Military operations
Found in 336 Collections and/or Records:
Public and Political: General: General Public correspondence, C-D. [please note the majority of the file dates from 1943]., Nov 1941 - Dec 1943
Public and Political: General: General Public correspondence, R., Jan 1943 - Dec 1943
Public and Political: General: General Public correspondence, S., Dec 1942 - Dec 1943
Public and Political: General: General Public correspondence, T-Z., Jan 1942 - Dec 1943
Public and Political: General: Greetings: Birthday greetings, 1899 - 1960
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, A-B, many on WSC's health, his travels abroad, and offering support for his leadership. [please note that most of the file dates from 1943]., Mar 1941 - Aug 1947
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, C-D., Jan 1941 - Dec 1941
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, H-K. [please note the majority of the file dates from 1943]., Nov [1941] - Dec 1943
Public and Political: General: Personal Office correspondence, M-Q., Jan 1943 - Dec 1943
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence H., 20 Dec 1945 - 16 Dec 1948
Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence, McCarthy - Maze., Apr 1955 - Apr 1965
"The Few", 20 Aug 1940
"The grit and stamina of London", 14 Jul 1941
Notes for WSC's speech (County Hall, London) on: civil defence forces in London and Civil Defence Review [in Hyde Park]; conditions in London; the German bombing of London; the prospects for the future; improvements to defence and shelters; and British bombing of Germany.Typescript laid out in "psalm style" with manuscript annotations in black ink and red crayon by WSC, and with pencil notes of changes suggested by Herbert Morrison [Home Secretary].
The Gulf War: general correspondence, 1990 - 1991-04
Correspondence with the general public, particularly relating to an article and letter by JEP for the Daily Telegraph (Jan 1991 and Aug 1990) , with correspondents including: James Busvine.
Also includes: draft text of an unpublished article by JEP for the Daily Mail (Aug 1990).
The Papers of A V Alexander
The papers of A V Alexander include personal papers; parliamentary and political papers and correspondence; material relating to the Protestant movement and the Co-operative movement; literary material (including speech notes), plus film and photographic material.
The Papers of Captain Nicholas John Barker
The collection held at Churchill Archives Centre comprises Barker's personal and naval papers, particularly on his service in the South Atlantic.
The Papers of Christopher Hall
"Britain, America and the Search for Comprehensive Naval Limitation, 1927-36" is Dr Hall's thesis which examines the regulation of naval competition between the major naval powers, particularly Britain and the United States, in the period 1927 - 1936.
The Papers of Commander Colin Buist
The Papers of Rear-Admiral John Adams
The collection primarily consists of papers relating to Adams' involvement with submarine warfare and includes papers on anti-submarine warfare and the Admiralty underwater weapons establishment.
The Papers of Ronald Lewin
Papers and correspondence relating to his books on World War II. The papers are mostly organised round the different books that Ronald Lewin published and, for the most part, comprise correspondence with Lewin or his notes from interviews with people who were colleagues of the military leaders about whom he wrote or who worked in operations he was describing.
The Papers of Sir John Colville
The material held at Churchill Archives Centre mainly consists of Colville's diaries. They provide an insight into the decision-making of three Prime Ministers and the meetings held with other top officials, as well as the lives of key figures during World War II, and its aftermath.
"The Tragedy of HMS Glorious"
The collection of material held at Churchill Archives Centre relates to the preparation of the documentary and includes research notes and correspondence; transcripts and videotapes of interviews, film footage and of the documentary.
(Untitled), [Jun 1922]
Note on WSC's military service and his qualification for the Territorial Decoration [carbon].
(Untitled), 06 Jan 1916
Letter from CSC to WSC, congratulations on promotion to command the 6th Royal Scots Fusiliers, and on WSC's present of a silver cigar box to the Headquarters Staff at XXXIII Corps, advising him not to use "gruesome picture of the Blucher turning turtle", but to give a plain box with an inscription Typescript transcript at CHAR 1/118B/16-17.
(Untitled), 25 Mar [1916]
Letter from CSC to WSC, on his decision to leave the army. Typescript transcript at CHAR 1/118B/114.