Showing Collections: 4251 - 4275 of 9060
Letters to Hugh and Phoebe Boyle
Letters from Janice Elliott to the diplomat Hugh Boyle and his wife Phoebe 79 letters to Hugh or Hugh and Phoebe Boyle, 1978-91.
Letters to Ichiro Hara
Letters to Ichiro Hara from, respectively, Phyllis Playter, John Cowper Powys and Littleton Powys.
Letters to Isabella Sedgwick on death of Adam S.
Letters to Margaret Gardiner
Documents to and from both parties, or concerning either.
Letters to M.R. James
Letters to Richard Bennett from Arnold Bennett
Letters to Siegfried Sassoon
Letters to Siegfried Sassoon
The collection largely comprises letters addressed to Sassoon although there are few other recipients such as Glen Byam Shaw and Georgiana Theresa Thornycroft, Siegfried Sassoon's mother. There are also some postcards; draft and unpublished copies of poems; bills; and other related papers.
Letters to Siegfried Sassoon; together with related ephemera
A collection of 1094 letters, postcards and other items known as 'Sassoon's residual correspondence' although it does also include a number of items addressed to other persons particularly to his wife, Hester, and his mother, Theresa Thornycroft.
Letters to Sir George Fleming, Bishop of Carlisle, from Mrs. Mary Fleming
Letters to Sir William Ffolkes
With photographs of portraits of Hill, and miscellanea relating to Ffolkes
Letters to Stephen Herbert Gatty
Letters from Sir William Robinson to Stephen Herbert Gatty, written from Trinidad, and letters and papers concerning supply of gas to Port-of-Spain.
Letters to the Revd Cyril Tomkinson
From John Betjeman (1), Alec Guinness (14), Ronald Knox (9) and Siegfried Sassoon (10). With related printed items.
Letters to Thomas Carlyle, with sketches of Naseby
Correspondence between E. FitzGerald and T. Carlyle, about Carlyle's investigation over the Battle of Naseby. FitzGerald sent Carlyle detailed letters, along with several sketches and watercolour paintings of the battlefield.
Letters to Vishwa Nath Datta
The letters are mostly from senior members of the University of Cambridge. With related items.
Leverian Museum: Sales Catalogue
Catalogue of buyers at the sale of the Leverian Museum, 5 May - 19 July 1806, 233 folios. Prices are inserted on the first page only. There are notes on certain of the lots by R. Cuming at fo. 6, and erasures and corrections at fo. 9.
Lewis Richardson: Papers
Papers and correspondence, including much photocopied material, collected by Oliver M. Ashford, Richardson's colleague, for his biography Prophet or professor? The life and work of Lewis Fry Richardson, 1985, and for his edition, with others, of Collected papers of Lewis Fry Richardson, 1993.
Library and Reading Room Records
Library, plate and other goods
Library Sales: Prices and Purchasers
Lists of prices realised and names of purchasers at various library sales, compiled for J.W.K. Eyton, whose initials appear on the flyleaf of MS.Add.5148 and MS.Add.5149.
Licence to curacy, Wood Walton, Huntingdonshire
Licence by the Bishop of Lincoln of John Brigham to the curacy of Wood Walton. Signed by William Whitworth, and Richard Reynolds, Bishop of Lincoln. The document is printed except for the signatures and particulars.
License, Cambridge
In consideration of an annual payment of one shilling (and a further shilling paid to the senior treasurer), the mayor, bailiffs, and burgesses of Cambridge grant to Thomas Leech of Cambridge, gardener, a Licence of free access to Jesus College Close by way of Garlick Fair Lane, and to 'make one small tunnell from the King's Ditch into his ground ... so as not to pervert the main current or stream'. Sealed with corporation seal, duty stamps.
License of alienation, Cambridge
License to alienate a leasehold new-built tenement on the north side of Walls Lane or Sussex Street, Cambridge, formerly part of the master's garden, granted by the master, fellows and scholars of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge to Thomas Nutter of Cambridge, brewer. The new lessees are to be George Scrivener of Carey St, Lincoln's Inn Fields, butcher, and Mary Scrivener of No 6 Lower Grosvenor St, Middlesex, spinster. Sealed with college seal, duty stamps.