Queensland (state)
Found in 395 Collections and/or Records:
Cutting cowpea and sorghum and filling silo at Biggenden State Farm, 1910
165 x 215 mm. A black and white print, probably later than the other two prints in this collection, showing three horses, attached to machinery to work the silo, with men behind cutting the crop and loading the silo.
Cutting Lucerne (Alfalfa), Brookfield, near Brisbane, 1910
200 x 150 mm. Showing a horse-drawn harvester in a partially cropped field of alfalfa. Caption on reverse reads '4 to 7 crops yearly Q'land.'

Cuttings on the Queensland sugar industry
Dairy cattle at Queensland Agricultural College, Gatton, 1910
200 x 150 mm. Showing a herd of cattle grazing in pastureland.
Dairy Cattle on farm near Atherton: note the big fig tree, 1910
Dairy on a Station, Barcaldine, Central Queensland, 1910
200 x 150 mm. The dairy premises are a small stone building with an overhanging thatched roof. With a figure standing in front of the building.
Delegates to the Agricultural Society, Brisbane, 1st meeting
205 x 140 mm. A mounted sepia print of twenty-four delegates (plus one looking through a window behind) posed for the camera. Stamped on mount with : 'Peabody, Photo. Rockhampton.' Delegates not identified.
Delta Bore, 1894
120 x 85 mm. Pencilled caption on reverse reads ‘Delta Central District’. Showing the flow from a smallish bore.
Director's House, 1910
Kamerunga Nursery. [Woman in long skirt standin on top of wooden stairs among creeper in front of the house].
Dr. Mangelt’s house, from Garden, 1885
195 x 145 mm. Three ladies on the verandah of the house, a stone bungalow with an attic floor. There is a lawn mower on the grass, with a single-stem handle.
Droving sheep to market, 1894
200 x 130 mm. Showing a flock of sheep with three farmers on horseback.
E. Noble’s prize Jersey Cow, 1890 - 1908
East Warwick Railway platform, 1885
235 x 180 mm. A view across a field towards the railway line, with the town in the distance. The station sign can be seen above the passenger carriage of a train in the station (engine hidden by building).
Ecclesiastical architecture, 1910
Sepia postcards.
Effects of the cyclone at Townsville
Ensilage stack, Westbrook State Farm, 1910
200 x 150 mm. Showing an unidentified crop being hoisted by horse-powered crane onto a silage heap.
Experimental oats, Roma State Farm, 1910
200 x 150 mm. Showing a field of oats, with a man standing waist-high amongst the crop.
Experimental wheat crop, Roma State Farm, Roma, 1910
200 x 150 mm. Showing a field of wheat, with a briefcase placed in front as an indication of scale.
Farming opportunities in Mackay, Queensland
Ferns, Botanic Gardens, Brisbane, 1886
235 x 180 mm. A general view of the fern garden.
Ferns, etc. Acclimatisation Gardens, 1886
235 x 180 mm. Another view of various plants in the Gardens.
Fig tree and native vine on the Logan River, 1873
205 x 150 mm. The vine curls up the trunk of this 75 ft fig tree, set in a sugar cane plantation, while at the base of the tree stand four figures, with three more figures at various points on the tree itself. The vine appears to be well over a foot in diameter.
Fireworks Display, 1901-05
155 x 110 mm. A picture of the King and Queen made of lights with the message ‘1901 God Bless our King and Queen’. The firework display took place at Government House on the 22nd of May and was ‘said to be the finest pyrotechnic display ever seen in the Southern Hemisphere’.
Fireworks Display, 1901-05
155 x 110 mm A similar picture to Y3085J/28, with the Duke and Duchess of York depicted.
Fireworks Display, 1901-05
105 x 150 mm. A time exposure of rockets bursting in the sky