Antarctica (continent)
Found in 35 Collections and/or Records:

A correct globe with the new discoveries: A correct globe with ye new constelations [sic] of Dr Halley &c, 1775
A general view of the Marguerite Bay Base at Stonington Island, showing the wireless masts and hangar, 1948
The typewritten caption on the reverse reads 'When the John Biscoe reached Deception Island faint signals were heard from the men marooned at Stonington'.
Adelaide Island on left, Grahamland [Graham Land] on right, 1954-11 - 1957-01
140 x 90 mm. A view of 'R.R.S. Shackleton' proceeding northwards between Adelaide Island and the mainland. The caption on the reverse of the print continues, in red ink: 'The first time this channel was navigated. Charcot reported it as impossible'.
Antarctica, 1956
Correspondence and notes regarding Antartica.
Approaching Port Lockroy, 1954-11 - 1957-01
140 x 90 mm. A view from 'R.R.S. Shackleton'.
[Argentine Islands and Lemaire Channel], 1954-11 - 1957-01
140 x 90 mm.
Base N. Anvers Island, 1954-11 - 1957-01
140 x 90 mm. The caption on the reverse, written in red ink, continues: 'The anchorage was called Port Arthur by the surveyors'.
Base Y. Horseshoe Island Marguerite Bay, 1954-11 - 1957-01
140 x 90 mm. A view of the shore from a ship, possibly 'R.R.S. John Biscoe'. The caption on the reverse of the print continues: 'The glacier we skied up is on the skyline almost in the centre'. This base had been established in 1955. On 13 March Arthur continued his voyage in 'R.R.S. Shackleton', which had joined the FIDS that season. FIDS is an acronym of the 'Falkland Islands Dependency Survey', which was the name of the British Antarctic Survey in its earlier days.
Bill Johnston, 1954-11 - 1957-01
140 x 90 mm. Showing two men with water in the background. Johnston was captain of 'R.R.S. Shackleton' 1955-56, and retired from FIDS in 1964. FIDS is an acronym of the 'Falkland Islands Dependency Survey', which was the name of the British Antarctic Survey in its earlier days.
'British Crown Land' is the sign over this almost buried nissen hut amid the desolate acres at Hope bay in Graham Land, 1948
Danco Coast, 1954-11 - 1957-01
140 x 90 mm. A view from 'R.R.S. Shackleton'.
Danco Coast. View above new base 'O', 1954-11 - 1957-01
140 x 90 mm. A view across a bay with an island in the centre. Base O was established on a small island off Rouge Island, but was not successful owing to lack of access inland.
Falkland Islands Dependencies, 1954-11 - 1957-01
A series of photographs relating to the Governor's responsibilities for the Falkland Islands Dependencies. Arthur paid four visits, November - December 1954, February - March, 1955, March -April 1956, and December 1956 - January 1957 (with the Duke of Edinburgh). Prints 151-165 are of Graham Land, Antarctica.
[Iceberg with land in the background], 1954-11 - 1957-01
140 x 90 mm.
Kenneth Bradley, 'Once a District Officer' (London, 1966), 1966
A signed copy presented by the author, then Director of the Commonwealth Institute, to Donald Bowen.
'Luke' the dentist, 1954-11 - 1957-01
140 x 90 mm. The caption on the reverse of the print continues: Mosquito Bay behind. En route for Alexander Land'. Shackleton sailed south to Alexander Land from Marguerite Bay, but heavy accumulation of ice prevented her from getting nearer that ten miles from the shore.
New Zealand Antarctic Research Programme, 1978 - 1979
Official visits outside Wellington, 1976 - 1980
Archives relating to Smedley's service as High Commissioner in New Zealand and concurrently Governor of Pitcairn Island and High Commissioner in Western Samoa (1977-80).
Official visits outside Wellington 1979-80, 1979 - 1980
This file contains itineraries and other material relating to the Smedleys’ official visits and entertainment outside Wellington, including Auckland; Antarctica; Hastings; Western Samoa; Marton; Timaru; Christchurch; Invercargill; Northland; Rotorua; Napier; Dannvirke; South Island; Hamilton; and Oamaru (circa 60 sheets).

Power Screen, 1937 - 1939
Decorative screen made for Arnold Danvers Power (1875-1959), bookseller and philanthropist, and bequeathed by him to the Royal Commonwealth Society, of which he had been a fellow. Power had travelled around the world three times, and during 1937-39, he commissioned the artist Heather Child to record his voyages on a screen, illustrated with incidents described in his diaries. It is made of three hinged panels of sycamore wood, each measuring 2 feet by 6 feet.
RRS John Briscoe, 1954-11 - 1957-01
140 x 90 mm. A view of the ship 'R.R.S. John Briscoe'. Arthur visited South Georgia in H.M.S. Protector, and transferred to John Briscoe, then on her last voyage for the FIDS, at Hope Bay on 10 March, 1956. FIDS is an acronym of the 'Falkland Islands Dependency Survey', which was the name of the British Antarctic Survey in its earlier days.
Shackleton at Argentine Islands, Base F, 1954-11 - 1957-01
140 x 90 mm. The caption on the reverse of the print continues, in a different colour ink, and in a different hand: 'RRS Shackleton G. land'
Shackleton at base Y, 1954-11 - 1957-01
140 x 90 mm. A view of 'R.R.S. Shackleton' at base Y, Horseshoe Island, Marguerite Bay.