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Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes, source material and Hansard., 25 Jan 1955 - 28 Mar 1955

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/57A-B

Scope and Contents

Speech notes for WSC's speech (25 January, National Federation of Building Trade Employers' Dinner, Dorchester Hotel [London]) entitled "The Building Industry" on WSC's bricklayer status, the increasing part played by the Trade Unions and the influence of Union leaders, the past uncertainty of building trade employment, present stable employment conditions and long-term building demand, the increasing accord between the Unions and employers, the ending of direct controls on the industry, the progress of the housing programme, slum clearance and repair of existing property and the varied demands on the industry. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8623 - 5.Speech notes for WSC's speech (23 February, Political Council Dinner, Junior Carlton Club [London]) on restored national solvency, new spending plans including nuclear power plants, the housing programme and restoring the value of pensions and benefits, the need to continue expanding output, and the task of Junior Carlton Club members to put the Government's record before the electorate in the forthcoming council elections. Also includes a menu for the dinner.Speech notes giving subject headings for WSC's speech (28 February, Parliamentary Press Gallery Luncheon for WSC's Eightieth Birthday, Savoy Hotel [London]) thanking the Press Gallery for their gifts [? including a sketch of WSC speaking in the House of Commons] and on the common ground between Parliament and journalism, including agreement on the results of televising debates. Also includes a menu for the luncheon [? including a print of the sketch of WSC in the House of Commons].Speech notes and extract from Hansard for WSC's speech (1 March, House of Commons) entitled "The Deterrent - Nuclear Warfare" on subjects including: the unique division of the world into nuclear Communist and non-Communist sides; WSC's prediction of the power of nuclear energy in 1931; nuclear development in Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union; the lack of defence against the hydrogen bomb; difficulties in fair disarmament; defence through deterrents, including the ability to paralyse Soviet airfields, industrial targets and submarine bases; the power of the hydrogen bomb and direct effects of radiation and nuclear fall-out; the increased vulnerability of the Soviet Union to attack; the present low chances of war and the approaching saturation stage of equal deterrents on both sides; the maintenance of conventional defences in NATO, the Commonwealth and the United Nations; Britain's need for an effective system of civil defence and its own deterrent. Also includes list of contents for the speech notes. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8625 - 33.Speech notes and extract from Hansard for WSC's speech (14 March, House of Commons) entitled "World Disarmament" on subjects including: the Vote of Censure by the Labour Party calling for a 3-Power Conference of the nuclear powers on disarmament, the need to include France and Germany in such a conference and the bad timing of such a meeting; attempts to set up conferences in 1953 - 4, and results of recent meetings; personal contact between WSC and Vyacheslav Molotov [Soviet Foreign Minister] on arranging informal talks between Britain and the Soviet Union; difficulties in ratifying the European Defence Community treaties; the importance of including Germany in the West, rather than as a satellite of the Soviet Union; the necessity of having a Western defence organization in place; suspension of proposed talks with the Soviet Union while Western defence is uncertain; changes in the Soviet regime; communications between WSC and Pierre Mendes France [former Prime Minister of France]; improving relations with the United States, and the American pledge to help in the defence of Europe and NATO; Dwight Eisenhower [President of the United States]'s knowledge of Europe; the value of personal contacts in high-level diplomacy. Also includes unused speech notes on Aneurin Bevan's personal impressions of Georgi Malenkov [Chairman, Soviet Council of Ministers] and Nikita Khrushchev [First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party] and Bevan's criticism of WSC's dealings with the Soviet leaders. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8633 - 42.Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (26 March, Sir James Hawkey, Hall, Woodford [Essex]) for the opening of the hall, in tribute to Hawkey, late Chairman of [Woodford Conservative Association] and of Woodford Urban District Council, on Hawkey's support for WSC over India, 1931 - 5, and his example of doing his duty to country first, constituents second, and party third, and the freedom of members of the Conservative Party compared to the Labour Party. Source material includes notes on Hawkey by Donald Forbes [former Mayor of Wanstead and Woodford], letters from W Hubert Barlow-Wheeler, Woodford Conservative Association Secretary and Agent (2) and notes by Barlow- Wheeler on Hawkey's career, and draft notes for WSC's speech. Also includes a programme for the ceremony.Speech notes and extract from Hansard for WSC's speech (28 March, House of Commons) entitled "Lloyd George Memorial" on 1st Lord Lloyd George's relationship with the House of Commons, WSC's long friendship with him, his launching of Liberal and Radical forces, championing of social causes, leadership during the First World War and support during the Second World War. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8642 - 5.Notes for WSC's speech (5 April, 10 Downing Street) for a dinner to Queen Elizabeth II [earlier Princess Elizabeth] noted missing December 1999. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8645 - 6.


  • Creation: 25 Jan 1955 - 28 Mar 1955

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