Scotland) Bill. Annotated that this memorandum was first printed on 2 Mar 1907. 4p.
(Untitled), 08 Jan 1911
(Untitled), 30 Mar 1911
Letter from Sir John Elliott (Board of Agriculture and Fisheries) to WSC on a scheme to clear off the unsatisfied demand for small holdings. Annotated that the letter was acknowledged saying WSC will be glad to help.
(Untitled), [Jul 1911]
Notes by WSC for a message referring to Land Reform and National Insurance in support of the candidature of Cecil Harmsworth for the Luton Division of Bedfordshire.
(Untitled), 06 Jan 1912
Cutting from the Irish Times on the Home Rule meeting in Belfast [Ulster, Ireland] to be addressed by WSC and John Redmond and the advocacy by Lord Randolph Churchill in 1889 of measures of local government and land purchase for Ireland.
(Untitled), 06 Jan 1912
Cutting from the Aberdeen Free Press on the Belfast meeting as the start of a campaign to promote a Home Rule bill; the advocacy by Lord Randolph Churchill in 1889 of local government and land purchase for Ireland; the decline in opposition to Home Rule within the Conservative party.
(Untitled), 17 Mar 1913
Letter from WSC to ? thanking him for articles [on Land Reform] and referring to his preparations for his speech on the Naval Estimates on 26 March Typescript copy.
(Untitled), 13 Apr 1903
Letter from Sir Michael Hicks Beach [later Lord St Aldwyn] to WSC on the Budget and the Land Bill.
(Untitled), 14 Mar 1910
Letter from Edwin Montagu (House of Commons) to WSC endorsing WSC's attack on the inactivity of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries and pointing out that in south- west Norfolk and West Cambridgeshire the Small Holdings Acts were successful and therefore nurtured Liberalism. Argues against the resignation of the Government. An annotated typescript copy of this letter is at CHAR 2/45/65.
(Untitled), 24 Mar 1907
Letter from Lewis Harcourt ("Loulou") (14 Berkeley Square, [London]) to WSC reporting that he (Harcourt) is to be put into the Cabinet to take charge of the Small Holdings Bill.
(Untitled), 27 Mar 1907
Letter from Reginald McKenna (House of Commons) to WSC on: the Small Holdings Bill and Lewis Harcourt's planned promotion to the Cabinet; dinner with the Japanese Minister of Education; therapeutic breathing exercises; appointment of a permanent secretary to the Colonial Conference.