Free trade
Found in 604 Collections and/or Records:
Speeches: Non House of Commons: Speech notes and typescript., 05 Jun 1931 - 31 Oct 1931
Speeches: Non House of Commons: Speech notes, source material, typescript and press cuttings., 04 May 1923 - 03 Nov 1924
Speeches: Non House of Commons: Speech notes, typescript and press cuttings., 04 May 1923 - 08 Dec 1923
Speeches: Non House of Commons: Speech notes, typescript and press cuttings., 19 Feb 1930 - 25 Dec 1930
Speeches: speech notes., 12 Nov 1946 - 12 Dec 1946
Speeches: speech notes., 12 Nov 1948 - 11 Feb 1949
Tariff reform, 1902-10 - 1904-04
(Untitled), 27 Sep 1941
Minute [from 1st Lord Cherwell, earlier F A Lindemann, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] to WSC on post-war trade arrangements with the United States. [annotated copy; given running number 419].
(Untitled), [28] [Feb] [1886]
(Untitled), 20 Aug 1886
Letter from [Leonard Jerome] (Union Club, Fifth Avenue and 21st Street [New York, United States]) to Jennie [Lady Randolph Churchill] including: the magnificent success of [Lord] Randolph [Churchill]; hopes that Randolph may be able to speak on the issue of Protection; and financial affairs.
(Untitled), 03 Aug [1895]
Letter from WSC (4th Hussars, Aldershot [Hampshire]) to "Mamma" [Lady Randolph Churchill] describing his life at Sandhurst, pains in his eye and a visit to Goodwood [races, West Sussex] where he met "Jim" [James] Lowther, [Alfred Edward, Prince of Wales] and [Lady Beatrice Butler]. He also makes observations on the strength of the Unionist Party and the likelihood that they may split over the issue of Protection.
(Untitled), 12 Aug 1903
(Untitled), 09 Apr 1910
Letter from WSC (Home Office) to King Edward VII describing events in the House of Commons including: the carrying of the resolution to abolish the financial veto of the House of Lords; [Richard] Haldane's speech on the constitutional reform of the House of Lords; a "really delicious" speech by [Arthur] Balfour concerning his previous statements about the power of the House of Lords regarding financial measures; and the division on Tariff Reform.
(Untitled), 24 Feb 1910
Letter from WSC (House of Commons) to King Edward VII describing events in the House of Commons including: a debate over Free Trade and Protection between [Alfred] Mond and Samuel Storey [later Lord Buckton]; the maiden speech of [Eliot] Crawshay Williams; [Arthur] Balfour's speech in favour of Protection and WSC's comments on the issue. WSC also discusses the small Government majority and the task of carrying through "tremendous constitutional changes".
(Untitled), 23 Feb 1910
Letter from WSC (House of Commons) to King Edward VII describing events in the House of Commons including: attacks on the Government concerning the political situation and a debate between Austen Chamberlain and Sydney Buxton over Free Trade which WSC comments is "ground upon which the two parties meet with tireless zeal". WSC asks that Lord Knollys should advise him if the King would like him to describe additional issues in his letters.
(Untitled), 05 Feb 1931
Letter from WSC to John Whitley [Chairman of the BBC] asking for an opportunity to broadcast on India and explaining why he thinks that the permission given to Lord Beaverbrook [earlier Sir Max Aitken] to broadcast on Empire Free Trade has set a precedent for this. Signed carbon typescript copy.
(Untitled), 24 [May] 1932
Letter from A S Darroch (97 Muswell Hill Road, [London]) to WSC arguing that free trade in money and in goods are no longer workable systems in the modern world and that the level of general morality determines what monetary system is used. Typescript copy at CHAR 2/187/71-76.
(Untitled), 23 Apr 1925
(Untitled), 12 Jun 1925
(Untitled), 23 May 1933
(Untitled), 21 Apr [1908] - 25 Apr 1908
Cutting: letter from E P Stevenson to the editor of the Westminster Gazette asserting WSC's claims to the support of Free Trade Unionists in the North-West Manchester election and criticising his opponents' campaigning on the Licensing Bill and other issues; also includes covering note for letter [not present] from [?] Bertram Straus [MP for Mile End, London] offering to give up his seat to WSC.
(Untitled), 13 Aug 1908
(Untitled), 07 Oct 1908
Letter from Jesse Herbert (Liberal Central Association, 41 Parliament Street, London) to Mr Clark stating that George Renwick did not put forward Tariff Reform as a complete remedy for unemployment in his election address in Newcastle-on-Tyne and enclosing a leaflet on the leading Tariff Reformers' views on the subject [see CHAR 2/35/28].
(Untitled), 18 Jun 1908
Leaflet published by the Liberal Publication Department showing that the leading Tariff Reformers have discarded their promise that Tariff Reform would lead to full employment. Sent with CHAR 2/35/27.
(Untitled), 03 Nov 1908
Letter from Harold Tennant MP (Brooks's, St James's Street, [London]) to WSC suggesting he speak at the Liberal Colonial Club either on the hollowness of the claim that Tariff Reform would be a cure for unemployment, or women's suffrage, or colonial preference in relation to foodstuffs.