Showing Collections: 3376 - 3400 of 9117
Hugh Watson: letters to A.E. Ellison on malacological matters

Hughes: the papers of Edward James 'Ted' Hughes
The collection consists of original manuscript material by Ted Hughes, printed editions of his poetry, photographs of Hughes, objects related to him and research into his work and legacy. This collection brings together a number of very small accessions held by Pembroke College Archive.
Hughes: the papers of Olwyn Marguerite Hughes
The papers consist of material collected by Olwyn Hughes, mainly during the period she acted as literary agent for her brother Ted Hughes. Papers include copies of early appearances of many of Ted Hughes's and Sylvia Plath's poems and essays in literary magazines and newspapers and many newspaper cuttings relating to the work and lives of Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath and their children. The collection contains no original manuscript material by Ted Hughes or Sylvia Plath.
Hughes: the papers of Thomas Cann Hughes
The collection principally consists of publications by Cann Hughes.
Huiarua Station, East Coast, New Zealand, 23,500 acres
An album containing 95 snapshot photographs with handwritten captions beneath, most measuring approximately 105 x 60 mm, and depicting life on a New Zealand sheep station. The album also contains 2 loose uncaptioned prints. Although an amateur family album, the pictures give an interesting and varied record of the sheep farmer's life and work. Huiarua is situated in the east coast district of the North Island between Opotiki and Gisborne.
Hulme Parish visiting books
Humanists: 'The Cambridge Humanists and the BBC'
The collection comprises documents related to the Cambridge Humanists and their deputation to the BBC to argue the case for a Humanist presence on the air.
'Humanitarians and imperialists': draft
An early draft of Dorothy Helly's 'Livingstone's legacy: Horace Waller and Victorian mythmaking' (1987), examining Waller and the editing of David Livingstone's last journals.
Humphrey Jennings Papers
Humphry Repton: Red Book for Holme Park, Berks
Landscape designs for Holme Park, Berkshire. Includes watercolours and sketches.
Huntingdonshire Collections
A copy of Baker MS 36 (CUL Ms Mm.1.49), pp. 227-62, being a series of notes on Huntingdonshire parishes, taken by Baker from a MS now B.M.Lansd.92.1. On the spine is written 'County of Huntingdon Vol. XI'.
Hutchinson: the papers of Arthur Hutchinson
The collection consists of Hutchinson's correspondance and material relating to him death.
Hymn to the Virgin, office for the morning of Holy Saturday, with alternative ending, and gospel for the day
Four hands. fo. 89: diary of events in Holy Week, 1743. before p. 1: copperplate engraving of Christ bearing the cross, with motto 'Christus Caluaria Petens'.
Ian Brinton: Literary and academic correspondence and papers
Correspondence to and from Ian Brinton concerning poetry and poets, with related items.
Ian Mackenzie Papers
I.C. Redwood Collection
Ida Darwin: Correspondence and Papers I
Ida Darwin: Correspondence and Papers II
Contains letters and papers held by Ida Darwin. The bulk of the collection are letters sent to Ida Darwin but also includes a small quantity sent to her husband Horace Darwin, a small collection of papers relating to the purchase of opals by her son Erasmus Darwin, a collection of envelopes addressed to and letters sent to Gwen Raverat, photographs of Ida's family, and a few items of ephemera.
Idiomela for greater holy days in the Orthodox church compsed by Sophronius
Igor Stravinsky: Copies of settings of poems of K. Bal'mont
Copyist's MSS of songs, for voice and piano, used by engraver for first edition published by Russicher Musikverlag, Berlin, 1912. With plate numbers R.M.V. 130, 131 marked in pencil at bottom of first page of each song. Words in Russian, German (translated by Berthold Feiwel) and French (translated by M.D. Calvocoressit).
Igor Stravinsky: Corrected score of ''Symphonies d'instruments à vent''
"Illustrated Arctic News"
A facsimile copy written onboard "H.M.S. Resolute" during the search for Sir John Franklin's Arctic Expedition and published in 1852. Entries dated 1850 - 1851.
Illustrated Guide to the House of Commons of Canada 1875
Illustrated sale brochure for Denham Place, Buckinghamshire
Brochure for Denham Place, [?] produced when the house was bought by Sir Robert Vansittart. Also includes a later press cutting on a repair grant for the house.
Illustrations of China and its People
A volume measuring 36 x 48 cm containing plates with illustrations of various Chinese provinces, Hong Kong and Macao.
John Thomson (1837-1921) was a distinguished photographer and traveller, and this is volume I of his magnum opus, published in four volumes in 1873-74. It contains excellent Woodbury-type reproductions of his photographs taken in the early 1870s, and substantial notes on each illustration.