Showing Collections: 2751 - 2775 of 9117
Francis Jenkinson: War Correspondence
Francis John Henry Jenkinson (1853-1923), Librarian to the University of Cambridge 1889-1923: correspondence concerning the Sandars Readership in Bibliography
Francis John Henry Jenkinson: Cambridge University Library Diaries
The diaries contain occasional notes of Library business, including notes of books that were offered for sale, bought, presented, recommended for the Library, missing, or mutilated; autographs in books; requests for, and receipt of, loans; complaints; engagements; binding practice; visitors; copyright claims; and library rearrangement. The diaries were continued in other hands during the absence or illness of Jenkinson.
Francis John Henry Jenkinson: Catalogue of his Library
'Catalogue of the Library at Southmead', 'Compiled by C.M. Ridding' (Southmead, Chaucer Road, Cambridge)
Francis John Henry Jenkinson: Dublin Books
The volume contains chronological lists of books printed in Dublin owned by Cambridge University Library or found in other libraries; compiled from 1897. It covers 1572-1760, although the first entries appear from 1602.
Francis John Welsh Whipple: Notes and Papers
Observations, notes and drafts, with related correspondence.
Francis Rolfe: Verse commonplace book
A bound verse commonplace book with the initials 'F.R.' on the cover.
Francis Roughton: Papers
The collection is comprised of a large number of biographical and personal materials, materials related to Roughton's work in the Department of Colloid Science at Cambridge (with much of the material related to Roughton's retirement), a small amount of material documenting Roughton's publications, and a few pieces of Roughton's scientific correspondence. The principal deposit of Roughton papers is housed at the American Philosophical Society Library, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Francis Sandford: Genealogy of Robert Paston, Lord Yarmouth
Francis William Aston: Correspondence and Papers
Francisco de Quevedo: Obras satyricas
A collection of manuscript poems and prose, with an index at the end, 220 folios, with a title page and three blank leaves. Fos 20-34 have been removed. There are six accompanying loose pages of manuscript notes by E.M. Wilson listing the contents of the volume.
Francisco de Quevedo: Poetry and prose
Francisco Martinez de la Rosa: Lo que puede un empleo
A prose comedy in two acts dated 'Coruna 1813', probably transcribed from the edition printed at Cadiz in 1812.
Francisco Xavier Alegre: 'Arte poetica de M. Boileau'
A translation into Castilian verse by Francisco Xavier Alegre of Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux, 'L'Art Poétique', with a dedicatory epistle to a disciple of the translator.
Francisco Zazzera: Diarii del Governo del Duca d' Ossuna
Written in four hands, 312 folios: (fo. ii) title; (fo. 1) text. There is a change of hand at fos 269, 272v and 310. On fo. i is the bookplate of Sir T. Phillipps.
Frank, Ida and Sophia Webb: Letters on a Tour to Japan and Australia
Francis William John Webb (1873-1968) and his sisters Fanny Sophia Webb (1856-1909) and Ida Nicola Webb (1867-1947) made a tour to Japan and Australia in 1896-97. Letters of Frank, Ida and Sophia Webb to their mother and other family members, with a 'Prologue' and 'Epilogue' by Frank Webb's son Denis Webb, giving family biographical details and a summary of aspects of the tour, especially sea voyages.
Frank Kendon: Correspondence
Frank Oldham: Student Notebooks
Oldham's notes of his experimental work in physics for the Natural Sciences Tripos, Part II, 1925-1927. An enclosed letter from Oldham, 24 July 1973, explains that he came to St John's College, Cambridge, in 1925 with a degree from King's College, London, which excused him from Part I of the Tripos. A copy letter from Prof. A.B. Pippard, 12 July 1973, acknowledges receipt of the notebooks for the Cavendish Laboratory archives.
Frank Plumpton Ramsey: articles and notes
Two articles and three notes by Frank Plumpton Ramsey
Frank Swinnerton: Letters to Morchard Bishop
Frank Tinsley: Personal papers
Frank Wilson West African album
Frank Young papers
Franz Oudendorp: Dictata in Pomponium Melam De Situ Orbis Terrarum
Title-page printed (fo. 1) but no published edition of the work has been traced. Booksellers' number on fo. iiv.
Franz Taeschner: Correspondence and notes
Manuscript and typescript correspondence and notes, with a few printed items.