The Macclesfield Collection
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597

Digital Record
1: To find, by an Universal rule, very nearly, the place of a Comet or Planet revolving in an Eliptic Orbit, from the mean Anomaly being given
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/6/23

Digital Record
2: To find, by an universal rule, very nearly, the place of a Comet or Planet revolving in an elliptic orbit, from the mean Anomaly being given
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/6/24

Digital Record
3: Concerning the equations for the motions of the planets and comets
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/6/25

Digital Record
4: Kepler's Problem resolved
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/6/26

Digital Record
5: A General solution of Kepler's Problem
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/6/27

Digital Record
6: The Equations for the Motions of the Planets and Comets
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/6/28

Digital Record
7: Copy of Letter from William Starrat to Edmund Halley, suggesting solutions to Kepler's problem
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/6/29

Digital Record
8: On Newton's Principia, Proposition 31
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/6/30

Digital Record
10: Miscellaneous Astronomical Notes
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/6/57

Digital Record
A Genuine Detail of the Several Engagements, Positions, and Movements of the Royal and American Armies, during the Years 1775 and 1776
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/3/6

Digital Record
A revised version 'De quadratura curvarum'
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/2/9

Digital Record
"A System of Ethics" and "A System of Politics"
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/12/11

Digital Record
A Table Containing the Astronomical Elements of the Theories of the Sun and Planets According to the System of Copernicus
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/6/15

Digital Record
A Table of the Paschal Limits or the days on which the full moon which immediately precedes Easter day, will fall according to the several Golden numbers, from the years 1751 to 1899 both inclusive (/from 1900 to 2199 both inclusive)
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/7/8
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
The Macclesfield Collection
Chronology, c 1650-c 1750
A Table of the Paschal Limits or the days on which the full moon which immediately precedes Easter day, will fall according to the several Golden numbers, from the years 1751 to 1899 both inclusive (/from 1900 to 2199 both inclusive), c 1710-c 1749 (This is the first year that the table covers.)

Digital Record
"A Treatise of Coins" and "Of the Standards of Metals"
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/18/18

Digital Record
Abraham Sharp: Table of areas of the Segments of a Circle; Tables of Logarithms; Autograph Letters
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/13/1

Digital Record
"Acta Literaria Sveciae," Stockholm and Upsalia, 1723-1729
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.9597/3/8