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Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 18 Feb 1950 - 26 May 1950

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/34A-D

Scope and Contents

Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (24 April, House of Commons) entitled "The Budget" on subjects including: the Government's overspending, inflation and its effects on wage- earners; Government borrowing and payment of war debts; poor future prospects for the economy; the rise in the petrol ration and the house-building programme; Government taxation on high incomes, petrol and on transport vehicles; WSC's recommendations for cuts in expenditure on defence, the National Health Service, food subsidies and the Civil Service; the socialist equal shares policy; the gulf between Labour and the Conservative and Liberal parties; the ill-effects of political uncertainty; Britain's loss of international respect. Source material includes: notes on the equal shares policy of Sir Stafford Cripps [Chancellor of the Exchequer]; typescript of a speech by WSC (18 February 1950, Woodford [Essex]) on damage done by the Government's socialist theories and high taxation. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 7987 - 97.Speech notes for WSC's speech (27 April, St Paul's Cathedral [London]) entitled "Lord Keyes and his Son" for the unveiling of the memorial to Admiral of the Fleet 1st Lord Keyes and Lieutenant-Colonel Geoffrey Keyes, paying tribute to Lord Keyes's career and achievements. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 7997 - 8.Speech notes for and transcript in the Primrose League Gazette of WSC's speech (28 April, Primrose League Meeting, Albert Hall [London]) entitled "Opposition Aims and Duties" on subjects including: the Conservative Party's achievements in Opposition in forcing the abolition of the Directive of Labour, increasing the house-building programme and the petrol ration, and cutting taxation; the Government's actions in pushing through legislation against the wishes of the country and their continued overspending and high taxation; Britain's loss of international respect. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 7998 - 9.Speech notes for WSC's speech (16 May, 1922 Committee Luncheon, Savoy Hotel [London]) on the timing of the next election and forming an anti-Socialist alliance with the Liberal Party.Notes by "N S" [Jo Sturdee, later Lady Onslow, WSC's secretary] and "Peter" Patrick Kinna [Assistant Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary] on WSC's speech (17 May, St James's Palace [London]) at the dinner for the Foreign Ministers of the North Atlantic Pact Treaty [NATO] countries.Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (19 May, Scottish Unionist Association Annual Meeting, Usher Hall, Edinburgh [Scotland]) on subjects including: the overspending of the Government and inflation; securing a Conservative majority at the next election, by an alliance with the Liberal Party and securing the "floating" voters; opposition to the Government's policies, including the nationalization of the iron and steel industry, and the general policy of nationalization; Conservative achievements in Opposition, including the increase in the petrol ration and the house-building programme; the failure of the Government housing policy, especially in Scotland; the ill- effects of over-centralization for Scotland, and the Conservative policy for Scotland within the Parliamentary union; the dangers of permanent tax controls; the progress of Western union, including the links between West German and French industry; the continuing hope for a peaceful settlement between the West and the Soviet Union. Source material includes: notes by George Christ [Parliamentary Liaison Officer, Conservative Party] on "snap votes", put forward by the Conservatives to block the Government; notes on reactions to WSC's call for talks with the Soviet Union; an issue of the Conservative Party monthly survey of foreign affairs on talks with the Soviet Union; a letter from Reginald Maudling [Conservative Party Secretariat] on subjects for the speech including housing, the cost of living, trade competition from West Germany [later part of Germany] and Japan and the difficulties of the present Parliament; notes from Patrick Buchan-Hepburn [later 1st Lord Hailes, Conservative Chief Whip] on the Conservative responsibility as the Opposition, and comments by Herbert Morrison on the Conservative Party's irresponsibility in Opposition; notes by Sir Arthur Young [MP for Scotstoun, Glasgow] on subjects for the speech including the Conservative and Labour differences over nationalization, the housing problem in Scotland and the Conservative policy for Scotland; the agenda for the Scottish Unionist Association annual conference. Also includes amended notes for WSC's speech [15 July, Saltram Park, Plymouth, Devon, see CHUR 5/36]. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 7999 - 8006.Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (20 May, Astley, Worcestershire) entitled "Lord Baldwin" for the unveiling of the memorial to 1st Lord Baldwin, paying tribute to Baldwin's career, including the Locarno Treaty, raising the standard of living, the economic recovery after the Depression, and his breach with WSC over India. Source material includes notes by [Arthur] Windham Baldwin on the memorial, Baldwin's connections with the area and trying to correct the public view of Baldwin. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8007 - 8.Note on WSC's speech (20 May, Worcester) on receiving the freedom of the city.Speech notes for WSC's message (5 May, Chartwell [Kent], recorded for 24 May, Field Marshal Jan Smuts's Birthday Dinner, Johannesburg [South Africa]) entitled "Field Marshal Smuts's Eightieth Birthday" on WSC's long friendship with Smuts, the forming of the Transvaal Constitution, the links between Britain and South Africa and Smuts's support for WSC during the Second World War. Also includes amended notes for WSC's speech in tribute to Smuts (13 September 1950, see CHUR 5/37). Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8008 - 8010.


  • Creation: 18 Feb 1950 - 26 May 1950

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