State security
Found in 254 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 22 Oct 1914
Telegram from the Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet [Admiral Sir John Jellicoe], to Admiralty, regretting that he could not spare ships for a patrol north of the Faroe Islands, and asking for one or two additional armed liners. Includes note that this was in reply to an Admiralty telegram stating that an attempt might be made to bring military supplies to Germany via Scandinavia and the Faroes. [Carbon].
(Untitled), 26 Oct 1914
(Untitled), 15 Nov 1914
Telegram from Admiralty to the Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet [Admiral Sir John Jellicoe], reporting intelligence from a very trustworthy source in Denmark, on indications of a sortie by the German Fleet, or a part of it, with the object of enabling a fleet of fast cruisers to get into the Atlantic. Initialled by Vice-Admiral Henry Oliver [Chief of Staff]. [Carbon].
(Untitled), 22 Nov 1914
Telegram from Admiralty to the Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet [Admiral Sir John Jellicoe], on the internment of the German minelayer Berlin in Norway, and the possibility that the British fleet was to have been decoyed into a minefield laid by the Berlin. Initialled by WSC and Vice-Admiral Henry Oliver [Chief of Staff]. [Carbon].
(Untitled), 26 Nov 1914
Telegram from the French Ministry of Marine to the French Naval Attache, (London), reporting that they had sent agents to Spain, to obtain information about possible operations of minelayers and trawlers. [Carbon].
(Untitled), 26 Nov 1914
Telegram from the French Naval Attache, (London) to the French Ministry of Marine, on reports that the Germans intended to make use of the Spanish coasts for sowing mines in the Strait of Gibraltar and along the south coast of Spain; the Attache suggests that a French ship should visit the Spanish ports to help Spanish destroyers keep a lookout. [Carbon].
(Untitled), 27 Nov 1914
Telegram from Admiralty to the Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet [Admiral Sir John Jellicoe], on the desirability of using Kirkwall [Orkney Islands, Scotland] rather than Lerwick [Shetland Islands] for the examination of neutral ships, as it facilitated negotiations with neutral powers. The telegram also details precautions for preventing neutral ships at Kirkwall from acquiring information. Initialled by Vice-Admiral Henry Oliver [Chief of Staff]. [Carbon].
(Untitled), 27 Nov 1914
Telegram from the Commander-in-Chief, Home Fleet [Admiral Sir John Jellicoe] to Admiralty, suggesting that if any of the three battle cruisers [? in the South Atlantic] took part in an action, their name and class should be suppressed, so that the enemy would not be aware of the depletion of the Battle Cruiser Squadron in the North Sea. [Carbon].
(Untitled), 29 Aug 1914 - 01 Nov 1914
Letter from Admiral Lord Charles Beresford (Great Cumberland Place, London) to WSC [First Lord of the Admiralty] on rumours that the Germans had taken a monastery close to Point de Galle in Ceylon [later Sri Lanka], disguising themselves as Buddhist priests. Includes covering note from Edward Heaton-Ellis [Assistant Director of Intelligence Division, Admiralty War Staff] stating that action had been taken.
(Untitled), 16 Aug 1914
Letter from Friedrich von Bulow, representative of the Krupp Works, to WSC [First Lord of the Admiralty], on his arrest on a charge of espionage, asking to be released from his parole, and to be allowed to return to Germany.
(Untitled), 18 Aug 1914
(Untitled), 04 Jan 1915
(Untitled), 19 Oct 1914 - 10 Feb 1915
Letter from Lewis Harcourt [Secretary of State for the Colonies], to WSC, on Admiralty allegations of laxity regarding the supervision of enemy subjects in Ceylon [later Sri Lanka]. Includes copy of a minute from Sir [William] Graham Greene [Secretary to the Admiralty] to the Colonial Office on the original allegations (1914).
(Untitled), [Nov] [1939]
Copy of first page of a letter from WSC to Maurice [?Hankey] reporting on an interview with [Sir Stewart] Menzies [Head of the Secret Intelligence Service, MI6] and discussing an enquiry into the Secret Service. Unsigned carbon.
(Untitled), 19 Nov 1939
Letter from WSC to Sir Alexander Cadogan [Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs] on replacing Sir Hugh Sinclair as Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service with Captain [Gerald] Muirhead-Gould RN; also the need to improve Admiralty intelligence services, with note to Private Secretary on distribution. [carbon and draft].
(Untitled), 09 Nov 1939
Letter from Sir Alexander Cadogan [Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs] to Sir Archibald Carter [Permanent Secretary of Admiralty] asking for nominations from WSC and [Admiral of the Fleet Sir] Dudley Pound [1st Sea Lord] for Admiral [Sir Hugh] Sinclair's replacement as Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service.
(Untitled), 21 Nov 1939
Letter from [1st] Lord Vansittart [Chief Diplomatic Adviser to Foreign Secretary] to WSC, enclosing copy of letter to Sir Kingsley Wood, Secretary of State for Air, containing information from a private source on German air and naval capabilities; with letter of thanks from WSC to Vansittart.
(Untitled), 01 May 1945
Telegram from Field Marshal Sir Harold Alexander [later Lord Alexander of Tunis, Supreme Allied Commander Mediterranean Theatre] to WSC marked "Guard" and "Personal" detailing the procedure for the announcement of the surrender of German forces in Italy, indicating how it will coincide with orders to the Germans to lay down their arms; and mentioning that the OSS [Office of Strategic Services] have infiltrated a man into Bolzano [Italy].
(Untitled), 01 May 1945
(Untitled), 02 May 1945
(Untitled), 1947
Page proofs for a supplement to the London Gazette entitled "Operations in the Indo-Burma theatre based on India from 21 June, 1943, to 15 November, 1943" reprinting a despatch by Field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinleck, Commander-in-Chief, India, dated 22 November 1945, on planning, land and air operations, intelligence, and organisation, training, and administration, with explanatory footnotes. [annotated].