Found in 61 Collections and/or Records:
Alice Ambrose Lazerowitz: papers
Material relating to the work of Prof. G.E. Moore and Dr. Ludwig Wittgenstein, including notes taken during their lectures and notes on Wittgenstein's 'Blue' and 'Brown' books.
Annotations and abstract, Seventeenth century
(1) Annotationes ex Toleto', beginning 'De scientiarum et artium divisione. Omnis scientia ab Aristotele 2 Meta. Cap. 1 in specuativam et practicam distinguitur'; Cardinal Tolet's commentaries on Aristotle's Logic were published in 1596; (2) 'Ex Keckermanno de voce', consisting of an abstract of the first 17 chapters of Keckermann's first book of 'Systema logicum' ('Opera', tom. i, pp. 553-625, 1614).
Arthur Bernard Cook: Notebooks and Theocritus Material
Early notebooks, notes for Cook's lectures, and material relating to Theocritus.
Braithwaite: The Papers of Richard Bevan Braithwaite
The collection includes manuscripts and typescripts of notes and lectures, an album of cuttings of early published articles, typescript pieces, and some letters received from journal editors.
Collection of tracts and lectures, Seventeenth century
Commentaries of Cornelius Lery on various works of Aristotle, Early seventeenth century
Commentary on Aristotle's Rhetoric, c 1620
'In secundum librum rhetoricæ Aristotelis commentariolus' by John Hardinge. Prefixed is a dedication by Hardinge, 'Patrono suo colendissimo dno dri Langton Coll. Magd. præsidi'; W. Langton was president of Magdalen College, Oxford, from 1610 to 1626.
Commentary on Aristotle's treatise 'De anima', book 2, 1609
'Commentaria excellentissimi D. D. Cæsaris Cremonini centensis, Patavii primo loco philosophiam profitentis, in secundo Aristotelis de Anima': commentary on Aristotle's 'De anima', book 2 according to the Latin division. See also MSS Dd.05.28 and Dd.12.16.
Contracta Renati Des Cartesii Feltoneana, 1668
Begins 'Physica incipientium. Sive principia Cartesiana Tyronum captui accommodata'. The work is in three books and appears not to be a work of Descartes but of Jonathan Comer. See also MS Dd.12.33.
Cornford: Papers of Francis Macdonald Cornford (1874-1943), classical philosopher
Correspondence with Birkbeck College, London, 1989 - 1993
Michael Young was a student on the Philosophy MA course at Birkbeck, 1989-90.
Disputationes de Anima and other writings
Contains 179 folios: a series of 32 philosophical disputations, nos 1-25 on the soul (fos 4-133) and nos 26-32 on Aristotle's Metaphysics (fos 134-167). On fos 169-173 is an analytical table of the series, imperfect at the end. Attached to fo. 178 is a broadside, Assertiones ex universa philosophia decerptae, by John Ducket (Lagos, 1655).
Dorothy and George Edward Moore: letters received by them and other family members, and photographs
Edmund Leigh: Commonplace book
Contains notes and extracts on philosophy, astronomy, natural history and medicine. fo. 2: 'Edmundus Lëus 1607'.
Emanuel Swedenborg d'après plusieurs Auteurs par G. C. Norling, c. 1854
There are prefixed a lithographed portrait of Swedenborg, and drawings in pencil of his abode near Stockholm, also his arms tricked in pencil.
Emil Heitz : Index verborum in Aristotelem
In Latin and Greek.
Further Philosophical Work, 1938 - 1945
Folder of further philosophical work; material appears to be taken from previous order and gathered in this separate set by past researchers
George Edward Moore: Correspondence and Papers
MS.Add.8875 is comprised of Moore's philosophical papers, and now forms sections 10-16. It includes contemporary notes of Wittgenstein's lectures, the autographs of his 1899 London lectures, and papers for the Moral Sciences Club.
George Edward Moore: Personal Papers and Correspondence
MS.Add.8330 contains Moore's personal and family papers, and his correspondence (sections 1-9), as well as books from his library (section 17).
Henry Jackson: Lectures on the History of Greek Philosophy
Lectures on Greek philosophy delivered by Henry Jackson, Michaelmas term, 1873, 154 folios. The text is on the recto. On the verso are headings and references.
History of Philosophy: Fundamental Ideas, Yin Yang [陰陽], Wu Hsing [五行 / Wu Xing] etc., 1943-11 - 1988-03-09
This series contains files on each topic set out in Joseph Needham's grand plan for 'Science and Civilisation in China'.
History of Philosophy: Wang Chhung [王充 / Wang Chong] and the Sceptical Tradition, 1940 - 1988-06-30
This series contains files on each topic set out in Joseph Needham's grand plan for 'Science and Civilisation in China'.
John Whiteside: Philosophical Lectures
Lectures of Caesar Cremoninus on Aristotle, 'De anima', Seventeenth century
The lectures commence at the top of a page, with no title prefixed, and are evidently a portion of a larger work. They are on the 3rd book of Aristotle's treatise 'De anima', according to the Greek division, although the references in them are to the 'texts' of the Arabs and Latins. See MS Dd.09.19 for a commentary ascribed to the same author on 'De anima' book 2 according to the Latin division; see also MS Dd.12.16.
Meditations of Daniel Sennert, 1661
'Meditations on the manner of living well and dying happily by Daniell Sennertus. Dr of phisick', 'Translated out of Latin into English by R. S.'