Speeches: speech notes., 07 Nov 1945 - 28 Nov 1945
Scope and Contents
Speech notes for WSC's speech (7 November, House of Commons) entitled "The Anglo American Alliance" on the impending visit by the Prime Minister, Clement Attlee, to the United States and on subjects including foreign policy and the Soviet Union, the production of nuclear weapons and the disclosure of information about atomic weapons. Source material includes: a note from [?1st Lord Cherwell earlier Frederick Lindemann]; a letter from Sir John Anderson [later 1st Lord Waverley] and an extract from a speech by Harry Truman, President of the United States. Published: Complete Speeches VII, pp 7241-8.Speech notes (in English and French) for WSC's speech of thanks (12 November, Institut de France, Paris) on becoming a member of the Academy for Political and Moral Science and discussing the warm welcome he has received in France. Published: Complete Speeches VII, p 7248 (part).Speech notes for WSC's speech of thanks (15 November, Brussels University, Belgium) on receiving an honorary degree of Doctor of the Faculty of Law and on Belgium's position during the war. Published: Complete Speeches VII, pp 7249-50.Speech notes for WSC's speech of thanks (15 November, Academie Royale de Belgique) on being made an associate member of the academy.Speech notes for WSC's speech of thanks (15 November, British Embassy, Brussels) on receiving an honorary degree from the University of Louvain [Leuven, Belgium] in which he discusses the University's history. Published: Complete Speeches VII, pp 7250-51.Speech notes (in English and French) for WSC's speech (16 November, Joint meeting of the Senate and Chamber, Brussels) entitled "The future of Europe" in which he discusses the second World War and democracy. Source material includes a copy of the speech by Robert Gillon, President of the Senate, introducing WSC. Published: Complete Speeches VII, pp 7251-3.Speech notes for WSC's speech (in English and French) for WSC's speech of thanks (Hotel de Ville, Brussels) on receiving the freedom of Brussels and John, 1st Duke of Marlborough's visit there.Speech notes for WSC's speech of thanks (17 November, Antwerp [Belgium]) on receiving the freedom of the city of Antwerp.Speech notes, Hansard report and newscuttings on WSC's speech (28 November, Conservative Party Central Council Meeting, Friends' House, London) entitled "The Perils of Socialist control" in which he criticises the Labour government's policies regarding issues such as demobilisation, economic affairs, housing and reconstruction. Source material includes: papers for the meetings, letters from Ralph Assheton [later 1st Lord Clitheroe], Chairman of the Conservative Party and Sir Edward Bridges, Permanent Secretary to the Treasury. Published: Complete Speeches VII, pp 7254-60.
- Creation: 07 Nov 1945 - 28 Nov 1945
Conditions Governing Access
4 file(s) (4 files (345 loose folios))
Language of Materials
External Documents
- Labour Party (Organization)
- Conservative Party (Organization)
- Army (Organization)
- Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874 - 1965 (Knight, statesman and historian) (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the Churchill Archives Centre Repository
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