Showing Collections: 5601 - 5625 of 9059
Press Photographs
The collection comprises press photographs of the Royal Family; the Churchill family; World War II including the liberation of the concentration camp at Belsen. Many of the photographs have caption information on the back plus press agency stamps.
Press Telegrams regarding the Franco-Prussian War
A series of press telegrams dealing mainly with the Franco-Prussian War, but also concerning the illness of the Prince of Wales. The telegrams are dated 20 August 1870 - 6 January 1871, and were delivered to Henry Bradshaw in King's College from the Cambridge post office, 128 folios.
Preston: Papers of Raymond Preston
Pretoria Proclamation, May 29 1900
Prince of Wales' Visit to Canada 1919
[Prince of Wales visit to Swaziland]
Princess Margaret's visit to the West Indies, 1955
A collection of loose photographs, in two sizes, approximately 245 x 190 mm and 115 x 90 mm. The photographs have captions either typewritten directly, or pasted on to the backs of the prints. The photographs show scenes and events in Trinidad, St. Kitts and Antigua during February 1955. Photographer unknown.
Princess Sophia Dorothea: Correspondence with Count Philip Christopher Graf von Königsmark
Transcripts and photographs of correspondence between Princess Sophia Dorothea and Count Philip Christopher Graf von Königsmark, 1690, made for A.W. Ward, c. 1909. There are also 15 letters to Ward from various English and German correspondents, 1888-1909.
Principals of Fourah Bay College
A collection of photographs of members of staff of the college. 1-5 are modern copies of old photographs of various sizes, in mounts, 100 x 150 mm.
Principi of Alexandro Scarlatti
Transcription of British Museum Add. 14244. Enclosed letter addressed to F.T Arnold and letter to Reverend Fellows.
'Printing and the Mind of Man' Papers
Printing block of letter from Charles Darwin to [? William Henry Scott]
Prints and watercolours of St Helena
Engravings and watercolours dating mainly from the early nineteenth century, many of which relate to the period of Napoleon's detention on St Helena (1815-1821). There are a number of pieces by George Hutchins Bellasis (1778-1822), who spent eight months on St Helena, 1804-1805, and revisited the island in 1812. The collection includes five coloured engravings and a watercolour sketch of Ascension Island, which was a dependency of St Helena from 1922.
Includes photographs, prints and drawings.
Private Eye cartoon referring to return of the Darwin notebooks, with a covering note to Dr Jessica Gardner, University Librarian, including cartoon by the artist, Robert Thompson.
Privy Council letter to Sir Michael Stanhope
Letter written to Stanhope, as Governor of Hull instructing him to carry out military arrangements to defend in connection with disturbances on the Scottish borders.
Privy Council letter to Sir Michael Stanhope
Letter written to Stanhope, as Governor of Hull discussing ships in connection with teh imminent threat of a French fleet attacking the Isle of Wight.
Privy Council letter to Sir Michael Stanhope
Letter written to Stanhope, as Governor of Hull instructing him to carry out military arrangements in connection with disturbances on the Scottish borders.
Privy Council letter to Sir Michael Stanhope
Letter written to Stanhope, as Governor of Hull instructing him to carry out military arrangements in connection with disturbances on the Scottish borders.