Fiji (nation)
Found in 488 Collections and/or Records:
Final Session of Fiji Constitutional Conference in London, 1965-08
153 x 204 mm. From left to right: Mrs. Eirene White, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. Anthony Greenwood and Mr. C.B. Nixon of the Cabinet Office.
Final Session of Fiji Constitutional Conference in London, 1965-08
154 x 202 mm. At the final session of the Fiji Constitutional Conference, held at Marlborough House, Mrs. Eirene White, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Colonies is seen signing the conference report. From left to right: Mrs. Eirene White, Mr. G.B. Nixon of the Cabinet office, Secretary General of the Conference, and Mr. Anthony Greenwood, Britain’s Secretary of State for the Colonies.
Final Session of Fiji Constitutional Conference in London, 1965-08
154 x 202 mm. At the final session of the Fiji Constitutional Conference held at Marlborough House, Mr Anthony Greenwood, Britain’s Secretary of State for the Colonies, is seen signing the conference report. From left to right: Mrs. Eirene White, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. Anthony Greenwood and Mr. C.B. Nixon of the Cabinet Office, Secretary General of the Conference.
Final Session of Fiji Constitutional Conference in London, 1965-08
Neg. only.

Fisher photograph collection
G. Smith, 2006
200 x 150 mm. modern copies of original prints.
Gala dress, 1920 - 1929
A caption on the reverse reads, 'These men are prepared for a ceremonial dance'.
Genealogies and histories of Fiji tribes
'Genealogies and histories of the Matanitu or tribal governments of Central Vitu Levu (Great Fiji)', 141 pages. The volume contains notes on the genealogies of Fiji's peoples, translated by Brewster from written and oral sources, and a strip of photographs of four generations of the Royal Line of Mbau.
Geographical, 1942 - 1980
George, Halstead's assistant; with porter, 1963
Contains Kodachromes, processed in England March 1963, arranged by processing number. The village mentioned on slides 21-31 appears to be Sabadrau, but this has not been found on any map of Fiji and has been represented by 'S' in most of the captions.
Government House, 1963
[View from terrace].
Government House, 1963
Government House, 2006
200 x 150 mm. modern copies of original prints.
Government House dining room, 1963
Contains Kodachromes processed in Australia, arranged by processing number. Some items from H possibly originated in this group.
Government House from the back, 2006
200 x 150 mm. modern copies of original prints.
Government offices, 2006
Showing the Department of Law, Harbour Office, Post Office and Custom House.
Govt. House, Levuka, 1880 - 1885
203 x 137 mm. A view from the hills behind the town down on the original Government House, with the harbour in the background. The building is an extensive single-storeyed construction with a large lawn in front, on which can be seen members of the Armed Native Constabulary. Part of this complex was transferred to Suva in 1882. The bure or houses are on the Armed Constabulary parade ground.
Govt. House, Levuka, 1880 - 1885
200 x 138 mm. A view from the Government House jetty, looking back towards the house and the hills beyond.
Govt House, Suva, 1885
Govt House, Suva 1885, 1885
227 x 170 mm. A view showing the side and front of this long and narrow wooden bungalow.
Group of native chiefs, 1880 - 1889
Group of native fisherman, 1880 - 1889
265 x 208 mm. A view showing a large group of fishermen and young children, posed in a village clearing with a net spread on the ground in front of them.
Group of Native Warriors with the Governors commissioner at Namuamua, Fiji, 1910
Half-plate. [No print]. [Missing].
Group of Native Warriors with the Governors commissioner at Namuamua, Fiji, 1910
Half-plate. [No print]. [Missing].
Group of natives at Namosi, 1910
Landscape format. [Group standing around in village with huts to the sides and mountains behind].