Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 26
A.B. Brewster photograph album
200 x 150 mm. modern copies of original prints.
A.C. Barnes collection on East Africa, Nigeria, and Fiji, 1914-1933
Commonwealth in Focus Slides
Commonwealth Royal Tour, 1953-1954
The principal part of the collection is a set of programmes and guides prepared for the different legs of the Royal Tour. These are supplemented by related correspondence and papers compiled by the Royal Empire Society and others. The collection is in English with the exception of one item in English and Arabic.
Commonwealth Universities
Edward Enoch Jenkins and Muriel Alice Jenkins (née Ackermann): personal papers and photographs
Fiji Photographs (Allardyce Collection)
Two photographs inserted in the scrapbook of Sir William Allardyce (held at RCMS 35), photographers unknown. His scrapbooks total thirteen volumes; but these are the only photographs stuck in them. They are in album 6, page 54 and album 2, page 75.

Fisher photograph collection
Genealogies and histories of Fiji tribes
'Genealogies and histories of the Matanitu or tribal governments of Central Vitu Levu (Great Fiji)', 141 pages. The volume contains notes on the genealogies of Fiji's peoples, translated by Brewster from written and oral sources, and a strip of photographs of four generations of the Royal Line of Mbau.
Inter-University Council Collection
Irvine Kempt Nicol Postcard Collection
John Abercromby Alexander: Papers on trees and woods
Tables, articles and other material regarding trees and woods in Ceylon, Fiji and New Zealand, and in general.
King Thakombau's war clubs
Modern Commonwealth photograph collection
New Zealand and the Pacific Islands
Papers of A.B. Brewster
A diary, a scrapbook and a printed book.
Photographs of Fiji
Photographs of New Zealand, Montenegro, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Norway, Samoa and Fiji
Polynesian School, Levuka, Fiji

Progress in the Colonies, 1940s-1950s
Queen Elizabeth II in Fiji
Sir Lala Sukuna
200 x 250 mm. Head and shoulders portrait. The image is stamped on the reverse with the date '5 Aug 1958' and also 'Public Relations Office, Fiji Official photograph.'