Box UA/GB Box 1353
Contains 7 Results:
052.026 Chemistry (Chemical Laboratory, Physical Chemistry, Organic and Inorganic Chemistry), 1989 - 1994
The General Board subject file series was established after World War II. The paper series was closed in 2017.
120.018 Biophysical Chemistry and Colloid Science (closed 1970), 1968 - 1973
Includes full set of minutes, agendas and papers for the Committee of Management.
120.019 Biophysics, 1952 - 1965
The General Board subject file series was established after World War II. The paper series was closed in 2017.
060.010 Lensfield Road: Chemical Laboratory, 1958 - 1965
The General Board subject file series was established after World War II. The paper series was closed in 2017.
110.030 Chemistry (Chemical Laboratories Library), 1930 - 1994
The General Board subject file series was established after World War II. The paper series was closed in 2017.
110.035 Colloid Science (Oliver Gatty Library) (merged with Biochemistry Library, 1970), 1968 - 1974
The General Board subject file series was established after World War II. The paper series was closed in 2017.
120.211 Glaxo Chemical Laboratory Unit, 1994
The General Board subject file series was established after World War II. The paper series was closed in 2017.