Darwin Archive
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR
Digital Record
[unidentified] to Charles Robert Darwin
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 89: 120v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man' second edition, 1874
'Descent of man' second edition: notes on diverse topics, 1861 - 1874
Diverse-83 Letter, 1873-03-01 - 1873-03-31
[unidentified] to Charles Robert Darwin, 1873-03-01 - 1873-03-31
Digital Record
unnaturally numerous gives...
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 205.9: 103v
Digital Record
unrelated mathematical notes by Sir George Howard Darwin
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 69: B22v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
Material related to new editions or corrections of works, 1838-1888
Material related to 'Climbing plants', 'Cross and self fertilisation', 1867-10-01 - 1877-12-31
Vries H de '[ref inc]': 336 [translation, with some comments by Sir George Howard Darwin], 1845-01-01 - 1882-04-30
unrelated mathematical notes by Sir George Howard Darwin, 1845-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
unrelated mathematical notes by Sir George Howard Darwin
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 69: B23v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
Material related to new editions or corrections of works, 1838-1888
Material related to 'Climbing plants', 'Cross and self fertilisation', 1867-10-01 - 1877-12-31
Vries H de '[ref inc]': 336 [translation, with some comments by Sir George Howard Darwin], 1845-01-01 - 1882-04-30
unrelated mathematical notes by Sir George Howard Darwin, 1845-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
unrelated mathematical notes by Sir George Howard Darwin
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 69: B24v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
Material related to new editions or corrections of works, 1838-1888
Material related to 'Climbing plants', 'Cross and self fertilisation', 1867-10-01 - 1877-12-31
Vries H de '[ref inc]': 336 [translation, with some comments by Sir George Howard Darwin], 1845-01-01 - 1882-04-30
unrelated mathematical notes by Sir George Howard Darwin, 1845-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
unrelated mathematical notes by Sir George Howard Darwin
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 69: B25v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
Material related to new editions or corrections of works, 1838-1888
Material related to 'Climbing plants', 'Cross and self fertilisation', 1867-10-01 - 1877-12-31
Vries H de '[ref inc]': 336 [translation, with some comments by Sir George Howard Darwin], 1845-01-01 - 1882-04-30
unrelated mathematical notes by Sir George Howard Darwin, 1845-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
unrelated mathematical notes by Sir George Howard Darwin
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 69: B26v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
Material related to new editions or corrections of works, 1838-1888
Material related to 'Climbing plants', 'Cross and self fertilisation', 1867-10-01 - 1877-12-31
Vries H de '[ref inc]': 336 [translation, with some comments by Sir George Howard Darwin], 1845-01-01 - 1882-04-30
unrelated mathematical notes by Sir George Howard Darwin, 1845-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
[unrelated note, discarded]
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 205.9: 62v
Digital Record
[unrelated note? (discarded)]
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 88: 3v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man' second edition, 1874
'Descent of man' second edition: scraps relating to 'Moral sense', mammals and birds, 1867 - 1874
Moral Sense-3 Note, 1871-02-27
[unrelated note? (discarded)], 1871-02-27
Digital Record
[unrelated note or rough draft on reverse]
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 80: B139v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man': first edition, 1871, and 'Insectivorous Plants'
'Descent of man' first edition: scraps, many marked 'Man'
Descent Portfolios 1st edn Man & relevant indexed works
Man-120 Abstract, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
[unrelated note or rough draft on reverse], 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
[unrelated notes by Sir George Howard Darwin]
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 77: 33Vr
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Cross and self fertilisation': portfolios, 1840s-1876
'Cross and self fertilisation': experimental results, [1840s]-1875
2 nectar holes in all [listed varieties of Lathyrus], 1873-09-07
[unrelated notes by Sir George Howard Darwin], 1873-09-07
Digital Record
Unrolled would form...
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 45: 146v
Digital Record
[unstated] '[ref inc]' vol 3
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 84.2: 55r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man': first edition, 1871, and 'Insectivorous Plants'
'Descent of man' first edition: correspondence and material relating to birds
'Descent of man' first edition: material relating to birds, 1860s
Birds-42 Abstract, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
[unstated] '[ref inc]' vol 3, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
[unstated] '[ref inc]' vol 3
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 84.2: 55v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man': first edition, 1871, and 'Insectivorous Plants'
'Descent of man' first edition: correspondence and material relating to birds
'Descent of man' first edition: material relating to birds, 1860s
Birds-42 Abstract, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
[unstated] '[ref inc]' vol 3, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
[unstated] '[ref inc]' vol 3
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 84.2: 56r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man': first edition, 1871, and 'Insectivorous Plants'
'Descent of man' first edition: correspondence and material relating to birds
'Descent of man' first edition: material relating to birds, 1860s
Birds-42 Abstract, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
[unstated] '[ref inc]' vol 3, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 48: A22v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Origin of Species': portfolios I
Materials for chapter 8: 'Transition of organs'
'Natural Selection' Portfolios, notes for chap. 8, 'Transitional varieties'
NS I Chap 8-22 Note, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
(Untitled), 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
Urine / Saliva / Carbonate of ammonia
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 60.1: 103r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Insectivorous plants': portfolios, 1860 - 1876
Experimental treatments and observations, 1862 - 1870s
Notes on experimental treatments and observations, 1870s
Urine / Saliva / Carbonate of ammonia, 1809-09-08 - 1882-09-11
Urine / Saliva / Carbonate of ammonia, 1809-09-08 - 1882-09-11
Digital Record
Urine / Saliva / Carbonate of ammonia
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 60.1: 103v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Insectivorous plants': portfolios, 1860 - 1876
Experimental treatments and observations, 1862 - 1870s
Notes on experimental treatments and observations, 1870s
Urine / Saliva / Carbonate of ammonia, 1809-09-08 - 1882-09-11
Urine / Saliva / Carbonate of ammonia, 1809-09-08 - 1882-09-11
Digital Record
Urosticte Benjamin [drawings]
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 84.2: 109r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man': first edition, 1871, and 'Insectivorous Plants'
'Descent of man' first edition: correspondence and material relating to birds
'Descent of man' first edition: material relating to birds, 1860s
Birds-62 Note, 1809-11-15 - 1882-11-15
Urosticte Benjamin [drawings], 1809-11-15 - 1882-11-15
Digital Record
Urosticte / [drawing] 4 middle...
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 84.2: 108r
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man': first edition, 1871, and 'Insectivorous Plants'
'Descent of man' first edition: correspondence and material relating to birds
'Descent of man' first edition: material relating to birds, 1860s
Birds-62 Note, 1809-11-15 - 1882-11-15
Urosticte / [drawing] 4 middle..., 1809-11-15 - 1882-11-15
Digital Record
Ursus spelaeus: perforate humerus
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 87: 27r
Digital Record
Ursus spelaeus: perforate humerus
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 87: 27v
Digital Record
Urtica / Pila[?] / Elatior / B[illeg] / Only 3 genera wd be a fairer half (table)
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 16: 301r
Digital Record
use their voice as the vertebrate...
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 85: A9v
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Darwin Archive
'Descent of man': portfolios
'Descent of man': first edition, 1871, and 'Insectivorous Plants'
'Descent of man' first edition: used scraps relating to 'Man' and notes relating to principles of sexual selection, polygamy and number of sexes
Descent Portfolios 1st edn, Sexual Selection: Man (used)
Man (used)-8 Note, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
use their voice as the vertebrate..., 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Digital Record
Useless changes of habits...
Digital Record
Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 89: 135v