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Found in 188 Collections and/or Records:


Architectural and engineering plans, 1888 - 2008

Reference Code: GBR/2511/P
Scope and Contents

These are flat (or rolled) plans as distinct from those folded and boxed with other documents relating to the relevant building.

Dates: 1888 - 2008

Committees and Policy Groups: copy minutes and papers of the Policy Group on Town and Country Planning, January-June 1976, 1976-01 - 1976-06

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 2/6/1/61
Scope and Contents From the Sub-Series:

Includes briefing notes for MT from her office staff, most regularly Richard Ryder (her Political Secretary), Adam Butler MP and John Stanley MP (her Parliamentary Private Secretaries); reports and minutes of policy groups and other committees set up under the control of Sir Keith Joseph MP; minutes and circulated papers of the Leader's Consultative Committee (Shadow Cabinet); and regular briefings from the Conservative Research Department on aspects of policy

Dates: 1976-01 - 1976-06
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in November 2003 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

Committees and Policy Groups: Environment- Land and Housing Policy Group, November 1975-February 1977, 1975-11 - 1977-02

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 2/6/1/42
Scope and Contents Includes copy minutes and papers of the Group; including some papers of the Home Ownership Policy Group (January 1976) and the Policy Group on Town and Country Planning (January-February 1976) Also includes papers for the Group by Patrick Rock, "Housing finance" and "The Community Land Bill" (November 1975), Michael Latham MP, "Thoughts on the paper 'A scheme for shared purchase'", December 1975, and by "CEB/JW", "The sale of council...
Dates: 1975-11 - 1977-02
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in November 2003 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

Committees and Policy Groups: Environment- Private Rented Sector [housing] Policy Group, April 1975-February 1976, 1975-04 - 1976-02

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 2/6/1/43
Scope and Contents

Includes copy minutes and papers of the Group, April-December 1975
Also includes briefing notes for the Group from Professor J Parry Lewis on taxation and planning law, February 1976; and copy minutes of a meeting of the Policy Group on Town and Country Planning, 16 February 1976

Dates: 1975-04 - 1976-02
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in November 2003 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

Committees and Policy Groups: Environment- Transport Policy Steering Group and Transport Policy Group, May 1975-January 1977, 1975-05 - 1977-01

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 2/6/1/46
Scope and Contents

Includes copy minutes and papers of the Groups and briefing notes on aspects of transport policy
Also includes copy minutes of meetings of the Policy Group on Town and Country Planning, 1 March 1976 and 26 July 1976, with briefing note for the Group from Professor J Parry Lewis on taxation and planning law, July 1976

Dates: 1975-05 - 1977-01
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in November 2003 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

Committees and Policy Groups: Leader's Consultative Committee, Policy Sub-Committee (MT did not attend), Includes copy minutes July 1975-May 1978 & November 1978, 1975-07 - 1978-11

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 2/6/1/51
Scope and Contents Also includes correspondence with Sir Keith Joseph MP; general progress report on the policy groups and list of groups, December 1975; and meetings and papers on topics including education and immigration Also includes individual papers by Sir Geoffrey Howe MP on broader options in economic policy, February 1976; the Planning and Land Use Group, ca. November 1977; Conservative Research Department, "Job creation, job subsidisation, youth employment and protection", January 1978;...
Dates: 1975-07 - 1978-11
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in November 2003 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

Debate on the Address, 03 Nov 1953

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/52A/1-44
Scope and Contents Speech notes for WSC's speech (House of Commons) for the debate on the address, on subjects including: the forthcoming royal tour of the Commonwealth and Empire; the timing of the next General Election and the general length of Parliaments; constructive and non-partisan politics; housing policy, including new building and repair of existing property; reducing restrictions and controls on agriculture, increasing food production and retaining food subsidies; changes in the international...
Dates: 03 Nov 1953
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Housing, 1947 - 1979

Reference Code: GBR/0014/ABMS 5/18
Scope and Contents Working papers on housing in England, Scotland, and Wales, covering subjects such as house building, town planning, and urban renewal; homelessness and housing shortages; household amenities and consumer goods; community and everyday life in new towns; rents and house prices, mortgages, and the property market; council housing; and eighteenth- and nineteenth-century domestic architecture. Consists largely of press cuttings, articles, and survey data, with Mark Abrams's notes. Including...
Dates: 1947 - 1979
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Leisure: Future, 1961 - 1970

Reference Code: GBR/0014/ABMS 5/25
Scope and Contents Working papers on leisure, originally enclosed in file entitled 'The Future of Leisure', covering subjects such as approaches to surveying leisure habits; commercial aspects to leisure, including advertising; outdoor recreation; the countryside; and urban and rural planning. Consists largely of press cuttings, articles and conference paper, and survey data, with Mark Abrams's notes. Includes draft of Mark Abrams's papers "Youth and Leisure" (1964) and "Testing Consumer Demand in Sport"...
Dates: 1961 - 1970
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Literary: News of the World articles by WSC: 4., Oct 1938

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/617
Scope and Contents Includes annotated proofs, galley proofs and cuttings from the News of the World for: "Workers of Britain Have Come into their Own" on social services, education, National Insurance, savings, the Trade Board, child labour, and hours of work; "Health Comes First in Social Progress" on physical training schemes, improvements in sanitation, building new housing estates, cheap rents, encouraging families, allotments and promoting rural areas; "Necessity is Indeed the Mother of Invention" on the...
Dates: Oct 1938
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: Sunday Dispatch articles by WSC: 3., 13 Apr 1941 - 25 May 1941

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/692
Scope and Contents Includes cuttings from the Sunday Dispatch for (some from a series, "A Great Novel Rewritten as a Short Story"): "'Jane Eyre' by Charlotte Bronte"; "'Adam Bede' by George Eliot"; "'Vice Versa' by Anstey [Thomas Guthrie]"; "The truth about the former German colonies" on Germany's claims to have its former colonies returned, giving an historical perspective with reference to [Prince Otto von] Bismarck, and WSC's views on German treatment of native peoples; "Mankind Must Keep Pace with Science"...
Dates: 13 Apr 1941 - 25 May 1941
Conditions Governing Access: Open.

Ministry of Planning and Local Government, 1972 - 1976

Reference Code: GBR/0014/SLKN 5
Scope and Contents From the Fonds:

The papers held at Churchill Archives Centre cover Silkin's Parliamentary and Ministerial career, and his other public interests, including the Channel Tunnel, the E.E.C. and the dairy industry. There is material of particular interest on Silkin's difficulties with his Constituency Party in Deptford, and on the Labour Party Leadership and Deputy Leadership elections in 1980 and 1983.

Dates: 1972 - 1976
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Closures of individual files are noted in the paper catalogue, please ask staff for further details.

Official: Cabinet: Housing Bill: Notes and papers., 1908 - 1909

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 21/9
Scope and Contents

Includes: typescript notes on the Housing and Town Planning Act which cover the duties of County Councils regarding sanitation, slum clearance and the provision of new housing for the poor; WSC's manuscript notes on the extent of poverty and appalling housing conditions revealed by [Seebohm] Rowntree's study of conditions in York and a London County Council report on housing for the working classes.

Dates: 1908 - 1909
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Cabinet: papers 70 - 100., 20 Jan 1925 - 07 Mar 1925

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/30
Scope and Contents Includes papers from various individuals on various subjects, including: Sir William Joynson-Hicks, [later 1st Lord Brentford], Home Secretary, on the Roman Catholic Relief Bill and the Criminal Justice Bill, 1925; WSC, Chancellor of the Exchequer, on Navy Estimates and arbitration in the Civil Service; 1st Lord Cave [the Lord Chancellor] Chairman of the Church Assembly Measures Committee, and the School Teachers Superannuation Committee, on the Committees' reports; Arthur Watson on the...
Dates: 20 Jan 1925 - 07 Mar 1925
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Cabinet: papers 141 to 170., Apr 1927 - May 1927

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/159
Scope and Contents Includes papers on various subjects by various individuals including: two special reports on unemployment; Sir Austen Chamberlain, Foreign Secretary, on Italy's interests in Albania, a request for assistance from Portugal, an arms embargo and the supply of arms to Canton [China]; Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland, Minister of Labour, on unemployment in the coal industry, the inspection of emigrants and the unemployment insurance bill; [4th Lord] Salisbury [earlier Lord Cranborne], Lord Privy Seal,...
Dates: Apr 1927 - May 1927
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Cabinet: papers 171 to 200., Jun 1927 - Jul 1927

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/160
Scope and Contents Includes papers on various subjects by various individuals including: the chiefs of staff on the defence of Wei Hai Wei [China]; Leo Amery, Secretary of State for the Colonies, on relations with Iman of the Yemen, the entry of Iraq into the League of Nations, policy on East Africa, the New Hebrides [now Vanuatu] and the political situation in Cyprus; Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister [earlier Sir Philip Lloyd-Greame, later Lord Swinton], President of the Board of Trade, on the trade outlook...
Dates: Jun 1927 - Jul 1927
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: Cabinet: papers 430 - 459., 02 Apr 1925 - 09 Nov 1925

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/44
Scope and Contents Includes papers from various individuals on various subjects, including: 1st Lord Balfour, Chairman of the Committee on Civil Research, on the British Dye Industry, and, as Lord President of the Council, on the Rosyth [Fife, Scotland] Dockyard; 1st Lord Haldane on the dye industry; Sir Philip Cunliffe-Lister [earlier Sir Philip Lloyd-Greame, later 1st Lord Swinton], President of the Board of Trade, on subjects including the Finance Bill (Safeguarding of Industries); the Board of Trade...
Dates: 02 Apr 1925 - 09 Nov 1925
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: War Cabinet: Demobilisation Committee: memoranda., 02 Nov 1918 - 26 Nov 1918

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 27/50
Scope and Contents Includes papers by various individuals on demobilisation issues including: [1st] Lord Cave, Home Secretary, on the demobilisation of enemy aliens; WSC, Minister of Munitions; [Sir Arthur] Duckham on industrial transition; [1st] Lord Inchcape [earlier James Mackay] on capital issues; Sir Stephenson Kent [Controller-General of Civil Demobilisation and Resettlement] on training for women and building licenses; Christopher Addison [Minister in Charge of Reconstruction] on subjects including the...
Dates: 02 Nov 1918 - 26 Nov 1918
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: War Cabinet: Demobilisation Committee: minutes., 31 Oct 1918 - 20 Dec 1918

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 27/49
Scope and Contents Includes draft and final copies of minutes of statements made by: General Jan Smuts; Austen Chamberlain; George Barnes; [Sir] Edwin Montagu; Christopher Addison [Minister in Charge of Reconstruction]; George Roberts, Minister of Labour; Sir Stephenson Kent [Controller-General of Civil Demobilisation and Resettlement] and Sir David Shackleton [Permanent Secretary Ministry of Labour]. Subjects discussed include: the organisation and accommodation of government offices; the regulation of war...
Dates: 31 Oct 1918 - 20 Dec 1918
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: War Cabinet: Economic Development Committee: minutes and memoranda., 18 Jun 1918 - 05 Nov 1918

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 27/47
Scope and Contents Includes minutes of statements made by: Austen Chamberlain; George Barnes; [Sir] Edwin Montagu; Christopher Addison [Minister in Charge of Reconstruction]; and Sir Alfred Mond, First Commissioner of Works. Subjects discussed include: the control of raw cotton in India; allocation of materials; economic policy; shipping; the quality of bread; allied propaganda; disposal of government factories; ship-building; supply of food to enemy countries and between allies.Also includes: papers by Lord...
Dates: 18 Jun 1918 - 05 Nov 1918
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: War Cabinet: Home Affairs Committee: Minutes., 25 Sep 1918 - 18 Dec 1918

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 27/48
Scope and Contents Includes minutes of statements by ; Christopher Addison, Minister in Charge of Reconstruction; Stanley Baldwin, Financial Secretary to the Treasury; Sir Albert Stanley [later 1st Lord Ashfield] President of the Board of Trade; Robert Munro, Secretary of State for Scotland; Sir Auckland Geddes, Minister of National Service and Reconstruction; and George Barnes.Subjects discussed included: the provision of housing; apprenticeships and training; emergency legislation; beer; the Whitley report;...
Dates: 25 Sep 1918 - 18 Dec 1918
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: War Cabinet: Prime Minister's Directives., 24 Nov 1942 - 28 Dec 1943

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 23/11
Scope and Contents Printed directives by the Prime Minister, WSC, on subjects including: a forecast of the arrival of American forces in Britain; enemy strength in Tunisia, including notes by General Hastings Ismay [Chief of Staff to WSC]; over- optimism on post-war conditions; Sir William Beveridge's report on social security; demands on shipping by overseas cereal requirements; the ringing of church bells; telegrams between WSC and Stalin on Soviet-Polish relations; Jewish immigration into Palestine,...
Dates: 24 Nov 1942 - 28 Dec 1943
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: War Cabinet: Prime Minister's Directives., 28 Nov 1943 - 30 Dec 1944

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 23/13
Scope and Contents Printed directives by the Prime Minister, WSC, on subjects including: records of conversations at the Anglo-American- Russian conference in Teheran [Persia, later Iran] between delegates including WSC, Stalin, President Franklin Roosevelt, Anthony Eden [later 1st Lord Avon], Foreign Secretary, Vyacheslav Molotov [Soviet Foreign Minister] and Harry Hopkins [Special Adviser and Assistant to President Roosevelt], on Turkey, using Italian ships, Poland, Finland and a date for "Overlord"...
Dates: 28 Nov 1943 - 30 Dec 1944
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: War Cabinet: War Priorities Committee: memoranda 71 to 141., 06 Apr 1918 - 31 Oct 1918

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 27/42
Scope and Contents Includes papers, copies of correspondence and extracts from minutes on various subjects including: labour on Sunday; the allocation of government contracts; the erection of a factory for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen; the control of raw and waste rubber; boring for petroleum in the United Kingdom; the formation of a joint electricity board; the supply of oxygen; the supply and rationing of coal; rebuilding; and the construction of an electricity power station.Also includes papers by...
Dates: 06 Apr 1918 - 31 Oct 1918
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Official: War Priorities Committee: memoranda (WP 32 to WP 67)., 03 Jan 1918 - 05 Mar 1918

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 27/41
Scope and Contents Includes papers on various subjects including: the prohibition of the removal of labour for construction work; provision and supply of various materials including steel for airship housing, linseed oil for the manufacture of linoleum and rosin for essential industries; the establishment of a Priority Department to regulate war and munitions work; a factory for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen; the dye industry; materials required by railways; and the allocation of government...
Dates: 03 Jan 1918 - 05 Mar 1918
Conditions Governing Access: Open