- keyword(s): general strike
Showing Results: 126 - 150 of 339
Limerick newspapers, 16 Apr. 1919-19 Apr. 1919
Papers published in Limerick during general strike, 'Printed by permission of Limerick Strike Committee'
Official: Cabinet: Scotland Yard reports on revolutionary organisations in the United Kingdom: 340 - 350., 15 Apr 1926 - 12 Aug 1926
Typescript reports on Communist organisations, including: the Independent Labour Party; the National Minority Movement; Communist propaganda in the Armed Forces; the Young Communist League; the Communists and the General Strike; May Day demonstrations; Anglo-Soviet Trade Union unity.
Letter from William Codling [Controller, HM Stationery Office] to Edward Marsh [Private Secretary to WSC], 01 Jun 1926
Letter from William Codling (Stationery Office) to Edward Marsh [Private Secretary to WSC] reporting on the possibility of protecting the use of the title "The British Gazette" for use by the Crown. He advises that it would be possible to achieve this through legislation. Signed typecript. Annotated by WSC "No legislation" and by Marsh "Mr Codley so informed."
(Untitled), 03 May 1926
Letter from Wilfrid Ashley (Ministry of Transport) to [WSC] on his scheme for transporting by car members and officials of the House of Commons, for which no Labour members have put down their names.
Copy of 'The Financial News', 5 May 1926
Copy of 'The Financial News', issued during General Strike.
Literary: articles: News of the World 4., Oct 1937 - Nov 1937
Official: Cabinet: papers 260 - 279., 26 Jun 1924 - 22 Jul 1926
Press cuttings, 1985-02 - 1985-03
Subjects include: Labour’s relations with the miners’ unions; a call from Tony Benn and Eric Heffer to withdraw Britain from NATO; the miners’ strike; strikes by the National Union of Teachers (NUT), supported by Glenys Kinnock; the prosecution of the Ministry of Defence official Clive Ponting for breaking the Official Secrets Act [after he leaked documents on the sinking of the Argentine warship General Belgrano during the Falklands War]; rate-capping of local government budgets.
Official: Cabinet: British Gazette: set of copies., 05 May 1926 - 13 May 1926
Complete set of the British Gazette.
(Untitled), 14 Aug 1911
Draft telegram from [WSC] describing the deterioration of the dock strike and rioting in Liverpool. He discusses the strike among tram workers which has not taken place and the possibility that the general manager of one of the railway companies has negotiated with the leader of the strike committee. Includes covering sheet giving the date and time of the dispatch of the telegram. Manuscript.
"Report of the Coal Commission", 22 Jun 1926
Memorandum by the Secretary for Mines, George Lane Fox, [later 1st Lord Bingley] setting out the recommendations of the Commission which involve action by the government on using and usage of coal; industrial research; legislation and structure of the industry; distribution and sale of coal; transport of coal; wages, housing, welfare and hours for miners. Typescript marked "secret".
Official: Cabinet: British Gazette: correspondence., 05 May 1926 - 22 Jul 1927
Literary: Business Correspondence concerning "The World Crisis" and its sequel "The Aftermath" [published as Volume 4]., 25 Sep 1923 - 15 Jun 1939
Correspondence with representatives of Curtis Brown Limited concerning: negotiations with Charles Scribner on the publication of an American edition; negotiations with Thornton Butterworth Limited; world-wide serialisation of the books; contracts; financial agreements on advances and commission to be paid to WSC; and sales figures for "The Aftermath".Includes material on the disruption caused by the General Strike.
Swinton's criticisms of John Barnes' 'Life of Baldwin', 1969
Especially with regard to Coal Subsidy and General Strike.
Copy of report to the Cabinet Re The "British Gazette", 25 May 1926
Report by Sir Malcolm Fraser, Controller of the Stationery Office, on subjects including: the decision to produce a daily newspaper; requisitioning the offices of the "Morning Post"; use of volunteers; distribution of the British Gazette; requisitioning of a paper mill and paper from newspapers and paper manufacturing; difficulties of obtaining men to work; and circulation figures for the "British Gazette" 'the largest of any daily paper in any part of the world at any time'.
"The Coal Dispute", 15 Jun 1926
Draft statement to be made by the Prime Minister [Stanley Baldwin] when announcing the decision of the government to legislate on Miners' Hours, covering miners hours and wages. Typescript marked "secret".
(Untitled), c 1910
Letter from John Simon, 1st Viscount Simon, 18 May 1926
Thanks for letter; will be bringing out book called 'Three speeches on the General Strike'; remarks on strike
Newsnight, 1984-10 - 1985-12
Transcripts of and briefing for interviews on subjects including the miners’ strike, defence, economic policy and the Social Democrat/Liberal Alliance. Also includes correspondence between the BBC and Peter Mandelson, Director of Campaigns and Communications, on coverage of Labour in general.
(Untitled), 24 Aug 1941
Telegram from WSC and General Jan Smuts [Prime Minister of South Africa] to the British High Commissioner in South Africa [4th Lord Harlech, earlier William Ormsby-Gore] asking for his opinion on the decision by Major-General Sir Claude Auchinleck [Commander-in-Chief, Middle East] not to strike until November.
Letter from Sir Roger Keyes, 08 Sep 1926
Diary and correspondence, 1926-01 - 1926-06
Including Bull's letters home to his family during his trip to India and his articles on this trip; papers, leaflets and letters about the General Strike; some political gossip and personal and ephemeral letters.
Speeches: House of Commons: Speech notes, source material, print and press cutting., 03 Apr 1926 - 10 Jun 1926
Ivor Montagu, 1925 (circa)
London and Russia , political discution, e.g. on general strike; also three letters from Austin Lee c.1925
Correspondence with mines, 1955
Correspondence with senior staff, particularly the mines manager, on subjects including meetings of the Mine Employees Union, a general strike, propaganda pamphlets, wage negotiations and production figures.