Showing Collections: 201 - 225 of 551
The Papers of Dr (Vernon) Ellis Cosslett
Correspondence and papers concerning the development of the Electron Microscope
The Papers of E T S Walton
The material at Churchill Archives Centre comprises Walton's Cavendish Laboratory notebooks with associated papers and correspondence.
The Papers of Edward Brian Seago
The Papers of Edward George Bowen
The Papers of Edward Shire
The papers include: physics notebooks; lecture and teaching notes, 1927-73; papers on the invention and patenting of the proximity fuze [proximity fuse]; copy of a paper by Professor John Cockcroft, "A General Account of Army Radar"; copy of the Los Alamos lectures on nuclear physics, 1943; journals from the Home Office Scientific Adviser's branch, 1961-66 and 1973; and a Home Office civil defence data book, as well as correspondence with John Maynard Keynes, 1936-1944.
The Papers of Edward Spears and Mary Borden
The Papers of Egon Bretscher
The papers comprise diaries, correspondence, notebooks, official reports, articles, lectures, press cuttings and photographs, 1918-73. The collection also contains recordings of lectures given by Ernest Rutherford in Göttingen, 1931-8.
The Papers of Enid Russell-Smith
Papers mainly comprising letters to her brother and sisters, with a draft memoir, speeches and other correspondence.
The Papers of Enoch Powell
The Papers of Ernest Bevin
The Papers consist of political papers, correspondence, speeches and press cuttings, mainly relating to Trade Unions, the Ministry of Labour and National Service, and the Foreign Office.
The Papers of Ernest Marples
Comprising correspondence, official and personal papers, pocket and desk diaries, press cuttings, photographs, audio tapes and dictaphone tapes.
The Papers of Evan Davies
Log book, copy letters and photographs.
The Papers of Felix Deutsch
The papers consist of: a translation of Deutsch's autobiography; copies of letters from Lili Deutsch to her brother Paul Kahn; copies of letters between Deutsch and his brother-in-law in the United States, the banker Otto Kahn and other members of their families on subjects including Allied and German war aims leading up to the First World War; copies of AEG publications on Deutsch.
The Papers of Fenner Brockway
Papers mainly comprising correspondence (chiefly political), political subject files, speeches and articles and literary drafts and proofs.
The Papers of Field Marshal Lord Cavan
Copy of an unpublished memoir, 1865-1946
The Papers of Field Marshal Lord Slim
Papers comprising manuscripts of books, articles, lectures, letters, diaries, press cuttings and photographs.
The Papers of Fladgate and Company
Papers and correspondence from Sir Winston Churchill's solicitors, chiefly Anthony Moir, mainly relating to the initial cataloguing of Churchill's archive by the Public Record Office and rights in his literary works. The archive also includes two commemorative albums put together by Moir, reflecting his time with Churchill.
The Papers of Florence Horsbrugh
Unfortunately few political papers or correspondence exist, and the most valuable section is Horsbrugh's own collection of presscuttings, HSBR 2.
The Papers of Francis Bacon
The collection provides comprehensive documentation of Bacon's role in fuel cell research and development. It includes biographical material, papers on research and development, lectures and publications, patents, visits and conferences and correspondence.
The Papers of Francis Pym
Political and personal papers maintained by Lord Pym
The Papers of Frederick George Steiner
The material at Churchill Archives Centre comprises Dr Steiner’s business and personal papers. They are in English, French and German. They consist mainly of Dr Steiner’s business correspondence (mostly in English) with the other Directors of the Boards on which he served particularly concerning the international political situation as it affected the gold standard and international finance. There are also some personal papers in German and an extensive collection of family photographs.
The Papers of Gabriele Rabel
The Papers of General Lord (Henry S) Rawlinson
War journals and related papers. Includes reports, maps, letters to Rawlinson, lists of casualties and details of ammunition used
The Papers of General Sir Charles Bonham-Carter
The papers include Bonham-Carter's diaries, correspondence, photographs and speeches particularly from his time as Governor and Commander in chief of Malta.
The Papers of Geoffrey Harper
Diaries, photograph albums and some personal papers.