Australia (nation)
Found in 2776 Collections and/or Records:
Valley of Morse [sic] Creek, 1888 - 1889
204 x 161 mm. A view from the settlement in Morses Creek looking over the rooftops of the small holdings, and along the valley to the mountains in the distance.
Valley of the Grose, 1885
190 x 140 mm. A view in the river valley, surrounded by trees, and with mountains in the distance.
Valley of the Grose, New South Wales, 1872 - 1895
285 x 225 mm. A view along the Grose River, surrounded by trees, with mountains beyond. With two figures posing by the river. The Grose valley lies in the Blue Mountains.
Vaneman's Look-out and Jamieson Valley, Katoomba, Blue Mountains, 1909
350 x 274 mm. A view looking down on to a fenced outcrop of rock, beyond which stretches the heavily wooded Jamieson valley. The Three Sisters Rocks can be seen in the distance.
Victoria, 1954 - 1988
These files include annual reports, accompanied in some cases by explanatory letters, reports of annual general meetings, statements of accounts and other papers.
Victoria, 1890 - 1900
Postcards showing scenes in Victoria.
Victoria Branch Newsletter, 1962 - 1987
Victoria Bridge from William Street, 1875
245 x 195 mm. A view of the bridge from the river bank. Opened on 15th June 1874, a view of it under construction can be seen in Y3085B/4.
[Victoria Pass Area ?], 1885
103 x 182 mm. A view showing a woodland scene with a stream running towards the camera. In the foreground is a small man-made weir. A pencilled note on the reverse states 'Gardens'.
Victoria Road [?] West, 1870 - 1879
277 x 210 mm. View looking along a row of suburban houses of varied character, mainly of fairly modest dimensions, with much cast-iron work in evidence in balconies and verandahs.
[Victoria, Tasmania, New South Wales and Queensland], 1928-08-18 - 1928-09-06
Album of mostly 80 x 54 mm prints. There is a brief list describing items 1-98, which document the trip from Southampton to South Africa, travel in South Africa, and the visit to Southern Rhodesia. Many photos do not appear in the exact numerical order given in the listing. The rest of the images are uncaptioned, but their general locations have been identified by reference to the diary RCMS 353/1.
Victorian Fine Arts gallery, 1880
289 x 233 mm.
Victorian locomotives, 1880
289 x 233 mm.
Victorian machinery annexe, 1880
289 x 233 mm.
Victorian mining court, 1880
289 x 233 mm.
Victorian railways
An album containing sixteen watercolours, comprising of a title-page (which continues: 'Chief Mechanical Engineer's Branch. Principal types of rollingstock. Scale 1/8 inch = 1 foot') and sixteen pages of lithographed plans and elevations showing various types of carriages and locomotives in use on the Victorian Railway System. Each drawing is accompanied by a brief text giving measurement, number of each model built and other technical specifications.
Victorian scenery
Album of albumen prints, each photograph is mounted on a card with letterpress description on the back, headed 'Views of Victoria (general series)', though the front cover of the album is lettered 'Victorian scenery.' The state Library of Victoria contains a copy of 'Views of Victoria 1877-1879', which contains 60 photographs. This RCS collection, though numbered up to 37, has five gaps (15, 16, 19, 27, 34).
[View along Lonsdale Street], 1870
390 x 276 mm. A view looking eastwards along Lonsdale Street with the partially completed St Patrick’s Cathedral visible on the skyline (see Y3089B/11). Queen Street crosses the photograph in the foreground, the buildings which line it being predominantly small hotels and boarding houses.
[View along the ship; no stabling apparent], 1899 - 1901
200 x 150 mm.
[View along the side of Cornwall, showing gangway visible in Y308M/11], 1899 - 1901
200 x 150mm.
View as seen from Court House Showing the Willows and East End of Pall Mall, 1875
179 x 125 mm. A view looking over thick willow trees towards Pall Mall, with St. Paul’s Church beyond. Other locations identified in the key are Howard Place, Freemason’s Hotel, One Tree Hill, Moore Bros. Wholesale Stores.
View as seen from the Camp Hill, near the Lodge, 1875
178 x 125 mm. A view looking down from Camp Hill towards Pall Mall, with Williamson Street beyond, and a rotunda in the foreground. The picture shows the continuation of Pall Mall from Y3087C/6. Other buildings identified in the key are the Shamrock Hotel; the Bank of Australasia; St. James’ Hall; St. Paul’s Church; and the City of Sandhurst Claim.
View at Degilbo, Burnett District, 1910
200 x 150 mm. A landscape showing waterhole and trees, with a herd of cows by the water.
View at St. Barnabas' College - Melanesian Mission Station, 1885
Facing p.26, referred to on p.39.
View at Townsville, North Ward, 1910
200 x 150 mm. A view looking down on the town, with domestic houses extending almost to the shore. With Cleveland Bay on the right, and Kissing Point and Cape Marlow in the distance.