Showing Collections: 2801 - 2825 of 9058
General photographs of Sierra Leone, circa 1965
A collection of mounted prints, in two sizes (295 x 230 mm and 240 x 190 mm), with typewritten captions on the reverse of the mounts.
General photographs of Tanganyika [i.e. Tanzania]
Collection of photographs of industry and agriculture in Tanganyika. Numbers 10-25 (and duplicates 26-50) were issued as a series 'Tanganyika's Three Year Development Plan' and have a separate typed list of captions. 51-68 are dated 31 August 1965 and have captions on the reverse.
General photographs of Uganda
A collection of loose prints measuring approximately 210 x 150 mm. with typewritten captions on the reverse. The views show industrial, agricultural and town scenes. Photographs by the Public Relations department, Uganda Protectorate and the Ministry of Information, London.
General Sir Henry Lynedoch Gardiner: Diaries
General views of India, 1950s-60s
A collection of loose prints measuring approximately 205 x 155 mm (1-20) and 250 x 195 mm (21-41), with typewritten captions. Prints 21-41 are mounted on card with sellotape. Photographs by Photo Division, Indian Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (1-20) and unknown (21-41).
General views of Rhodesia [i.e. Zimbabwe]
Collection of loose prints, the majority mounted on card and measuring approximately 240 x 190 mm., with typewritten captions pasted on the mounts. The captions have been used as titles and have been recorded as found.
General views of Singapore, 1960s
Prints measuring approximately 205 x 140 mm with typewritten captions pasted to the reverse.
General views of South-East Asia, 1960s
A collection of loose prints, mostly measuring approximately 190 x 140 mm, with typewritten captions pasted to the reverse. The collection contains general views of landscape and architecture in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Brunei and Borneo.
General views of Zambia
Collection of loose prints (several duplicates) measuring approximately 205 x 160 mm., with typed captions on the reverse of the prints.
Geoffrey Keating: History of Ireland
Transcribed by Conchubhar O'Corbain for Seamus og McCoitir (James Cotter junior), September 1709, 206 folios: (fos 10-12v) list of kings of Ireland; (fos 15-29) preface; (fos 30-198) text. On fos 1 and 10 is the signature of James Cotter, 18th century.
Geoffrey Keating: 'History of Ireland' (transcribed by Diarmuid O'Mulchaoine)
Transcribed for the Revd Morgan O'Brien, parish priest of Newcastle, Co. Limerick. The original first went into circulation in manuscript in 1634. Marginal subheadings in English, in O'Mulchaoine's hand. Flyleaf: note on Keating's chapel at Tubrid, by J. O'Donovan, Clonmel, 1840. A few notes by O'Donovan elsewhere in the text.
Geoffrey Vallée: 'La Beatitude des Chretiens'
Geoffrey William Hugo Lampe: Papers
Papers, mostly unpublished lectures, talks and sermons, including English texts of lectures at Anglo-Scandinavian conferences, files on the ordination of women, an open letter on exorcism, and the investigation of a theological college.
Georg Franz Burkhard Kloss: Library catalogue, 1822, in the hand of Friedrich Neumetzer.
Georg Goschen: Correspondence with J. J. Griesbach and F. A. Wolf
Contemporary copies. With accompanying letter from George Joachim Goschen, Viscount Goschen to Francis Jenkinson, University Librarian, 17 Mar. 1905. In English.
Georg Zoaga: Topographie des Alten Roms
169 folios: (p. i) title page; (p. 1) text; (p. 321) list of buildings and monuments. On p. ii is the following note: 'Diese Topographie ist von Zoága's Handschriften durch den Kammerherrn von Schmalensee als dieser im Jahr 1803 den Erbprinzen von Mechlenburg-Strelitz nach Rom begleitete abgeschreiben worden, und nach diesen Abschrift habe ich die gegenwärtige aufertigen lassen Die dazen gehörige Karte sich herr v. Schmalensee selbst jedoch unter Zoága's Anleitung entwerfen'.
George, 2nd Duke of Cambridge: Correspondence
59 letters to the Duke from various correspondents, mostly soldiers, statesmen and colonial Governors. There are also 27 letters from the Duke to Sir Richard Airey. The letters cover action in the Crimea, the relief of Khartoum and General Gordon, Roberts' relief of Kandahar and a report on the coronation of the Czar by Lord Wolseley.
George A. Douglas: Naval Log-Book of China and the Taiping Rebellion
Journal, describing patrols from Hong Kong along the Chinese and Japanese coast to Yokohama; landings at Tientsin and Chefoo; a patrol up the Yangtze River to Shanghai; the relief of Kah-Ding; the return to Chatham, with many sketches of ships, signals and coastal profiles (including sketches made in Egypt on H.M.S. Medina, 1858); newscuttings, especially from Shanghai newspapers relating to the rebellion; and a summary of his career, 'War and meritorious service 27/12/[18]80'.
George Alexander Wilken: Matriarchy or Mother-Right with the Ancient Arabians, translated by Sir James Redhouse
'Matriarchy or Mother-Right with the Ancient Arabians' by G. A. Wilken, Professor of Ethnography of the Indian Archipelago in Leyden. Translated by [Sir] Jas Wm Redhouse, C.M.G, LL.D., M.R.A.S. (p. ii) blank; (p. ix) title; (p. x) blank; (p.xi) list of contents; (p. xviii) blank; (p. 1) text; (p. 150) blank; (p. 151) index; (p. 217) Arabic index; (p. 221) blank. The original was printed at Amsterdam in 1884. 124 fos 7.5 x 4.75 in.
George and Ann Dannatt: Materials relating to John Ireland
Manuscript and printed material relating to the life and work of John Ireland, collected for a projected biography.
George and Catherine Shackle: Letters to Stephen Frowen and Papers
Correspondence and notes on economics publications, articles and speeches. Catherine Gibb (née Weldsmith), married to George Shackle 1979 also a contributor.
George and Felicia Horne: Notebooks, Correspondence and Papers
George Badger: Letters and papers concerning Muscat, Zanzibar, Aden, Persia and Egypt, and East Africa and the slave trade
A collection of papers compiled by or for George Badger relating to his work on various diplomatic missions in Oman (Muscat), Egypt and Zanzibar. Includes correspondence, both official and otherwise; official reports and memoranda, some from the Indian government; maps and plans.
George Bidder: Scientific and Personal Papers
George Bird Burrell: Catalogue of Possessions
A catalogue of manuscripts, books, coins and miscellaneous antiquities in the possession of George Bird Burrell. Fos 3 and 65-84 are blank. Inside the front cover is the bookplate of G.B. Burrell.