China (nation)
Found in 789 Collections and/or Records:
(Same as 4553) [Going up the Yangtze to Shanghai], 1909-01 - 1909-02
Landscape format. [Closer view of one of the sailing ships without sails up].
Same stream looking the other way [near Tai-wo-shi, New Territory], 1909-01 - 1909-02
Half-plate (landscape format). [A still broad stream with trees around, reflected in the water].
Same stream with cow [near Tai-wo-shi, New Territory], 1909-01 - 1909-02
Half-plate (landscape format). [Same view with cow being led to drink at the far side].
Sampans at Aberdeen, 1909
Quarter-plate (landscape format). Hong Kong Island.
Sandeman, Grant, Fagg [Fogg ?], Wales, [14 illegible names], Gô-Pé, May 25.93, fine, F16[?], 8'', 1893-05-25
Sang Kam Bay, 1908-11 - 1908
Landscape format. In the yellow sea on way up to Wei Hai Wei - near Yung Ching promantory.
Saw away; a long way to go! Tradesman at work, 1949
Sawing timber, 1908-11
Sawing timber by main street, 1908-11
Quarter-plate (landscape format). Port Edward: this timber has all been brought from the Galu.
Scene at Shau Kiwan, 1909
Landscape format. In foreground note timbers for making masts. [A misty scene].
Scene in street: market day, 1908-11
Quarter-plate (landscape format).
[Scene looking across headland to sea], 1910
With buildings in foreground. Probably Port Edward.
Selling paper money in Mienchie [?] market, 1937
A collection of captioned glass negatives illustrating the CMS's work, many dated 1937.
Servants at Mienchow Mission House, Western China mission, 1910
82 x 82 mm. glass slides with brief, largely undated captions.
Shanghai, 1870 - 1920
254 x 193 mm. View looking along an unidentified street in the Chinese quarter of Shanghai.
Shanghai, 1908-11 - 1908
Landscape format.
Shanghai, 1909-01 - 1909-02
Landscape format. [Scene on the river].
Shanghai, 1909-01 - 1909-02
Landscape format. [Scene on the river].
Shanghai, 1909-01 - 1909-02
Landscape format. [Scene on the river].
Shanghai, 1909-01 - 1909-02
Landscape format. [Scene on the river].
Shanghai, 1909-01 - 1909-02
Note wheelbarrow men waiting. [Street scene].
Shanghai : a wheelbarrow, 1909-01 - 1909-02
Shanghai Bund foreshore [1890s], 1890 - 1899
281 x 220 mm. View looking north along the Shanghai Bund from the bank of River Whangpoo. The clock tower of the Customs House can be seen above the trees lining the Bund in the left middleground.
Shanghai Bund looking north. Shanghai Club in foreground [1890s], 1890 - 1899
274 x 205 mm. View looking along the Bund, with the clock tower of the Customs House visible in the distance. The building in the immediate foreground is unidentified; the Shanghai Club is the next one along. All that can be seen of the building is the projecting central portion above the entrance, topped by a pediment.
Shanghai Cathedral [1890s], 1890 - 1899
207 x 273 mm. View looking towards the east end of the Cathedral, with the tower and spire at the north east corner. Photograph by Sze Yuen Ming & Co.