Africa (continent)
Found in 37 Collections and/or Records:
Aglaea au seuil d'El Guirsch [Aglaea entering El Guisr ?], 1880 - 1889
280 x 216 mm. A view showing a steamer proceeding along the Suez Canal, with high banks of sand on either side and a small steam launch moored in the foreground. The meaning of the title has not been fully determined; whether Aglaea is the name of the steamer is unknown. Photograph by Zangakai.
Alexandria - Place des Consuls, 1880 - 1889
280 x 228 mm. View looking NW along the central square of Alexandria (also variously known as Place Mehemet Ali and the Great Square), with the equestrian statue of Mohammed Ali in the middleground and the Palais de Justice beyond. At the left is a building under scaffolding, presumably still being repaired or rebuilt after the naval bombardment of 1882. The caption on the print is hard to read. Photograph by Zangaki.
Alexandrie [i.e. Alexandria] - Colone de Pompie [Colonne de Pompée], 1880 - 1889
223 x 283 mm. General view of Pompey's Column, situated to the S of the Arab Cemetery. The column, built of red granite, is 88 feet high including the pedestal and Corinthian capital, and was possibly erected by the Emperor Theodosius to commemorate the destruction of the Serapeum in 391 AD. Its present name stems from the medieval belief that it marked the site of the tomb of Pompey the Great. Photograph by Zangaki.
[Arab teachers and pupils], 1880 - 1889
226 x 269 mm. Showing a group of young boys gathered on the ground round their teacher in a courtyard. Photographer unknown, possibly Zangaki.
[Arab woman], 1880 - 1889
221 x 278 mm. Three quarter length studio portrait of an Arab woman with a tambourine. Photographer unknown, possibly Zangaki.
[Arab woman], 1880 - 1889
220 x 277 mm. Three quarter length studio portrait of an Arab woman with a water pitcher. Photographer unknown, probably Zangaki.
Bord du Nil et palmiers, 1880 - 1889
276 x 230 mm. A view showing a group of Arabs with their camels on a bank of the Nile. In the background are groves of palm trees with pyramids beyond. Photograph by Zangaki.
Caire : Le Sphynx [one word illegible] [i.e. Cairo : The Sphinx], 1880 - 1889
218 x 279 mm. A head-on view of the Sphynx at Giza with pyramids in the background. The sphynx is a likeness of King Chephren. Photograph by Zangaki.
Caire vue d'ensemble [Cairo, general view], 1880 - 1889
275 x 218 mm. General view from an unidentified location, looking over the rooftops of Cairo. Photograph by Zangaki.
Cairo, vue d'ensemble, 1880 - 1889
282 x 224 mm. General view looking across the city. Photograph by Zangaki.
Campement de Tereplain [Terre-Plein] a Suez, 1880 - 1889
281 x 224 mm. Showing the landing place, jetty and buildings, with ships moored or at anchor at the left. Terre-Plein stands on an artificial island SE of Suez which was created during the construction of the canal and connected to Suez by a 50 feet wide stone pier. Photograph by Zangaki.
Caserne de Kasrel Nil [Kasr en-Nil Barracks, Cairo], 1880 - 1889
281 x 226 mm. View from the Great Nile Bridge looking north along the east bank of the Nile, with dhows on the river in the foreground and part of the extensive military barracks at the right. The caption on the print is hard to read. Photograph by Zangaki.
Ecluse amont a Ismailia up-stream lock at Ismailia, 1870 - 1889
261 x 204 mm. General view looking down onto one of the locks at Ismailia. Duplicate at Y302B/23 (signed by Zangaki).
Egyptian fellahin [caption partially illegible], 1880 - 1889
281 x 218 mm. Group portrait of women, children and a man posed in front of vegetation. The caption on the print is hard to read. Photograph by Zangaki.
Entrée du Canal à Port-Said, 1888 - 1889
270 x 218 mm. A view looking down from a roof top, showing quayside buildings and wharfs, ships moored at the entrance to the canal and the open sea on the horizon. No. 48 in a series of photographs by Zangaki.
Entrée du Canal a Port Said, 1880 - 1889
271 x 215 mm. View looking south over the town and Canal, with docking areas in the background and Lake Menzaleh in the distance. Photograph by Zangaki.
[Ferry across the Suez Canal (i.e. Qanat as-Suways)], 1880 - 1889
276 x 214 mm. Showing a camel caravan boarding a ferry somewhere along the route of the Suez Canal. The caption on the print is hard to read and part has been cut off at some stage. Photograph by Zangaki.
Le Sphinx et Pyramide de Cheffren [i.e. Abu al-Hawl and the Pyramid of Khafre (Chephren)], 1880 - 1889
279 x 218 mm. General view of the Sphinx with the pyramid of Cheffren in the background. The caption on the print is hard to read. Photograph by Zangaki.
Mosque de [illegible ?Bahouf] et Citadelle, 1880 - 1889
[North African woman], 1880 - 1889
21 x 277 mm. Half length seated portrait of a woman wearing a gauze veil. Photographer unknown, probably Zangaki.
Nubie, Bicharins en voyage, 1870 - 1889
248 x 197 mm. Showing a group of Nubian men mounted on camels, the leader brandishing a spear.
Nubie, Bicharins en voyage, 1870 - 1889
279 x 213 mm. Duplicate of Y3042B/26.
Panorama d'Alexandrie [i.e. Alexandria], 1880 - 1889
277 x 221 mm. General view looking over the rooftops towards the west harbour. Photograph by Zangaki.
Panorama de Suez [rest of title faded], 1880 - 1889
287 x 223 mm. A view looking over an open square towards the houses of the town and distant hills. Photograph by Zangaki.
[Portrait of a young woman], 1880 - 1889
222 x 294 mm. Full length seated studio portrait of a young woman wearing a fez, embroidered waistcoat and pantaloons. A hookah stands on the table beside her. Photographer unknown, probably Zangaki.