Found in 938 Collections and/or Records:
2 nectar holes in all [listed varieties of Lathyrus], 1873-09-07
[note of subject on verso side]
Note; by Sir George Howard Darwin pp-and Charles Robert Darwin on reverse of unrelated notes by Sir George Howard Darwin
A Catasetum sent me from Kew with all sepals & petals green reflexed (except labellum) & spotted minutely with green [application of alcohol], 1862-06-07
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
A curious Catasetum sent me from Kew with Lab[ellum] upwards & this is found with a bracket with small oval orifice, 1862-07-29
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Abutilon from seed from F Muller St Catharina also f[ound] it self-sterile, 1871-01-01 - 1871-12-31
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Acacia, 1873-11-09
Note; by Emma Darwin née Wedgwood pp Charles Robert Darwin; written at Kew
Acacia [application of water, ether], 1873-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin; much in hand of Emma Darwin née Wedgwood
Acacia like antheriformis[?] but distinct from Kew / One branched with leaves sponged with tepid water & 2 left with slight bloom on, 1877-11-09 - 1877-11-14
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Aldrovanda / Kew / Leaves in whorls[?] extraordinarily like Dionaea - footstalks foliaceous [application of carbonate of ammonia, urea], 1809-10-01 - 1882-10-03
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin small part by Sir Francis Darwin
All the Oxalis go to sleep in Hot-house - leaves droop & each leaflet slightly folds [application of chloroform], 1863-03-31 - 1863-04-09
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Arachis hypogaea, 1878-07-31 - 1878-08-24
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Bloom / Melilotus coerulea / Melilotus italica / Atriplex hortensis / Lotus ornithopodoides / Melilotus officinalis / Sida coronopifolia[?] / Sida retusa / Arachis hypogaea [application of ether, water], 1874-05-01 - 1874-07-31
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin; See items 36 and 37 part by Sir Francis Darwin
Byblis grandiflora Kew dry, 1874-10-16
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Cassia, 1873-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin [wmk] 'Carew Co'
Cassia mimosoides from Kew [application of water], 1874-07-18
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin in with diagram
Cassia tosa [application of water], 1877-11-07
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin [wmk:] 'Venetian Vellum Laid C&S'
Comparing the first two columns the crossed are more irregular than the selfs in the proportion of 145 : 100, 1845-01-01 - 1882-04-30
[written on front side of envelope]
Note; by Sir George Howard Darwin pp-and Charles Robert Darwin
Cuphea lanceolata / short-stamens face true homological sepals, 1862-09-05
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin; written at Kew
Desmodium gyrans [application of sulphuric ether, water, sulphuric acid, chloroform], 1873-10-07 - 1873-12-12
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin diagrams by Leonard Darwin], 13-26, 26a-26b, 27-31, [32], 33-38, 40; some in hand of Emma Darwin née Wedgwood; See item 114 by Leonard Darwin; See item 115 on reverse of few lines from draft text of 'Expression'[?] p unknown
Dionaea [application of carbonate of ammonia, glycerine, alcohol, acetic acid, iodine, 1881-01-01 - 1881-12-31
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Dionaea from Kew [application of carbonate of ammonia], 1860-10-12
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
D[rosera] capensis (Kew) / Limb of leaf elongated narrowing gradually narrowing towards apex [application of nitrate of ammonia], 1809-09-16 - 1882-09-16
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Drosera filiformis from Kew, 1809-09-11 - 1882-09-16
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Drosera heterophylla from Australia Sondera (Lindley) dry from Kew, 1874-10-16
Note; by Sir Francis Darwin pp Charles Robert Darwin
Drosera spathulata Australian from Kew, 1860-09-27 - 1860-09-28
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Drosera spathulata[?] from Kew / Put 1/2 minim of N[itrate] of Ammonia 3 gr to 1 oz - in 6h some Hairs inflected [application also of gum, carbonate of ammonia], 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin