Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 551
Official Archive of Churchill College
The college archive contains material (hard-copy and digital) from and about every aspect of life at Churchill College, including administrative, student life, photographic and some artefacts.
The Papers of Mark Abrams
The Papers of Alexander and Theodosia Cadogan
The collection includes scrapbooks containing photographs and press cuttings; family and professional correspondence; speeches and articles; official documents relating to Foreign Office and Suez Canal Company business; and draft notes for Cadogan's autobiography. A series of frank personal diaries with almost daily entries cover Cadogan's career and private life from his appointment as Minister to China in 1933 to his retirement.
"Naval interlude", memoirs of a RNVR midshipman, 1918/9, including photographs of various naval vessels Adam served on
An account of Adam's early life and education, and particularly his service during 1918/9 on HMS "Victory VI", "Excellent", "P20", "Vehement", "Sandfly" and "Venturous", including an account of the surrender of the German Fleet, November 1918, and his demobilisation, January 1919. The memoir ends after his arrival at Queens' College, Cambridge.
The Papers of Rear-Admiral John Adams
The collection primarily consists of papers relating to Adams' involvement with submarine warfare and includes papers on anti-submarine warfare and the Admiralty underwater weapons establishment.
The Papers of the Addison Family
The collection includes Paul Addison’s research notes, personal and professional correspondence, and diaries. The collection also includes family correspondence, ephemera and diaries relating to Paul's mother, Mary Pauline Wilson Walker (later Addison), and maternal grandparents, Ethel Mildred Pauline Walker (née Bourne) and Horace Wilson Walker.
The Papers of Alan Agar
This collection comprises papers concerned with the preparation of Agar’s book "The History of European Commercial Electron Microscopes"; historical micrographs recorded on early instruments; and catalogues/reprints of information on electron microscopes.
The Papers of Adrian Grant Duff
Correspondence, 1905-14.
With photocopies of diaries, 1910-13, and photocopies of correspondence, 1912-14.
Also with photocopies of letters to Ursula Grant Duff, 1914, 1919, 1922 and 1930.
The Papers of Agnes Headlam-Morley
The Papers of Stair Carnegie Agnew
The collection chiefly consists of letters written by Agnew to his parents which include descriptions of life in Russia (1897-1911), a short essay by Agnew on Russian peasants and a few photographs.
The Papers of Adeline, Lady Hankey
The Papers of Jonathan Aitken
Comprising correspondence; diaries; books; speeches and articles; legal papers; press cuttings; and photographs.
With some earlier family papers dating from 1925.
The Papers of Wing Commander Sir Archibald James
The small collection of James' papers held at Churchill Archives Centre mainly consists of James' later recollections of his Royal Flying Corps and RAF career and on the personalities he knew.
The Papers of Austen Albu
The collection comprises pamphlets, papers and correspondence relating to a wide range of subjects including: the Labour party; Germany after the Second World War; the Spanish Civil War; education, economic affairs, industry and employment in the United Kingdom.
The Papers of Thomas Allibone
The papers include: scrapbooks on Allibone's career; correspondence; published journals; research publications for Associated Electrical Industries; photographs.
The Papers of Svetlana Alliluyeva
Includes: typescripts of Alliluyeva's later memoirs; letters to her friend Jane, Lady Renfrew; a memoir by Lady Renfrew of Alliluyeva's years in Cambridge.
The Papers of Julian Amery
The Papers of Leopold Amery
The Papers of Sir Angus Cunninghame Graham
The papers comprise signals, letters and miscellaneous papers relating to Admiral Cunninghame Graham's Naval service in both world wars and the inter-war period; his correspondence with Professor Arthur Marder and his correspondence on the subject of the libel action brought by Captain Jack Broome, RN, against David Irving for his book on convoy PQ 17; and papers, press-cuttings and recollections dating from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
Ove Arup Oral History Project
Audio tapes and typescript summaries of interviews with architects, engineers and other people who worked with or knew Ove Arup.
The Papers of Ove Arup
The collection reflects Sir Ove's commitment to his philosophy of "Total design". It was his desire that architects and engineers should work together more closely, so that they could approach the problems of the Built Environment from a united standpoint. The papers fall into 10 sections, and include examples of project work, published articles and architectural plans.
The Papers of Michael Ashburner
The papers relate to the activities of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) and Committee of 100 and other non-violent disarmament and anti-nuclear pressure groups with whom Ashburner was involved in the 1960's.
The Papers of Leslie Ashmore
The collection comprises material relating to Ashmore's active service in World War I in the Baltic and Russia; material for a naval lecture (1938) and correspondence with Admiral of the Fleet Sir Edward Ashmore relating to Ashmore's career.
The Papers of Clement Attlee, Earl Attlee
The small collection of Clement Attlee's papers held at Churchill Archives Centre consists of material relating to Attlee's autobiography (published in 1954), "As It Happened" (Heinemann) and some correspondence.
The Papers of Aubrey Jones
Papers relating to the political and business careers of Jones, in particular economic and other papers relating to his Chairmanship of the National Board for Prices and Incomes