Found in 463 Collections and/or Records:
Legal reports, late sixteenth century
Reports of cases from Michaelmas Term, 32 Eliz. I, to Hilary Term, 36 Eliz. I. Folios 1-43 are missing.
Legal reports, c 1596
From Easter term, 37 Eliz. I to Hilary term, 39 Eliz. I. Reversing the book, at the other end is 'Aileworth's case', extending over 22 leaves, and that 'Betweene Harvey pl. and Farye def.', extending over 18 leaves.
Legal reports, seventeenth century
Reports of cases decided in the King's Bench and Common Bench in 36, 37 and 38 Elizabeth I, with the case of Dillon and Freine in the Exchequer Chamber.
Legal reports, seventeenth century
Reports of cases decided in all the courts between 36 Eliz. I and 17 James I, with an index of cases in a later handwriting.
Legal reports, c 1598
Reports of cases decided between Easter Term, 36 Eliz. I and Michaelmas Term, 38 and 39 Eliz. I. Nearly all the cases were reported by Sir George Croke and seem to be copied vebatim from that source. The manuscript is divided into two parts, A and B; at the end of A is an index of cases.
Legal reports, 1608 - 1611
Reports of cases between Michaelmas Term, 6 James I and Easter Term. 8 James I. By Sir Edward Coke.
Legal reports, seventeenth century
Reports of cases decided chiefly in the King's Bench, between 26 Eliz. I and 15 James I. To these are prefixed (ff. 1-3) resolutions of the judges concerning the stannaries in Devon and Cornwall, 3 Charles I.
Legal reports, 1645
Reports of cases in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, chiefly from the 24th to the 30th year, with an index of the cases.
Legal reports, c 1627
'Reports comenceant Pasch. 19 Jac. et finiant Pas. 3 Car'; the greater part of the volume consists of a transcript of Benloe's reports in the edition of 1661. At the beginning is a note 'Memm to examine this book by the little book anned to it'.
Legal reports, c 1596
Law reports from Michaelmas term 37 Eliz. I to Easter term 38 Eliz. I
Legal reports, seventeenth century
Reports of cases in the reigns of King Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth I and King James I.
Legal reports, mid or late seventeenth century
Reports of cases decided in the Court of Exchequer, from Trinity Term, 3 Charles I, to Hilary Term, 4 Charles I. The cases in 4 Charles I appear to have been copied verbatim from Littleton's printed reports.
Legal reports, c 1601
From the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
Legal reports, c 1634, c 1638
'Reportes hors de le banck le roy'; MS Gg.02.19 extends from Paschæ 5to to Trin. 10, MS Gg.02.20 from Mich. 10 to Pasch. 13 Car. I. The first case in the series is 'Jones v. Harris', in which the plaintiff as serjeant-at-arms for the marches of Wales prefers his bill against Sir Thomas Harris for his fees. The last is an anonymous case against an executor to recover a debt. With an index.
Legal reports, c 1613
The volume consists of reports of cases in all the three courts from Mich. 2 to Mich. 11th James 1st; many of them have the pleadings set out very carefully. The first case is that of Weldinge v. Coppinge in the king's bench, the last is Chambelaine's case in the exchequer.
Legal reports, c 1608
Reports of cases argued and detained 6 Jac. I, some of which appear to be circuit cases, and others cases decided at Westminster. There is an index to the work.
Legal reports, Late sixteenth and/or early seventeenth centuries
Reports of cases adjudged in the Queen's Bench and other courts, 39-42 Eliz. I; also, 'Quædam observationes de mensurationibus terrarum in Anglia', from the time of King James I.
Legal reports, seventeenth century
Notes of law cases, decided chiefly in the later years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, with a very few in the reigns of King James I and King Charles I. There are tables of contents at the beginning and end.
Legal reports, seventeenth century
Law reports from the first eight years of the reign of King James I, chiefly of cases decided in the king's bench, with a few in the common bench, exchequer and court of wards. The earlier part of the book is a transcript of Crokes reports, and commences with the memorandum from Croke that the Michaelmas term 1 James I was adjourned in consequence of the plague.
Legal reports, Seventeenth century
Common bench reports from Easter term 1 James I to Michaelmas term 22 James I.
Legal reports, Seventeenth century
Reports of cases adjudged in the King's Bench and other courts, from 'Hilary T. 18 Jas. I to Mich. T. 20 Jas. I'. Similar to MS Dd.06.58, and in the same handwriting. The name of Robert Nicholas is given as that of the reporter, on the authority of former catalogues. Many of the cases are not reported in Croke.
Legal reports, Seventeenth century
Reports of cases adjudged in the King's Bench and other courts, from 'Hilary, 17 Jas. I to Mich. 18 James I'. Similar to MS Dd.06.57, and in the same handwriting.
Legal reports, seventeenth century
Legal reports, c 1607
Reports of cases in the common pleas, with an index. Damaged by damp at the commencement. The handwriting is of a somewhat later date than the cases reported (tempore Jac. I).
Legal reports, seventeenth century
Reports of cases adjudged in the king's bench, in the 32nd and 33rd years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.