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Found in 463 Collections and/or Records:


Legal reports, mid or late seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Ii.05.23
Scope and Contents

Reports of cases from Michaelmas Term, 4 Charles I, to Hilary Term, 17 Charles I, with an index of matters, and also of cases.

Dates: mid or late seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Legal reports, early seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Ii.05.32
Scope and Contents Reports of cases decided in the King’s Bench from Hilary Term, 13 James I, to Hilary Term, 7 Charles I, with an index of cases. Folios 206-243 contain arguments ‘touching the liberty of the subjects’: (1) ‘Sr Dudley Digges’ introduction to the argument of the libertye of the subject at a conference before the lords in parliament, 4 Caroli, Aprill 1, 1628’; (2) ‘The argument of Mr Creswell, 1628’; (3) ‘Selden’s argument, 1 Apr. 4 Car., in parliament, in the painted chamber’; (4) ‘Mr...
Dates: early seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Legal reports, Late sixteenth or early seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.13.24
Scope and Contents

(1) Moot cases, in number 313, stated; (2) Sir Edward Coke: a report of the judgement and part of the arguments of 'Shellies' case, addressed to the right honourable Sir Thomas Sackville, Baron Buckhurst, 1581; (3) reports of cases, chiefly in the reigns of King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I.

Dates: Late sixteenth or early seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Legal reports, Early seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.13.28
Scope and Contents

Reports of cases adjudged in the court of wards in the reign of King James I.

Dates: Early seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Legal reports and extracts from statutes, 1544, 1564

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.06.59
Scope and Contents

(1) Reports, 7 and 8 Hen. VI; (2) extracts from the statutes of Hen. VIII.

Dates: 1544; 1564
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Legal reports and presentations, c 1635

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Gg.03.02
Scope and Contents

(1) Cases decided in the court of wards and liveries between 6 Jac. I and 7 Car. I; (2) presentations made and granted by the master of the court of wards and liveries.

Dates: c 1635
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Legal reports and religious notes, Seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.06.23
Scope and Contents (1) ‘The passages in parliament against Francis Viscount St Albans, Lord Chancellor of England’; the account agrees almost verbatim with that given in Bacon’s Works (1730), volume II, pp. 548-558; (2) ‘In camerâ stellatâ, Feb. 15, 1633. Prinne and Sparkes’; this report differs from that given in 3 St. Tr. 561-585; (3) ‘In camerâ stellatâ, sexto die mensis Februarii, anno octavo Caroli regis termino Sancti Hillarii, anno domini, 1632. The King’s attorney / Henry Sherfield, Esqre and other...
Dates: Seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Legal reports of Sir Henry Hobart, Seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Ii.05.33
Scope and Contents

Sir Henry Hobart's reports of cases decided in the reign of King James I, with a few in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The cases in this volume end with that of Lord Sheffeild v. Ratcliffe.

Dates: Seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Legal reports of Sir Humphrey Winch, c 1657

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Ii.05.34
Scope and Contents

Sir Humphrey Winch's reports of cases decided in the Common Bench from Easter Term, 19 James I, to Hilary Term, 22 James I.

Dates: c 1657
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Legal reports of Sir Thomas Hetley, c 1657

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Ii.05.35
Scope and Contents

Sir Thomas Hetley's reports of cases decided in the Common Bench from Easter Term, 3 Charles I, to Trinity Term, 7 Charles I. The first leaf, in a different handwriting, contains three cases in Hilary Term, 2 Charles I, and at the end is an index of cases.

Dates: c 1657
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Legal treatise, Seventeenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Dd.09.17
Scope and Contents

'An historicall and legall discourse upon a case taken out of the 26 Ass. Fol. 20 by Recorder Fleetewoode'.

Dates: Seventeenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Legal treatises by Sir Francis Bacon, c 1600

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Hh.06.06
Scope and Contents

(1) Rules and maxims of the common laws of England; (2) A preparation toward the union of the laws of England and Scotland (incomplete: breaks off in the chapter on ‘The punishment, triall, and proceedings, in cases of felonye’). This is followed by eight leaves, partly blank, containing unconnected notes.

Dates: c 1600
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Letters patent, and writings on various offices, seventeenth centuries

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Ee.02.35
Scope and Contents Letters patent granting lands in Norfolk and a few in Suffolk from King Henry VIII to various persons; amongst them will be found the grants of the rectory of Fundenhall, and the priory of Horsham St Faithe. With notes of various grants of lands, etc., in the same counties from the time of King Edward I to that of King Edward IV. At the other end of the book are 12 leaves of writing, containing: (1) ‘A discource of the office of lord steward of England wrighten by Sir Rob. Cotton knight and...
Dates: seventeenth centuries
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Licences for University preachers, teachers and related others, 1514 - 1694

Reference Code: GBR/0265/UA/LIC.A
Scope and Contents From the Management Group:

The category - External relations records - comprises records relating to relations with the Crown, central government, the Colleges and the city of Cambridge; also University-initiated outreach, such as adult education, teacher-training, school examining, and alumni relations.

Dates: 1514 - 1694
Conditions Governing Access: From the Management Group: The University Archives are generally freely available to the holder of a reader's ticket for the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library, West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DR. Restrictions on access are imposed on certain categories of sensitive record: financial, governmental and personal, by order of the originating body or under data protection legislation. Access information, including opening hours and how to obtain a reader's ticket, appears as part of the Library's web site (

Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": book 2, "The Making of the Nation" [eventually included in volume 1, "The Birth of Britain"]: various pre-war proofs [with a few later notes]., [1938] - Oct 1954

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/403A-B
Scope and Contents Includes typed and manuscript drafts and galley proofs (marked first revise and printer's copy) for chapters entitled "The Normans" or "The Norman Invasion", "The Rise and Fall of Norman Feudalism" or "The Progress of Norman Feudalism", "Henry Plantagenet and the Medieval Church", "Coeur de Lion" or "Richard I", "Magna Carta", "The Plantagenets", "King John", "Law: Edward I", "Bannockburn and the Second Edward", "The Long Bow", "King Henry II", and "The Mother of Parliaments".With suggested...
Dates: [1938] - Oct 1954
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": book 2, "The Making of the Nation" [of volume 1, "The Birth of Britain"]: various post-war revises., 1954 - 1955

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/420A-E
Scope and Contents Includes galley proofs (some described as "R E's" [returned empties], "P A's", or first, second or third revise) and typed drafts for: provisional chapter lists; chapters entitled "The Norman Invasion", "William the Conqueror", "The Progress of Norman Feudalism" or "Growth amid Turmoil", "Coeur de Lion", "The English Common Law", "Magna Carta", "The Mother of Parliaments", "King Edward I", "Bannockburn (and the Second Edward)", "The Long Bow", "The Social Catastrophe" or "The Black Death",...
Dates: 1954 - 1955
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": book 5 [eventually entitled "The Civil War" and included in volume 2, "The New World"]: various pre-war proofs [with a few later notes]., [1938] - [1955]

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/406A-B
Scope and Contents Includes galley proofs and manuscript and typed drafts (marked printer's copy, revised galley and second revised galley) for chapters entitled "Law: James I" or "The United Crowns", "Charles I (and Buckingham)", "The Long Parliament" or "The End of Thorough", "The Restoration", "The Great Emigration", "The Personal Rule", "The Great Rebellion", "Marston Moor and Naseby", and "Eikon Basilike".With suggested corrections, amendments, and notes from various people [secretaries, literary...
Dates: [1938] - [1955]
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": book 7, [eventually entitled] "[England's] Advance to World Power" [and included in volume 3, "The Age of Revolution"]: various pre-war proofs., [1938] - [1945]

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/408
Scope and Contents

Includes galley proofs and typed drafts (marked printer's copy and first revise) for: provisional chapter lists; chapters entitled "William III and Europe" or "Law: William III", "The Spanish Succession", and "Oudenarde and Malplaquet".With suggested corrections, amendments, and notes from various people [secretaries, literary assistants, etc.] including: [WSC], [Grace Hamblin], and [William Deakin].

Dates: [1938] - [1945]
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": digests of various sources collected in the production of the book for sections on "Liberty, Sovereignty, and the Civil War", "The First British Empire", "Character of the People in the Age of Shakespeare", "Scotland and Ireland up to 1760", "Tory and Whig England (1660-1742)", "Party and Cabinet Government, 1660-1782", "World Power, 1689-1763", "Protestants and Puritans", "Commerce, Sea Power, and Discovery", "Language and Literature till the Birth of Shakespeare", "The New State", "The Laws of America, 1775-83", "America 1763-74", "The New Age, 1760-1792", and "The Industrial Revolution, Phase 1"., [1938] - [1945]

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/442A-D
Scope and Contents Includes typed digests or pages from sources including: [Samuel] Gardiner's "Cromwell's Place in History" and "History of England, 1603-1642", Basil Williams' "The British Empire" and "The Life of William Pitt, Earl of Chatham", Hugh Egerton's "A Short History of British Colonial Policy", G L Beer's "The Old Colonial System", "The Cambridge Modern History", Edward Channing's "A History of the United States", Charles Andrews' "The Colonial Period of American History", [Peter] Hume Brown's...
Dates: [1938] - [1945]
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": volume 2 "1485-1688, The Tudors and the Stuarts" [eventually entitled "The New World"]: superseded version (pre-war proofs) [with later notes and amendments]., [1938] - [1955]

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/414A-B
Scope and Contents Includes galley proofs (marked first revise of 1 May 1954) for: a chapter list; chapters or sections entitled "Tudor Rule", "Henry VIII and the Reformation", "Protestant and Catholic: the Reigns of Edward VI and Mary I", "Queen Elizabeth I", "Notes on the History of Law Under the Tudors", "The Government of the Stuarts", "The Age of Expansion", "Charles I and the Great Rebellion", "Cromwell and the Protectorate", "Monarchy Restored, 1660-1685", "The American Colonies under the Stuarts,...
Dates: [1938] - [1955]
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples": volumes 1-4, "From Earliest Years to 1485", "1485-1688, The Tudors and Stuarts", "Confronting the French, 1689-1815", and "The Nineteenth Century" [eventually entitled "The Birth of Britain", "The New World", "The Age of Revolution", and "The Great Democracies"]: superseded version (pre-war and post-war proofs)., [1938] - 1955

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/415A-E
Scope and Contents Includes galley proofs (some described as "R E's" [returned empties] or debris; some marked first revise of 1 May 1954 or printer's copy) for: chapters or sections entitled "Church and State, 1066-1215, and the Quarrel with Beckett", "Tudor Rule", "Henry VIII and the Reformation", "Protestant and Catholic: the Reigns of Edward VI and Mary I", "Queen Elizabeth I", "Notes on the History of Law under the Tudors", "The Government of the Stuarts", "The Age of Expansion", "Charles I and the Great...
Dates: [1938] - 1955
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: Sunday Dispatch articles by WSC: 6., 03 Aug 1941 - 05 Oct 1941

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/695
Scope and Contents Includes cuttings from the Sunday Dispatch for: "Sport, the stimulant" on the effect of modern inventions on the average person, watching, playing, and making money from sport, pigeon racing, angling, motor transport, hiking, cycling, theatre, cinema, radio, reading, and moral considerations; "Why the navy runs on oil" on the advantages of oil over coal as a fuel for ships, its adoption by the Royal Navy during WSC's first term as First Lord of the Admiralty, and the Anglo-Persian oil...
Dates: 03 Aug 1941 - 05 Oct 1941
Conditions Governing Access: Open.

Lord Chancellor, 1985

Reference Code: GBR/0014/SLKN 11/3/7
Scope and Contents From the Fonds:

The papers held at Churchill Archives Centre cover Silkin's Parliamentary and Ministerial career, and his other public interests, including the Channel Tunnel, the E.E.C. and the dairy industry. There is material of particular interest on Silkin's difficulties with his Constituency Party in Deptford, and on the Labour Party Leadership and Deputy Leadership elections in 1980 and 1983.

Dates: 1985
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Closures of individual files are noted in the paper catalogue, please ask staff for further details.

Manerium de Thorpe, Comitatu Surriæ, 1603 - 1625

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Oo.07.10
Scope and Contents

'Supervisus ibidem factus 12 Novembris, 2 Jacobi I., per Johannem Hamon et alios, virtute Commissionis Regis ex Scaccario directæ.' This manor had formed part of the possessions of Chertsey Monastery, and in 1590 was granted by Q. Elizabeth to her Latin Secretary, Sir John Wolley, and at the time of this inquisition was in the possession of his son, Sir Francis. See Manning and Bray's Surrey, III. 242.

Dates: 1603 - 1625
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (

Manor of St James juxta Bristol, court rolls, mid sixteenth century

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Hh.03.04
Scope and Contents

Copy of the rolls of the court leete and court baron of the manor of 'Seynt Jamys juxta Bristoll', before Sir Nicholas Poyntz, steward of the priory of St James (Robert Cysseter being prior) from 27 to 38 Hen. VIII. Interspersed with these are records of the pleas in the court of pie-powder, before the same steward, from 30 Hen. VIII to 3 Edw. VI: 'Placita curie dni regis pedis pulverizati ville Bristol, secundum usum et consuetudinem eiusdem ville tempore quo non exeat memoria ...'.

Dates: mid sixteenth century
Conditions Governing Access: From the Collection: Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (