Calcutta (inhabited place)
Found in 383 Collections and/or Records:
Government House, Calcutta, 1870 - 1879
245x192mm. View from the Maidan near Scott Thomson's Corner (see Y3022AA/59) with the Medical Hall at the right, looking northwest towards the south facade and east gateway of Government House.
Government House, north, 1918
278x183mm. View from the lawn in front of the N.W. wing looking along the N. facade and showing the two N. wings flanking the entrance steps leading up to the hexastyle Ionic portico. In front of the N.W. wing stands a cannon captured during the Second Afghan War. For a clearer picture of this field piece, see Curzon 1, p. 80.
Government Place E., looking S., 1918
Government Place E., present day, 1918
293x203 mm. Photograph taken from a similar viewpoint to Y3022AA/56. The most notable changes are the increase of trees in the grounds of Government House and on the Maidan, the building of Esplanade Mansions on the site of Scott Thomson's Corner, the new premises of Francis, Harrison and Hathaway & Co. and the overhead power lines for electric trams. The porch of Federico Peliti's restaurant is visible at the extreme left. (Photographer unknown, probably Johnston and Hoffman).
Government Place E. showing Scott Thomson's Corner, 1905
Govt [i.e Government] House, Calcutta
Grand Hotel, Calcutta, 1918
Great Eastern Hotel, 1910
312x180mm. View of the hotel from the Waterloo Street end. The stone pediment and columns seen in Y3022AA/46 have not yet been added, however. Photographer unknown, probably Johnston and Hoffman.
Great Eastern Hotel, as it is, 1918
190x121mm. View looking S. along Old Court House Street from the junction with British Indian Street, with the Great Eastern Hotel on the left. The major addition to the building is a stone pediment supported on four Tuscan columns in front of the main entrance, (Massey p.73).
Great Eastern Hotel, as it was, 1880
[Grosvenor House Old Court House Street], 1916
240x262mm. View from the street of Grosvenor House, next to Cooke & Kelvey at 21 Old Court House Street. This tall building, with a facade of Roman Ionic columns running through three storeys, housed the firms of Thomas Edmund Bevan's London Musical Depot (founded 1883), Phelps & Co., tailors (founded by John Phelps in 1867), and the saddler James Monteith & Co., (Massey p.61). Photographer unknown, possibly Johnston and Hoffman.
Harrison Road, Calcutta, 1918
204x151mm. View looking along Harrison Road, the crossroads in the foreground crowded with pedestrians and bullock carts. Harrison Road runs E. from the Howrah Bridge to the Upper Circular Road. This photograph is taken from the Howrah Bridge end, (Massey p.49).
High Court, 1870 - 1879
242x192mm. View from the Maidan showing the south facade of the High Court.
High Court Calcutta, 1907-12 - 1908-01
Quarter-plate. Seen from the River.
[Hindusthan Buildings, Corporation Street], 1918
292x206mm. View from Corporation Street showing Hindusthan Buildings standing at the junction with Hogg Street. This substantial property was owned by the Hindusthan Co-operative Insurance Society Ltd. (founded 1907) and contains a number of other commercial premises along the ground floor street frontages, (Massey p.103). Photographer unknown, probably Johnston and Hoffmann.
[Hotel Continental, Chowringhee Road], 1918
Howrah Bridge, 1918
283x216mm. View looking E. across the Howrah Bridge towards Calcutta, from Howrah. The 1,530 foot bridge was built on floating pontoons (clearly seen here) in order to obviate possible silting which permanent piers might have caused. It was designed by Sir Bradford Leslie and erected in 1874. It was replaced by a cantilever bridge in 1943, (Massey p.48).
Howrah Bridge seen from the River, 1907-12 - 1908-01
Quarter-plate. Mr Fisher is not quite certain that this title is correct. (Fisher).
Howrah Jute Mills, 1907-12 - 1908-01
Quarter-plate. One shift of people washing before leaving the gates.
Howrah Jute Mills, 1907-12 - 1908-01
Half-plate. Seen from across one of the tanks.
Hugh Childers, 1916 - 1918
Letters of Hugh Childers and his wife Gladys (‘Gladdie’) to his parents, Spencer and Florence Childers, from Mandalay, Calcutta, Persian Gulf, etc., 1916-18; including letters to Spencer and Florence Childers from Col. Verney (21), Sir E. Altham (24), Sir Francis Younghusband (48), Rowland Childers (49); reports from Casualty Section, India Office; telegrams, etc.
In the Smithy, 1907-12 - 1908-01
Quarter-plate. Burn and Cos Iron Foundry, Calcutta.
India, colour photographs, 1936
The photographs are framed and very faded. They are unlabelled, with the exception of two taken in Calcutta, March 1936.
Indian tours, 1935
A description of Diana Hartley's journey from Nagpur through Jhansi, Cawnpore, Benares, Patna, Allahabad, Lucknow and Agra to Delhi, November-December 1935 (pp. 1-11), and of a journey through Calcutta, Nagpur, Chanda, Bombay, Suraj and Baroda, July-August 1935 (pp. 11-25).
Interior, banyan tree, 1918
290x225mm. View showing the central root system of the tree seen in Y3022BB/39, (Massey p.20).