Fiji (nation)
Found in 488 Collections and/or Records:
Group of natives at Namosi, 1910
Landscape format. [Unposed people walking from the camera, one with umbrella towards village huts].
Half-way village between Namuamua and Sabadrau (?), 1963
Contains Kodachromes, processed in England March 1963, arranged by processing number. The village mentioned on slides 21-31 appears to be Sabadrau, but this has not been found on any map of Fiji and has been represented by 'S' in most of the captions.
Harry Halstead resting, 1963
Contains Kodachromes, processed in England March 1963, arranged by processing number. The village mentioned on slides 21-31 appears to be Sabadrau, but this has not been found on any map of Fiji and has been represented by 'S' in most of the captions.
[Hospital for people affected by leprosy, Makogai, Fiji], 1925
Indian Police quarters at Nanduruloulou razed to the ground by the hurrucane, 1910
Landcape format.
Inter-University Council Collection
Interior of Fijian House at Numbukaluka. Showing natives plaiting baskets. Fiji, 1910
Half-plate. [No print]. [Missing].
Interior of Fijian Hut, Namosi, Viti Levu, 1910
350 x 250 mm. No print.
Interior of Fijian Hut, Namosi, Viti Levu, Fiji, 1910
Painting only. [No print].
Irvine Kempt Nicol Postcard Collection
Jail and court house, 2006
200 x 150 mm. modern copies of original prints.
Joe Takala and farmers, Rakiraki, 1963-02
Contains Kodachrome slides, processed in Australia and arranged by processing number.
John Abercromby Alexander: Papers on trees and woods
Tables, articles and other material regarding trees and woods in Ceylon, Fiji and New Zealand, and in general.
Kava ceremony, 1949
140 x 83 mm.
Kenneth and Elnor Maddocks, and John Sargent at the cottage., 1963
[Sir Kenneth Maddock was Governor of Fiji; Elnor was Lady Maddocks: Lt. J.A. Sargent was his ADC].
King Thakombau, 2006
200 x 150 mm. modern copies of original prints.
King Thakombau, 1876
105 x 145 mm. From a photograph taken by the late Colonel Stewart, RE.
King Thakombau shortly before his death, 1883-02
110 x 160 mm. From a photograph by W. Waters, Levuka.
King Thakombau's war clubs
Koro : Ratu Enosi, 1963-02
[In boat].
Korolevu airstrip : evening 2/2, 1963-02-02
Contains Kodachrome slides, processed in Australia and arranged by processing number.
Labour Men, Rewa River, Fiji, 1884 - 1885
197 x 140 mm. A view showing a posed group of labour men.
Labour Men, Rewa River, Fiji, 1884 - 1885
142 x 193 mm. A view showing two labour men posing for the camera, dressed in white skirts with the river in the background.
Labour schooner with recruits, 1885
228 x 176 mm. Taken aboard the brigantine 'Meg Merilees' in Suva harbour, 1885. The people are Melanesian labourers, and a European sailor is shown in the foreground.
Ladies bringing food, S., 1963
Contains Kodachromes, processed in England March 1963, arranged by processing number. The village mentioned on slides 21-31 appears to be Sabadrau, but this has not been found on any map of Fiji and has been represented by 'S' in most of the captions.