Showing Collections: 6501 - 6525 of 9117
Sir Adolphus William Ward: Correspondence
Correspondence, mainly concerning the Cambridge Modern History series of volumes. Letters are addressed to Ward unless otherwise stated.
Sir Ahmadu Bello
This collection comprises a full length portrait of Sir Ahmadu Bello and a family tree with Annabi Muhammadu at the head, and a head and shoulders portrait of a man in the centre (perhaps Sir Ahmadu Bello?).
Sir Alan Burns Collection of Gold Coast [i.e. Ghana] photographs, 1940s
Sir Alexander Beaumont Churchill Dixie: Letters to Wolstan Dixie Churchill and other papers
Correspondence, photographs, family pedigrees and various documents relating to Bosworth Park.
Sir Alexander Johnston: administrative papers relating to Ceylon [Sri Lanka]
Comprises: four notebooks assembled by Johnston on aspects of law, history and administration in Ceylon; letter-book containing regulations relating to Roman Catholics in Ceylon; copies of law officers and counsels' opinions on various colonial acts. Note that 'Notebook V', extract from statement concerning the arrival of Chalias in Ceylon (presented by Professor Lee alongside the rest of the collection and listed in Donald Simpson's 1975 manuscript catalogue) is missing.
Sir Andrew Snape Hamond and Sir Graham Eden Hamond: Correspondence and Papers
Sir Arthur Pedder's Memoirs of World War II
Sir Astley Cooper: Lectures
A contemporary transcript of Cooper's lectures on surgery.
Sir Augustus Wollaston Franks: Glazing Quarries
A collection of engravings of painted glass embodied in Sir A.W. Franks, Book of ornamental glazing quarries, 238 folios. Fos 2-13 and alternate leaves thereafter are blank.
Sir Bartle Frere's return to Cape Town, June 1879
Sir Basil Schonland: Scientific papers
'Notes on spark discharge', 2 volumes; 'Lightning on earth', 1 volume; 'General scrapbook of notes', 3 volumes; papers and notes on atmospherics, lightning; letters and notes on visits to India, South Africa, U.S.A.; personal and professional correspondence and notes.
Sir Campbell Stuart Photographs
Framed photographs, photographers unknown, forming part of the Sir Campbell Stuart collection. They are in uniform black and gold frames, with titles on wooden labels.
Sir Charles Des Graz: Diaries
1880, 1882 (part) & 1886 (part), 1889, 1895-1915, 1917-29, 1931, 1933.
Sir Charles des Graz: diplomatic and personal papers
Manuscript and printed documents relating to Sir Charles des Graz and his family. The collection includes material relating to his schooling, diplomatic career and sporting interests, and to a family property in Wimbledon.
Sir Charles Des Graz: Papers
1,567 letters or parts of letters, to his mother, 1885-88 and 1895-1910, containing diplomatic, political, social and personal news. Diaries, 1910, 1914, 1934-40, and parts of other diaries and lists. There is also a 1941 diary of another person.
Sir Charles Edward Inglis: Papers
The papers include many items relating to Inglis's interest in the theory and practice of bridge-building, including his correspondence with Lt-Col. A.G. Gadd, RE, regarding the hasty development of the Inglis Portable Military Bridge in the face of pressing Army demands during 1940-1941. There are working notes and technical papers, as well as drafts of a number of after-dinner and speech-day orations, which provide an insight into Inglis's leisure interests.
Sir Charles V. Stanford: Letters to Alfred Littleton
Sir Charles Villiers Stanford: Notes on first Bayreuth Festival
Pencil notes on the first Bayreuth Festival in 1876.
Sir Charles Villiers Stanford: Symphony no. 7, Op. 124.
Autograph. 58 folios
Sir Charles William Dixon: Memoirs
Unpublished typescript memoirs of a Colonial Office and Commonwealth Relations Office official, covering his career from 1911 to 1967. With a forward by Sir Harry Batterbee. One of 100 duplicated copies prepared for presentation. 115pp.
Sir Cyril Pickard Collection of Nigerian photographs
A collection of albums containing prints. They are presentation albums from Nigerian States, recording events during official visits 1971-74 when he was British High Commissioner in Nigeria, and are presumably the work of official photographers. Albums G, H and J have the Nigerian flag as the cover design, and F, H-J have the State arms on the cover. A few of the prints have been removed from the albums and this has been noted in the catalogue.
Sir Daniel Morris Collection: Views in Jamaica
An album containing prints, most measuring approximately 240 x 180 mm, the majority captioned in Morris' hand. The captions have been recorded as found and may include language which is offensive, inaccurate or inappropriate. They have been retained to reflect the context of the collection's creation. Photographer(s) unknown.

Sir Daniel Morris Collection: West Indian views
Sir Donald MacKenzie Wallace: Papers
Sir Edmund Gosse: Review of Parini's The Epic of the Beau
A review of H.M. Bower's translation of G. Parini's The epic of the beau by Sir Edmund Gosse, an article for the Sunday times of 15 April 1928, 11 folios. At the beginning is a letter from the donor, P. Gosse, to the University Librarian, 26 April 1929.