Showing Collections: 6626 - 6650 of 9059
South African Aid to Britain Fund
South African Cricketer in the Western Desert [i.e. As Sahra' al Gharbiyah]
South African flowers of the Eastern Province
Twenty-three watercolours mounted on card, 12" x 16½". The paintings have pencilled titles and in some cases places and dates. They include agapanthus, antholyza, bellandonna lily, Cape Town bulbs, Cape honeysuckle (tecona-capensis), common olive, cyrtanthus, gladiolus, grenadilla, hybiscus, hyobanche sanguinea, iris, pelargonium, plumbago, sparaxis pendula and thistle.
South African history in pictures
A three-part series of black and white images on card designed to provide teachers with material to illustrate history lessons. The series includes a wide range of pictures, portraits and photographs. Titles and captions have been recorded as found and may contain offensive, inappropriate or outdated terms. The items are undated, but probably originate from between the 1960s and 1980s.
South African papers of Killie Campbell
South African photograph album
South and East Africa, 1880s
South Australia. Views in Adelaide, Suburbs and Country Districts
A commercially produced album containing 42 mounted prints, mostly 260 x 200 mm., of scenes in Adelaide and the surrounding countryside, with printed captions. The captions have been used as titles and may include language which is offensive, inaccurate or inappropriate. They have been retained to reflect the context of their creation. Photographer unknown, printed by 'E. Spiller, Govt. Printer, Adelaide.'
South Sea Islanders
A collection of photographs mounted on card with handwritten captions on the reverse of the mounts. No record has been found of the firm W. and E. Dufty (their stamp on the reverse of the print mounts gives the firm’s location no more explicitly than ‘South Sea Islands’), but it would seem almost certain that it was connected with the work of Francis H. Dufty, a photographer in Levuka in 1871.
Southern African collection of Wren Robinson
Papers and photographs regarding Lesotho and South Africa.
Southern Association of Ancient Philosophy, minute books
Records the minutes, attendees, and titles of papers given at meetings of the Southen Association for Ancient Philosophy. The majority of abstracts, and occasionally even entire texts, of papers given at meetings are included.
Southern Nigeria photographs 1908-1910
A collection of prints, each measuring approximately 110 x 55 mm. A number of photographs in the album relate to the Northern Hinterland Expedition and the compiler of the album was clearly connected with the Southern Nigeria Regiment of the West African Frontier Force.
Southern Regional Examinations Board (SREB)
Records of the Southern Regional Examinations Board (SREB). The collection includes regulations, syllabuses, pilot schemes, programmes and question papers.
Southern Universities Joint Board for Schools Examinations (SUJB)
Records of the Southern Universities Joint Board for Schools Examinations (SUJB). The universities in SUJB were Bath, Bristol, Exeter, Reading, Southampton and Surrey. The collection includes regulations, syllabuses, question papers and examiners’ reports.
'Souvenir de I'Ile Maurice'
Souvenir d'une Enfant de Marie
'Souvenir d'une Enfant de Marie', 160 pages: an account of the life of Marie Léonie Hensele of Bailleul, evidently written in the convent of which she had been a member, and dedicated by 'les enfants de Marie à leur bien chère amie Emma Hensele'. There is a table of contents on pp. 151-112. Pp. 87-104 and 133-148 are missing; pp. 105-132 and 149-150 are blank.
Souvenir of India
An accordion fold album containing 12 albumen prints showing domestic scenes, 143 x 100 mm in size, with pencil captions beneath each image (written over fainter pencil captions). The photographer is unknown, but a similarly titled album of the same size has been credited to the French photographer Jean Baptiste Oscar Mallitte (1829-1905).
Souvenir of New South Wales Court, Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne
An album containing nineteen mounted prints measuring approximately 290 x 225 mm., photographed by Johnston and O'Shannessy, and showing scenes in, and exhibits from, the New South Wales Court. Prints are uncaptioned apart from 'Johnstone and O'Shannessy, 55 and 57 Collins Street, Melbourne,' written beneath each print.
Souvenir of the inauguration of the railway bridge over the South Channel of the River Niger by H.E. Sir Frederick Lugard ... January 31st 1916. At Jebba, Nigeria, West Africa
Spanish legal documents
Includes: f. 1 Grant of privileges of excise to the city of Salamanca, 6 April 1846; f.16 Grant of income situated on Royal rents to Maria Prieta, wife of Alonso de Aldana, deceased, householder of Valencia de Alcantara, in return for bullion seized by the Casa de Contratacion in Seville
Spanish Medical Notebook
Undated medical notebook, mentioning several German doctors, including Dr. Rupizus of Dresden (possibly Heinrich Rupitzius), Dr. Heim of Berlin, and 'Canones terapeuticos del Dr. Pitschaft'' (possibly Johann August Pitschaft, 1783-1848).
Spanish prose and verse
Manuscript and printed poetry and prose. The first entry begins 'Soplo a la Justicia, alentado por el general escandalo, y particular miedo de el Doctor Dn. Diego de Torres'.
Spanish prose and verse
A manuscript collection of prose and verse pieces with a table of contents at the beginning.
Spanish Royal Treasury Grant to Antonio Duquesne
Grant of allowances in the excise of wine, vinegar, oil and flesh in the province of Cordoba.