Found in 50 Collections and/or Records:
Account sales of Tongking coal, Apr. 1893-Sep. 1893
Pages 5-45 only of a volume of account sales of Tongking coal, Hong Kong.
Coal account from Anderson, Anderson & Co., 18 Mar. 1873
A copy of the final account for a shipment of 818 tons of coal from Anderson, Anderson & Co. landed at Shanghai ex 'Annie', dated London.
Coal account: Shanghai, 30 Sep. 1863
Coal account: Shanghai, 5 May 1865
Signed by William Keswick.
Coal account: Shanghai, 31 Dec. 1861
Signed by James Whittall.
Coal account: Shanghai, 31 Oct. 1874
Coal account: Shanghai, 30 Apr. 1876
Coal account: Shanghai, 30 Apr. 1871
The account includes a memorandum of stocks p. godown returns to date at Heard's Wharf and Pootung Wharf.
Coal account: Woosung, 30 Sep. 1861
Signed by James Whittall.
Coal accounts: Calcutta, Shanghai and Singapore, 1865-1875
Coal accounts, including stock accounts, relating mainly to vessels. The documents include reference to J.F. Crockett; Edward Whittall; Jardine, Skinner & Co.; Scott, Witham & Co.; 'Cassandra'; 'Clan Alpine'; 'Glengyle'; 'Historian'; 'Legislator'; 'Reiver'; 'Rona'; 'Sea Gull'; 'Statesman'; 'Thales'; India; Singapore; and shipping.
Coal accounts: Hong Kong, 31 Dec. 1870-30 Apr. 1871
Accounts from Thomas Wallace.
Coal accounts: Hong Kong, 31 May 1871-29 Feb. 1880
Signed by William Beckett and Thomas Glover. The documents include stock accounts and accounts regarding Japanese coal.
Coal accounts of Jardine, Skinner & Co., 30 Sep. 1859-30 June 1871
Coal accounts of Jardine, Skinner & Co., including stock accounts; dated Calcutta. The documents include reference to India.
Coal accounts: Shanghai, 30 Sep. 1862-30 June 1863
Signed by James Whittall and William Keswick.
Coal accounts: Shanghai, 31 Mar. 1864-31 Dec. 1864
Signed by William Keswick.
Coal accounts: Shanghai, 7 Dec. 1857-30 June 1860
An irregular and incomplete series of coal accounts for Shanghai. The documents includes reference to H.P. Baylis; Alexander Perceval; and the Peninsular & Oriental Steam Navigation Co.
Coal accounts: Shanghai, 31 Mar. 1862-30 Sep. 1862
Signed by Jamed Whittall.
Coal accounts: Shanghai, 30 Apr. 1875-31 Oct. 1875
Coal accounts: Shanghai, 31 Mar. 1869-31 Dec. 1869
Coal accounts, 31 March-31 December 1869, signed by F.B. Johnson, with a memorandum regarding losses incurred in landing coal cargoes, dated Shanghai, 30 April 1869. The documents include reference to Captain Hertel; Hunt's Wharf; Heard's Wharf; Pootung Godown; the 'Andreas'; and the 'Minden'.
Coal accounts: Shanghai, 31 Jan. 1870-31 Oct. 1870
The documents include reference to F.B. Johnson; R.A. Houstoun; Heard's Wharf; Hunt's Wharf; and Pootung Wharf.
Coal accounts: Shanghai and Singapore, 1863-1873
The accounts include stock accounts. The documents include reference to William Keswick; William Macdonald & Co.; Scott, Witham & Co.; godowns; and wharfs.
Coal boat bills: Hong Kong, 31 Dec. 1861-30 Apr. 1871
Bills from Thomas Wallace.
Coal invoices: London, 19 July 1861-27 Nov. 1862
Invoices for shipments of coal from James Thomson & Co., with settlements. The documents include reference to the 'Annie Buchnam'; 'Berwickshire'; 'Britannia'; 'Daphne'; 'Eastern Queen'; 'Edwin Flye'; 'Eudora'; 'Jabez Snow'; 'James Paton'; 'John Nicholson', 'Kelso'; 'Miles Standish'; 'Moneka'; 'Ocean Eagle'; 'Palmerston'; 'Raleigh'; 'Reubens'; 'Siam'; 'Vancluse'; 'Verbena'; 'Volunteer'; and 'Xulla'.
Coal invoices: London, 29 Aug. 1863-13 June 1864
Invoices for shipments of coal, mostly from Anderson, Thomson & Co., with settlements.
Coal invoices: London, 6 July 1864-30 June 1865
Invoices for shipments of coal from Anderson, Thomson & Co., with settlements.