Showing Collections: 8201 - 8225 of 9117
Tiger Hunting [Singapore]
Tillyard: Letters Received by Eustace Mandeville Wetenhall Tillyard
Letters from early twentieth century authors to EMWT.
Tithe commissioners, Isle of Ely, Cambridgeshire
Tithe roll, Great Barnwell, Cambridgeshire
T.J. Alldridge Sierra Leone collection, 1890s
Tom Raworth: Poems and Correspondence
Letters, postcards and notes (10 items) from Tom Raworth, nine to Ken Edwards and one (a copy) to Eric Mottram. With an untitled collection of poems by Raworth, dated 21 August 1987, some consisting of part of 'Visible Shivers' and the remainder of more recent work, 55 sheets in a binder strip, the cover sheet and one interior sheet annotated by Raworth; a copy of Raworth's 'Tractor Parts' (1984); and a flyer publicising 'Infolio'.
Tom Salkield Delhi Album 1905-1916
Tomline: the papers of George Pretyman Tomline
The collection primarily consists of drafts and notebooks created during the preparation of Tomline's biography of his friend William Pitt the Younger: 'Memoirs of the life of the Right Honorable William Pitt' by George Tomline, first published in 1821. There are also 2 small sets of correspondence (GBR/1058/TOM/10).
Torkel Weis-Fogh: Scientific Papers and Correspondence
Tour of the South Seas
Town Gaol Act, no place
Townshend v. Wilkin, Isleham, Cambridgeshire and Freckenham, Suffolk
Toynbee Hall, London: Letters to Ernest Aves, Sub-Warden
31 letters to Ernest Aves, agreeing or declining to lecture at the Hall.
'Tractatus Geographicus': Treatises on Geography and Harmonics
Treatises in Latin, written in a single hand throughout, with points of compass in Dutch. The first part contains a Tractatus geographicus, a treatise of geography, hydrography, longitude and distance, including diagrams of points of compass, projections, calculations of distance, and a table of the longitude and latitude of German towns. The second part contains a treatise on harmonics.
Tracts on Ireland
Tradesmen's bills, Scilly Islands, Cornwall
Tradesman's bills for work done for the Duke of Leeds' properties.
Traité de change etranger et de diverses sortes et mesures et poids
Treatise on foreign exchange, weights and measures and local duties, compiled by or for a civic or customs official in Lille, north France. Red morocco binding, gilt, panelled decorated spine, and on front board in a panel, 'Pierre D'Eloigne Comissionaire a Lille'. Ownership label 'Ex libris D. Puille'
Tranchell Papers
The collection comprises personal papers and correspondence.
Transcipt of The Image of Ypocrycye attributed to John Skelton
Transcript of Aristotle's Historia Animalium in Greek and Latin
(fo. i) list of contents for Greek text; (fo. 1) 'Historia Animalium', Greek, 'the text of Bekker with the variants of the edition of Aubert and Wimmer' - section numbers are given and the pages of Bekker's edition inserted in the margin; (fo. i) note of leaves on which the separate books of the Latin version begin; (fo. 1) 'Historia Animalium', Latin; (fo. 522) 'index animalium'.
Transcript of Biographical and Historical Subjects
Transcript dealing with miscellaneous biographical and historical subjects from an unknown source, made by Alfred Rogers, 54 folios. Fos 14-54 and the versos throughout are blank.
Transcript of Chartularium for Begham Abbey, Sussex
Transcript of CUL MS Oo.7.50(2)
A list of manuscripts numbered 831-1025 in the library of John Moore, bishop of Ely. Compiled for Henry Bradshaw, Librarian of the University Library, Cambridge, apparently by Alfred Rogers. In Latin.
Transcript of fragments from J Barbour's 'Troybook'.
Transcriptions from CUL MS Kk.5.30 fos. 11-19, 304v-23v made for Henry Bradshaw.
Transcript of John Caius's 'De Libris Propriis'
Donor suggests the hand to be that of William Cole, but this appears unlikely.