Semi-official and property correspondence between Shanghai and Hankow, 5 Jan. 1921-31 Dec. 1921
Scope and Contents
Semi-official letters nos 121-221 from W.S. Dupree, Hankow, to G.S. Aveyard, J.J. Paterson and (mainly) A. Brooke Smith, Shanghai, 5 January-31 December 1921, and unnumbered semi-official letters from Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, to W.S. Dupree, Hankow, 8 January-29 December 1921, with enclosed letters and papers. There are also property letters nos P.1-19, P.21 and P.22 from Hankow to Shanghai, 19 May-30 November 1921, and P.1-18 from Shanghai to Hankow, 25 May-20 December 1921. The letters from Shanghai are unsigned.
There is an index at the beginning of the volume containing the following entries:
A: Accounts; Arnhold Bros; Agreement; Agreement with Wang Yuin-Sung; Abstract Log of Voyage; Accidents; Anchorages; Assistants; Agencies; Agency & Departmental Commissions; Annual Report; Accounts Receivable; H.A. Allan.
B: J. Barr; Berthing Sites; 'B' Bungalow; Beans; Ian Beith; D.G.M. Bernard; Bank Balance; British Municipal Council; A.H. & T.A. Barnes; C.W.M. Birch; Balfour, Guthrie & Co.; Book Offices.
C: Mr Corke; B.M. Carion; Chengtu & Chungking Compradores; Chengtu Goatskins; Canton-Hankow Railway; Changsha Furniture; Changsha Engineering; Changsha; Changsha Club; Chungking Winter Bungalow; Claims; Credit; Chungking & Chengtu Consignment Stocks; Chen Nai Chung; Chartered Lighters; Coal; Departmental Commissions; Chinese Occupation in British Concession; Chao Chioh Toh; Commercial; Cotton Mill; Crown Leases; Charge; Chungking Property; Chungking; Chungking (Little River Site & Godowns); Chungking Compradore Yen; Chungking Compradore Liu; Chungking Trade Report; China Produce Exchange Position; China Produce Department; Chungking Profit & Loss Account; Chungking Special Finance; Compradore's Deposits; Compradore's Agreement; Cotton; Chabrières, Morel et Cie; Chungking Underwriting Account; Chengtu Overdraft with Shanghai; Chengtu; Chengtu Compradore's Letter; Copper; Copper Contract Claims; Chungking Shipments; Chungking Wharf Syndicate Godown; Chengtu Furniture; Chengtu Monthly Trade Report; Chungking & Chengtu Mints; Chungking Berthing Sites.
D: Dowler, Forbes & Co.; Davidson's Chengtu Furniture; R.H. Davidson's Stores; R.H. Davidson; W.S. Dupree; Dealer's Consignment; G.F. Duddridge.
E: Exchange; Engineering Department; Estimated Position of Produce Department; Estimated Financial Position; Estimate of Probable Result of Year's Working; Exchange Losses on Taken Over Stocks; Export Accounts; Export Compradore's Agreement; Engineering Letters; Engineering; Engineering Returns; Export Limits; Export Produce; Ewo Yu; Explosives; Export Department.
F: Financial Statement; Financial Position; Finance.
G: Godown Rents; Goatskins; Major John Gregg; General; Gallnuts; China Grass; Glidden Co. of Cleveland.
H: Hankow Land Investment Co.; Hankow Agency; Hankow Lots 7 & 8; Hukuang Railways; Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation; Him Shan's Property; Hankow-Canton Railway; Hunan; H. Hobden; Hides; G. Hall; Hospital Expenses.
I: Ichang; Indo-China Steam Navigation Co.; Ichang Property; Ichang Residential House Scheme; Insurance; Import Piece Goods; Imports Department.
J: Junk Traffic; P.V. Jackson.
K: L.G. Murray Kidd; Kou Tien Pa; Kiating; Ki Tze Pa; Korster Co.
L: Lot 8; Lot 19; Lot 7; General Liu Hsiang; Land Near Race Course; Letters Nos 42, 398, no. 14; Losses; W. Laidlaw; Looting of Ichang; Leave; L.N. Leefe; Mrs L.N. Leefe; Little River & 3 Mile Sites; Lin Chi San Tan; Loan Account; W.H. Leslie.
M: Monthly Financial Statement; Monthly Report; J. McCaig; A.E. Mackay; Mr Macintyre; Maurice Marshall; A.L. Minjoot; Measurements; Market.
N: Claims for Losses by and Taxation of Native Agents; New York; New York Goatskins; New York Stocks; R.M. Nash; New York Invoices; New York Accounts; Navigation; New York Produce Department; Nisshin Kisen Kaisha.
O: Official Letter to Chungking; J.F. Owen; R. O'Brien; Office Accommodation.
P: H.K. Peters; Produce Speculative Stocks Held Locally; Produce Department; Produce Shipments; Produce Business; Political; Property; Return Passages to Employees Granted Home Leave; Piece Goods; Pilots.
R: C. Ribeiro; E.F. Ratti; Railway Siding; Mrs C.H. Ross; C.H. Ross; Andrew Ross; Raw Cotton; Russian Council; J.M.V. Ribeiro; Rent Allowance; Reimbursement; Rickshaw Strike.
S: Suifu; Siao Mi Tan; Shih Niu Tan; Steam Navigation; Steamers; Statement of Goods; Sugar Sub-agencies; Sino-British or Sino-Jardine Corporation; Staff; Stocks of Barrels, Gunnies, etc.; Stocks; Sesamum Seed; A. Stewart; A.E. Shepherd; Szechuan; F.F. Singer; Steel Bars; Stores Incidental to Produce Business; S.S. 'Shunun'; Shipping Report; Statement of Shipments; S/O Letters; Steps from River to River Bank.
T: C.T. Tod; Travelling Expenses of Staff While on Firm's Business; J.C. Taylor; Trade Report; 3 Miles Site; Tze Liu Ching Railway.
U: Up-river Agencies Profit & Loss Account.
W: Wood Oil; Wahnsien; J.H. Williams; Wagon Contract; Wuchang; Wa Ya Tan; Wong; H. Whitworth Ltd.
Y: Yangtsze Pool.
- Creation: 5 Jan. 1921-31 Dec. 1921
- From the Fonds: Jardine, Matheson and Co. Ltd (Organization)
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Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at
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Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.
1 volume(s) (1 volume)
Language of Materials
Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
Fair condition, but some damage by insects.
Former reference: J27/1
Repository Details
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