Found in 367 Collections and/or Records:
Cover Stories: The Bible (Radio Scotland), 1994-12-19
Cassette recordings of speeches and radio interviews and broadcasts by JEP.
Day of prayer, 1979-08 - 1980-02
Notes and correspondence on a national day of prayer for Zimbabwe.
De Restitutionis Natura et Necessitate, eighteenth century
Written out in for the press, with occasional corrections in the author's hand. Every second leaf (with a few exceptions) has a signature, in the same hand as the corrections. See also Mm.01.12.
De Sepultura, by Sir Henry Spelman, c 1600
'De Sepultura. Written by Sr John Spillman, Knight, against sellinge of Graves and Pewes in the Church.' Sir Henry Spelman was the author of this work.
De valore episcopatus Norwici et de primitiis et decimis eiusdem, mid seventeenth century
The manuscript contains the names of all the ecclesiastical benefices within the diocese of Norwich, with a statement of the first-fruits, tenths and procurations due from each of them, and of the patrons and incumbents in 1632.
Determinations, Seventeenth century
Determinations on theological subjects.
Dialogue on religion, Seventeenth century
'A dialogue betwixt the Ladie Vineger widdow, Mr Camelion a puritan minister and Mr Deceaver a counterfeit Jewe; wherein the supposed Jew goes about to prove his religion by scripture against the phantasticall puritans that will admit nothinge but scripture'.
Diary, 1941-01-14 - 1941-12-26
Diary of Anne Elizabeth Fisher, vol II, 1853-06-25 - 1854-04-30
Discourse on God's mercy, c 1698
A practical discourse concerning the magnitude of God's mercy written originally in Latin by Erasmus, and done into English by Robert Warren, student of Christ's College in Cambridge'; begins, after the dedication in Latin to John Moore, 'Since I intend this day, most dearly beloved brethren ...'.
Discourse on religion, c 1700
'Truth cannot be contrary to truth: or, a discourse concerning the agreement of natural and revealed religion', beginning 'The rules which I shall lay down …'. In the same volume are two loose sheets containing notes 'Concerning the salvation or happiness of men's souls'.
Dissertation, Seventeenth century
'Dissertatiuncula de naturis regionum et moribus gentium diversarum, et earundem causis'; incomplete. The dedication, 'Archiepiscopo Eboracensi', is signed 'Johannes Browne'.
Divinity commonplace book, Seventeenth century
Contains extracts, chiefly from the Fathers, alphabetically arranged under various headings. The last few leaves contain an index of subjects.
Documents and Letters on the Controversy about Ecclesiastical Habits, sixteenth century
Edward Byles Cowell: Papers
Includes correspondence, sermons, lectures, articles and other miscellaneous papers.
Ely Dean and Chapter records
English Translation of Psalms 1-69
Attributed to 'the late Joseph Fawcett'.
Exercises in Genesis, by Alexander Ross, 1638
Exposition of the second epistle of St Paul to Timothy, seventeenth century
Begins 'Interpretaturus secundam ...'.
Extracts from letters, [c 1640]
A collection of extracts from letters written from Stockholm in October and November 1636 or 1637 by John Durie, who was endeavouring to bring about a union between the churches of England and Sweden.
George Hull Bowers, Dean of Manchester: Papers
Heads of a sermon, Seventeenth century
The sermon is on Psalm xxv. 7, with the beginning of a discourse on justification.
Henry Care, A Blow at the Root, c 1687
'A blow at the root; or modest historical enquiry, whether St Peter were ever at Rome? and bishop of that Church? wherein 1. the arguments of cardinal Bellarmine and others for the affirmative are considered; 2. various reasons taken notice of, which render the negative highly probable. By H. C.'
History of France from Louis XII to Henri IV
Written in an early nineteenth century hand, and possibly a translation, 182 folios. Fos i, xi, 169, and the verso throughout are blank.