Found in 200 Collections and/or Records:
A Description of Scotland and other papers
'The description of Scotland and the King's entertainment there', 8 folios. It begins: 'First for the country I must confesse...', and ends: '...a tower as Edenborough in Lowsir Scotland'. The papers include: (fo. 2) [Thomas Scott], 'Vox Populi', 1620; (fo. 8v) verses, 'Ther's proclamation sent, Great Brittaine round about'.
Abraham Hartwell: Basilis Epistemon
Adair Welcker: 'Book of Generation' and other poems
A volume of 35 folios: (fo. 1) prefatory matter; (fo. 3) The Book of Generation; (fo. 6) To the Guest; (fo. 9) Kalleidon; (fo. 11) There is no Death; (fo. 15) The Convict's Complaint; (fo. 17) Alone-alone; (fo. 18) Bonds; (fo. 23) Astoria; (fo. 24) Visions of Night; (fo. 29) To the Woman; (fo. 32v) note. Printed extracts are attached to fos 2v and 33.
Alan Frederick Graham Ayling (m. 1919), 1921
Material relating to those with a surname beginning 'A'.
Album of Jacques de Marnix, 1579 - 1590
Contains sonnets, love songs, dedications, etc., chiefly in French. Many of the sonnets are addressed to Flemish ladies by the owner, and other pieces to himself by different scholars of his acquaintance. The dates are generally about 1580.
Album of sermons and verses
Alexander Campbell Yorke: Fowlmere Papers
Histroical notes on the parish of Fowlmere.
Alf Rosfelt: 'Imagery in Siegfried Sassoon's poetry', with related correspondence
Alfred 1st Lord Tennyson: The Princess
Alfred Edward Housman: Academic Notes and Papers
Notes on classical literature.
Alfred Edward Housman: Letters
Letters from A.E. Housman, including some to Sir Geoffrey Keynes, 1928-1930, mainly concerning editions of Housman's poetry, with other letters and Housman-related material dating from 1906 to 1978. Items 1-11 (excluding 10A) are bound into a volume marked 'Letters from A.E.H.' on the spine and inscribed inside as belonging to Sir Geoffrey Keynes. Items 10A and 12-19 have been loosely inserted into the volume.
Alfred Edward Housman: Letters to Sir Sydney Castle Roberts (1887-1966) publisher, literary scholar, Master of Pembroke College, Cambridge 1948-1958
Amy Levy: 'New Love, New Life', Undated; 1880s
Autograph manuscript of Levy's poem 'New Love, New Life', signed by Levy at the foot. The poem is sub-headed 'fr. the German', and there is a cancelled revision of the text of the poem in line 7. On the reverse of the sheet is written in pencil in a different hand 'Amy Levi', preceded by a series of Greek characters (Alpha, Omega, Delta, [apostrophe], Iota, Upsilon, all upper case).
Ancient Scottish Poems, chiefly by William Dunbar and Sir Richard Maitland, 1622 - 1623
Anne Stevenson and Angela Leighton: correspondence and related papers
Letters, cards, e-mail print-outs, poems, prose articles, miscellaneous printed and photocopied texts, and photographs, recording the friendship between the poets Anne Stevenson and Angela Leighton.
Anne Stevenson: letters and cards to Lee Harwood
Three postcards, five greetings cards and a letter from Stevenson to Harwood. With word-processed and typed copies of three poems ('Who's joking with the photographer?', 'The inn' and 'The miracle of Camp 60') and a broadcast talk ('Overhearing T. S. Eliot') by Stevenson. Four of the greetings cards contain printed poems by Stevenson ('Carol of the birds', 'The unaccommodated', 'It looks so simple from a distance...' and 'Christmas comfort and the green man').
Anthony Barnett Papers
Literary correspondence and papers concerning Barnett's work as a poet, critic, editor and publisher.
Anthony Dopping: Notebook
Arthur Joseph Munby: Susan, a poem of Degrees
Manuscript as prepared for the printer, 78 folios.
Bell: The Papers of Julian Heward Bell
This collection comprises essays, reviews, poetry, plays and correspondence written by Julian Bell, as well as secondary material; that is, correspondence, printed obituaries and news cuttings assembled since Julian Bell's death by Quentin Bell.
Bernard Barton: Letters and Related Papers
Letters from Barton, mainly to Elizabeth Cowell, daughter of the Revd John Charlesworth, and wife of the scholar Edward Byles Cowell. There is an accompanying newspaper obituary of Barton.
Bola Brankovic: Two works
Typescripts of a novel and a play.
Cambridge Poetry Festival posters, 1975
Cambridge Poetry Society and the Association of Cambridge Poetry Societies: Records
Cambridge student's commonplace book
Written in four hands after 1624, 71 folios: (fos 1-66) various ballads, verses, poems and epitaphs, some of which have been printed; (fo. 66v) 'London 1868'. Attached to a flyleaf at the end are 19th century notes by F.W. Cosens on the contents. The bookplate of F.W. Cosens also appears inside the front cover.