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Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and Hansard., 01 Feb 1954 - 30 Apr 1954

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/53A-E

Scope and Contents

Speech notes and copies of Hansard for WSC's speech (1 February, House of Commons) entitled "Adoption of a New Army Rifle", on the difficult transition period between research and mass production of a new weapon, the .280 rifle, the importance of standardization of armaments among the members of NATO, the results of the Labour Government's choice of different ammunition from the rest of NATO, and the new agreement on a common ammunition, choosing a Belgian rifle over the British make, and the nature of modern infantry warfare. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8523 - 31.Speech notes and copies of Hansard for WSC's speech (25 February, House of Commons) entitled "The Berlin Conference" [East Germany, later part of Germany] on subjects including: the Cold War policy of the Labour Government and present Government; the post-war foreign policy of the Soviet Union, and its effects on Europe; hopes of a new mood in the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin; the advantages of a conference between Heads of Government, without the press; the results of the Washington Conference [United States, 1953], and the failure to come to an agreement with the Soviet Union; the forthcoming Geneva Conference [Switzerland] on the Far East; results of the Berlin Conference, including the failure to secure the liberation of Austria; the importance of continuing to try for a peaceful settlement and the use of trade between East and West in reconciling political differences; the rearmament of West Germany [later part of Germany] as a defence against the Soviet Union and a way of supporting Konrad Adenauer [Federal Chancellor]; the combined policy of building up Western defence and seeking a peaceful settlement with the Soviet Union. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8531 - 8.Speech notes and copies of Hansard for WSC's speech (2 March, House of Commons) entitled "Defence (German Rearmament)" on the Labour Party's inconsistent attitude to German and British rearmament, as weakening Britain's influence for peace, the uncertainty of modern defence policy because of the rapid development of military technology, increased research spending and the changing role of the Armed Forces, the length of National Service, modification of the Labour Government's rearmament programme, the unhelpfulness of stirring up old charges against Germany and the Soviet Union, the strength of NATO and the importance of a sufficient warning period in case of attack. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8538 - 44.Speech notes and copies of Hansard for WSC's speech (5 April, House of Commons) entitled "The Hydrogen Bomb" on the tests carried out by the United States and the improved chances for world peace, study of the effects of the bomb, Britain and Canada's independent position on atomic research, disclosures on previous tests, Soviet progress in bomb production, attacks by the Labour Party on the Government for not demanding sufficient information from the United States on the bomb, and WSC's agreement in 1943 with Franklin Roosevelt, former President of the United States, on combined atomic policy, application of the MacMahon Act by the United States, and harm of a breach with the United States on atomic strategy, changes in international relations on atomic production, the proposed meeting of the United Nations Disarmament Commission and the double aim of peace and defence against aggression. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8551 - 8.Speech notes, typescript and transcripts for WSC's speech (7 April, 10 Downing Street) entitled "America and Britain" accepting in absentia a doctorate of law from the University of the State of New York, on the importance of the rule of law, free speech and Britain and the United States working together. Also includes a note from Anthony Montague Browne [Private Secretary to WSC]. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8559 - 60.Speech notes and transcripts for WSC's speech (28 April, Royal Academy Dinner [London]) entitled "Royal Academy Banquet" on subjects including the difficulties suffered by the Leader of the Opposition [Clement Attlee], a tribute to Sir Gerald Kelly, President of the Royal Academy, the parallel between conventional and unconventional art and warfare, and the power of atomic weapons, for destruction and as a deterrent against war. Also includes a menu, programme and seating plan. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8562 - 3.Speech notes for WSC's speech (30 April, Grand Habitation of the Primrose League, Albert Hall [London]) on the Government's increasing strength, work done by Conservative MPs and the Party organization, a tribute to R A Butler, Chancellor of the Exchequer and the improving economy, money for social services and education, the record of [Aneurin Bevan, former Labour Minister of Health] on housing, and the work of Harold Macmillan [later 1st Lord Stockton, Minister of Housing and Local Government], the widening scene of foreign affairs, and Britain's representation by Anthony Eden [later 1st Lord Avon], Foreign Secretary, the policies of preserving friendship with France, bringing Germany back into Europe, establishing relations with the Soviet Union and continuing relations with the United States. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8563 - 5.


  • Creation: 01 Feb 1954 - 30 Apr 1954

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