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'Exhibita coram Procan[cellariis] annis infrascript[is]: 1560, 1565, 1570', 1540-95

Reference Code: GBR/0265/UA/VCCt.III 1

Scope and Contents


1. Certificate of Andrew Perne, Vice-Chancellor, to Sir Nicholas Bacon and the Court of Chancery that Lent has been observed according to the Proclamation, 30 Apr. 1560;

2. Letter from William Byll (Master of Trinity College), Walter Haddon (Master of Trinity Hall) and William Mey (President of Queens' College) in London, to the Vice-Chancellor and Proctors, urging that [Edward] Gascoigne 'late Fellow of Queens'' [Chancellor of the diocese of Norwich] be dispensed with certain exercises for the degree of Doctor of Civil Law, 16 Nov. 1559;

3. Recognisance of John Cottam late of Ingatestone, Essex, servingman (with sureties James Bolton of Chesterton, yeoman, and William Senior of Cambridge, burgess) to keep the peace and to appear at the next Quarter Sessions, 20 June 1565;

4. Compulsorium by Andrew Perne, Vice-Chancellor, for Thomas Tibbe of St Clement's parish, to appear to answer Thomas Watson of the same parish, in a case of debt, 4 May 1560;

5. (This item is now part of UA Lett.9) Letter from W. Cecil re committal of J. Beaumont, Vice-Master of Trinity College, to the Tolbooth for not agreeing to the restitution of [?John] Sanderson, expelled, 5 Nov. 1560 (see Cooper Annals II, 175-6);

6. Copy of the Mayor's oath, n.d.;

7. Orders of the Vice-Chancellor (Henry Harvey), Andrew Perne (Master of Peterhouse), Robert Beaumont (Master of Trinity College), Edmund Edwards (Master of Corpus Christi College), Ralph Lever (Fellow of St John's College), Alan Par (Vice-Provost of King's College), Laurence Webbe (?Fellow of Clare Hall), Henry Dethick (Fellow of Gonville and Caius College) and Gregory Garth (Fellow of Pembroke Hall) concerning apparell and not attending Sturbridge Fair, 3 Sept. 1561;

8. Royal Injunction for hearing public lectures [?not found elsewhere in University Archives, but most resembles Cap.XII of Cardinal Pole's Statutes of 1557], and decree of Vice-Chancellor (Philip Baker) and Heads specifying fines for negligence on the part of lecturers, 11 Dec. 1561;

9. Letter of attorney: Robert Raye, burgess of Cambridge, to Robert Ford, LLB, of Trinity Hall, in a suit with St John's College. Witnesses: Thomas Barons and Edward Bland, 4 Apr. 1560;

10. Patent (cancelled) of Richard Noke, University Appraiser, 10 May 1540;

11. Thomas Bould/Bald allowed as purveyor of butter and cheese. Draft, n.d.[1562x63];

12. Acquittance from Henry Harvey (?Master of Trinity Hall), of Edward Buckenham as executor of Peter Bright, deceased, 23 Aug. 1563;

13. (This item is now CUR 69 (3, 4)) 'Charge for the probate of wills', n.d.;

14. John Ratcliffe, draper, University Appraiser, resigns his office conditionally upon John Redman, bedell, being elected in his place, 1 Nov. 1566;

15. (This item is missing, ?see UA CUR 1.2) 'The Accompts of the severall chests, and the cautions laid into them', n.d.:

16. Decree by John Young, Vice-Chancellor, that cautions unredeemed by the statutory time be exposed for sale; custodians of chests to come between 7 and 8am on 16 December to the New Chapel, 28 Nov. 1568. Dorse: draft recognisance of William Burwell in £10 to keep the peace and not to leave his parents' house after 7pm in winter and 10pm in summer without their orders. Sureties: Martin Gyll, burgess, and Thomas ?Baselady, n.d.;

17. Petition of Robert Gervys, mayor, John Bymer, George Baker, Thomas Waters, John Makaintur, Ralph Downs, William Judye, Richard Spenser, Thomas ?Clayborn and Robert Houghton [presumably all of Lynn] for Martin Baldevin to be licensed to practise surgery, 1 Jan. 1559/60;

18. William Woulfe, butcher, licensed to kill flesh for sale to the sick in Lent, for this year only. Draft. Thomas Byng, Vice-Chancellor, 4 Feb. 1572/3. Also: note for Letter of Attorney from Thomas Byng, Vice-Chancellor, to Thomas Taylor, clerk, against ?William Athays, Gylbard Amond, vicar of Borham, and Thomas Somerfyld, of West Hanyngfield, Essex, for the recovery of £10 given by one Sir Hugh Taylor, clerk and parson of Canbury, Essex, to the poor scholars of Cambridge, n.d.;

19. Petition from Edward Hawford (Master of Christ's College), late Vice-Chancellor, and Richard Coortesse [Curteys], BD (St John's College), and Henry Woorley [Worleye], MA (Jesus College), late Proctors, to the Court of the Exchequer, that Margaret Meriall, of Barnwell, widow, having been amerced at the leet held by Edward Stanhope, Esq., deputy to the Earl of Leicester [High Steward], on 3 October 1564, for selling wine at Sturbridge Fair without a licence, be now discharged from the Exchequer Court, 17 June 1565;

20a. John Howell of Cambridge, chandler, convicted by John Stokes, Vice-Chancellor, at the suit of Thomas Bynge (Peterhouse) and Thomas Preston (King's College), Proctors, of regrating (48 barrels of herring and also a quantity of salt- and other fish bought from William Burwell of Cambridge, grocer, and sold to George Adams of Cambridge, fishmonger), 6 May 1566;

20b. Fair copy of 20a;

21. Account of Thomas Wilson, BD (Trinity College) and John Ebden, MA (Peterhouse), executors of the will of John Mere, Esquire Bedell, deceased, examined by Matthew Parker (Archbishop of Canterbury) in the presence of John Pory, DD (Master of Corpus Christi College) and Edward Leedes, LLD (Master of Clare Hall), Apr. 1562;

22. Letter of Attorney: Thomas Wilson, BD, to John Kynge, MA (Peterhouse), to exhibit the account of Mere's executors, 1 Apr. 1562;

23. List of implements remaining in Mere's house to the use of the University, [1558x62];

24. Order of Francis Newton (Fellow of Trinity College), Vice-Chancellor, and Henry Searle, Mayor, that fires be lighted in every parish at 7pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, weekly, and streets watered by house-holders every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday morning and cleansed on Wednesdays and Saturdays, 30 Aug. 1563;

25. John Badcock of Barnwell, appoints Robert Forthe, LLB, his proctor in a suit in the Vice-Chancellor's Court, 6 Oct. 1561;

26. Queries to be addressed to Sir William Cecil about procedure at the Queen's visit to Cambridge, [July 1564];

27. Copy (damaged) of letter to the Privy Council about calling in the base money, 19 Oct. 1560;

28. Viis et modis for [Peter] Carter, MA (Fellow of St John's College), cited as a witness in case of Richard Curtesse, BD (President of St John's College), and Thomas Longworth of Barnwell; with marginal note re fee and places of posting citatio viis et modis (chapel and chamber door), 31 Oct. 1566;

29. Recognisance of Thomas Longworth of Barnwell, yeoman, and Edmund Smalwoode, of Cambridge yeoman, of 100s if William Worthington of Haslingfield do not show good cause for the clerkship of Barnwell Fair and if TL and ES do not pay 20s for the University interest in the clerkship, 23 June 1566;

30. Bond of John Caius, MD (Master of Gonville and Caius College), in £20 to maintain Robert Spensar, Foundation-Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, and any successors, for the term of JC's life. The £20 payable to the College in the event of forfeiture. Witnesses: Henry Dethick, MA (Gonville and Caius College), and Matthew Stokys, 20 June 1562;

31a. Draft viis et modis for John Caius to appear on 10 December to answer to the suit of Robert Beaumont, late Vice-Chancellor, in a case of the expulsion of Fellows [including Spensar and Dethick], Nov. 1565;

31b. Fair copy of 31a, 1 Dec. 1565;

32. (This item is now UA CUR 93 (1**)) John Beacon, MA (acting President of St John's College), presents Nicholas Shepher, BD, newly elected Master, to Sir William Cecil, Chancellor, and John Maye, DD, Vice-Chancellor, 16 Dec. 1569;

33a. Edward Hawford, DD, Vice-Chancellor, commissions John Stokys, DD, his deputy to admit Edward [Scambler], Bishop of Peterborough, DD, according to the grace of 18 April 1564. Attested by Matthew Stokys, 8 Oct. 1564;

33b. Certificate of Edward Scambler's having been admitted DD in Peterborough Cathedral, attested by John Mountstevinge, notary public, Oct. 1564 (see UA Grace Book Delta, f.79v);

34. (This item is now UA CUR 20.1(4.1b)) 'The charge for making the Consistory etc.', Matthew Stokys, [?1571];

35. Detailed note of the restoration of the lead roofs and gutters of the Schools at a cost of £50, including £40 from the estate of John Mere, 1562;

36. Account by Edward Hawford (Master of Christ's College], but in Stokys' hand, of the case between Francis Cooper, MA, and Henry Searles, alderman, for debt [66s 8d], of Searle's appeal to the University and subsequent proceedings in Chancery. Searle was cited as husband of the widow and executrix of one Lyne who had taken over the debt from Slegge, the original debtor. Includes deposition of Richard Killingworth of Filbourn. See Cooper Annals II, 208-9, [June-Sept. 1564];

37/1. Draft Letter of Attorney: Matthew Stokys, as Esquire Bedell, to appear in Chancery for Edward Hawford, Vice-Chancellor, in the case of Henry Searle, [1564];

37/2. Draft petition [?to the Lord Keeper Bacon] that Searle's writs be declared void, [1564];

37/3. Draft commission: Miles Coverdale, DD (for Hawford, Vice-Chancellor) to admit Edmund [Grindal], Bishop of London, DD, [1564];

38a. Draft Latin translation of 37/2;

38b. Fair copy of 38a;

39. Viis et modis for Thomas Horsman, LLB (Fellow of Trinity Hall), 'de perversa religione suspectus', to appear in court on 10 June, 27 May 1570;

40. Release from prison of William Burwell on his submission before Philip Baker, DD (Provost of King's College), Vice-Chancellor, and [George] Blythe, Junior Proctor and [Francis] Newton, BD (Fellow of Trinity College). He confesses to infringing the University's privileges by prosecuting John Rust and Alexander Raye in the common court, and seeks permission to continue the suit there. [Granted by grace of 15 May], 4 May 1562;

41a/1. Explicit and implicit statements [attributed to William Charke, MA (Fellow of Peterhouse)] and list of Heads [acting as Assessors in Vice-Chancellor's Court in the case], Dec. 1572;

41a/2. Note of summons of all Doctors, Inceptors and BDs previously Regents, to assemble on Friday next [?16 December] at 8am [?for a Congregation]; and notes re Lady Margaret Professorship, [?1572];

41b. William Charke, before the Vice-Chancellor and Heads, refuses to recant and is expelled from his College and the University; his appeal disallowed, 5 Feb. 1572/3;

42. Thomas Cartwright, Lady Margaret Professor, charged by John Whitgift, Vice-Chancellor, with teaching 'articles ... contrary to religion received ... ', and, on his refusal to recant, deprived of his Professorship and inhibited from preaching within the University, 11 Dec. 1570;

43. Unsigned testimony that Cartwright, contrary to his assertion, was offered a conference upon his propositions but refused the conditions. With rough notes on dorse, 18 Mar. [1570/1];

44. Answers of [George] Withers (?Corpus Christi College) before John Stokys, Vice-Chancellor, and Doctors [Robert] Beaumont and [Matthew] Hutton (Master of Pembroke Hall) to interrogatories as to his refusal to deliver up his licence to preach, 13 May 1566;

45. Decree of Vice-Chancellor [Whitgift] and Heads forbidding going into the river upon any pretext and appointing penalties (see 1785 Statutes, pp.453-4], 8 May 1571;

46. Certificate that Richard Coortesse, Dean of Chichester [later Bishop], was admitted DD in the Jerusalem chamber at Westminster by Gabriel Goodman, Dean of Westminster, commissioned deputy of John Young, Vice-Chancellor (Pembroke Hall), on 2 April 1569;

47. Letter of Attorney: Joan, widow of Harwood Martyn, to John Rust, alderman, and John Scott, baker, to prove her husband's will, 21 May 1569;

48a. Order of John Whitgift, DD, Vice-Chancellor, and William Foxton, Mayor, that persons from Yarmouth or other places where there is plague, do not enter the town, and that they be not received, both on pain of 40 days' imprisonment, n.d. [?1571];

48b. Similar order forbidding those coming from infected places to keep tippling houses etc. at Sturbridge Fair, n.d. [?1571];

49. Order that no innkeeper etc. receive any scholar under the degree of MA without special licence from the Master of the relevant College, unless the scholar be accompanied by his Tutor, 22 Mar. n.y.;

50. Draft order by John Whitgift, Vice-Chancellor, and Justices, that the Queen's agents, [ ] Hayne 'suriaunte of the caterye' [?], Agnes Powior and [ ] Doddys be allowed to buy wax for the Queen's use at Sturbridge Fair for this year only, the ships coming out of Muscovia having not brought their lading, 8 Sept. 1571;

51a. Report of Edward Hawford, deputy Vice-Chancellor, to the Vice-Chancellor and Heads, on his dealings with the Proctors [John Beacon, St John's College, and Arthur Purefye, Christ's College] on their assertion that Lord Burghley had ruled that Presidents of Colleges should supply the absence of their Masters in the nominations of lecturers. [The Senior Proctor threatened to take no part in the Congregation if the ruling were not allowed]. Also, William Chaderton's account of his advice to Hawford, [after 9 June 1572];

51b. Two draft interrogatories, before Heads listed in margin, as to Mr Beacon's conduct at the Congregation on 10 June, 8 July 1572;

51c. Replies to interrogatories of John Still, BD (Fellow of Christ's College), Robert Soame, BD (Fellow of Queens' College), Walter Allen, MA (Fellow of Christ's College), Robert West, BD (Vice-Master of Trinity College), Robert Garret, BD (Fellow of Queens' College), John Trace, MA (Fellow of Gonville and Caius College), and John Bell, MA (Fellow of Magdalene College); and personal answer of Edward Hawford and deposition of William Chaderton, [8 July 1572];

52a. Certificate that William Fulke, BD, was admitted DD by Edmund Freake, Bishop of Rochester, in the chapel of St James's, William Latimer, DD, presiding, 25 May 1572;

52b. Another copy with names of witnesses: Thomas Willoughby, William James, William Latimer, Richard Chaundler, William Wickham, Robert Dorsett, [25 May 1572];

53. Testimonial by John Hatcher, MD (Fellow of St John's College), and Isaac Barrow, MD (Fellow of Trinity College), that [Thomas] Barwick (Fellow of Trinity College) is worthy to practise in physic, 3 July 1573;

54. Certificate of Robert Beaumont, Vice-Chancellor, to the other Justices that bonds of £20 each from Thomas Chapman, MA (Fellow of Clare Hall), and Thomas Cartwright, MA (Fellow of Trinity College), for the good behaviour of William Tompson of Great Eversden, labourer, [?charged with arson], himself bound in 40 marks, have been received by the court, 1 Oct. 1565;

55a-e. Annual lists of aldermen, burgesses, parish representatives and leather searchers sworn at the Magna Congregatio or Black Leet, 1570-1, n.d.;

56. (This item is missing) 'Warrant for the arrest of Richard Wastell for running from his master', n.d.;

57a. Draft licence from John Whitgift, Vice-Chancellor, for Anthony Weber, student of Civil Law, to eat flesh in Lent [on account of sickness] on the testimony of John Hatcher (St John's College) and William Warde (King's College), MDs; with list in margin ?of others to be so licensed: [?Thomas] Tussur, [William Bourchier] Lord of Bath, Weber, Humphrey Tyndall (Pembroke Hall) and Anthony Cooke (Pembroke Hall), 2 Mar. 1573/4;

57b. William Warde's certificate for Anthony Weber, [?Feb./Mar. 1573/4];

57c. Similar certificate of William Warde and Lancelot Browne (Pembroke Hall) for Mr [Humphrey] Tendall (Pembroke Hall) - colic and the stone - and his pupil, [Anthony] Cooke - 'pain of the spleen', [?Feb./Mar. 1573/4];

58. (This item is now UA O.II.204) Vice-Chancellor's Tradita: Dr Richard Longworth (St John's College) to Dr John Young (Pembroke Hall), 4 Nov. 1568;

59. Letter of Attorney: Joan Raven, widow of Edward Raven, deceased, Fellow of St John's College, to William Irland and John Raven, gents., to prove her husband's will, 9 Nov. 1558;

60. Five-mile certificates: 60a.i. Shepreth and Foxton. Certified by George Frevyle and Clement Chicheley at the instigation of [Thomas] Ingerey, Chief Constable of Wetherley Hundred, 14 Jan.1560/1; a.ii. Richard Noke's receipt for £6 from Dr Harvey (Master of Trinity Hall) in part payment of certain loads of stone delivered to Trinity Hall. Witness: T. Sampson, 28 Dec. 1560. Memorandum of Vice-Chancellor that he did not allow the claim of the men of Shepreth - counting 12 furlongs = 1 mile, 40 poles = 1 furlong, and 18 feet = 1 pole - but demanded an independent asessment by the highway at 16 1/2 feet = 1 pole, 28 Jan. 1560/1. Thomas Ingraye, husbandman, Richard Cresswell, milliner, Edward Broke, husbandman, John Skargell, esq., and John Peverell, labourer, all of Shepreth, William Bresbone, husbandman, and Thomas Campion, husbandman, of Foxton, certify that it is five miles by the highway from Shepreth Churchyard wall to the White Canons at 16 1/2 feet to the pole, 1 Feb. 1560/1;

60b. Stretham. In form of bond in £20: Robert Hall, esq., Robert Salmon, husbandman, Thomas Godes, husbandman and Henry Cockes, 1 Jan. 1561/2;

60c. Wimpole. Letter to Dr Baker, Vice-Chancellor, from Clement Chicheley and Christopher Burgoyne that Wimpole be recognised as within five miles on the oaths of Robert Semar, Thomas ?Jefson, John Semar, John Thomas, John Brocke, Thomas Moore, Peter Houberd, Stephen Kenrycke, Richard Maldyn and Thomas Cuttell, 16 Mar. 1561/2;

60d. Stretham. Oath before Edward Gascoyne (Master of Jesus College) and John Pory (Master of Corpus Christi College) of Robert Salmon, William Guttergill, Richard Yrlame, Henry Goodes, Thomas Goodes, Hugh Langford, Henry Coxe, John Gotobed, John Rutter, Thomas Mallyn, Gregory Yvatsone and Richard Myrrye, 31 Dec. 1561;

60e. Great and Little Abington. Letter: distance measured by John Amye of Great Abington, and John Amye, John Fuller and John Warde of Little Abington, and Robert Harvye of Horseheath. Attested by John Alyngton, 19 Nov. 1563;

60f. Bourn. Letter. Signed Francis Hynde and John Hutton, 23 Sept. 1564;

60g.i. Haddenham. Letter, signed John Hutton. Deponents: Roger Wyllyat, John Cooper, Richard Crosier, Thomas Raven, Robert Rede, Christopher Jervis, Richard Farrar, Vincent Dale, John Dobsone, Henry Solle and George Halle, 11 May 1570;

60g.ii. Similar letter signed Francis Hynde (same deponents), 12 May 1570;

60h.i. Haddenham. Bond in £20: Thomas Wrenn, esq., Jasper Upton, gent., Roger Wyllet and Thomas Phyper, yeomen, 27 May 1570;

60h.ii. Copy of conditions of bond, [27 May 1570];

60j. Fowlmere. Bond in £20: John Aldred and Robert Austen of Fowlmere, yeomen, 10 June 1576;

60k. Meldreth. Bond in £20: Thomas Sterne and Haselden Bery, gents., of Meldreth, Edward Robinson, Robert Coe, and Thomas ?Mongori, yeomen, and James Dunnasam, 13 Mar. 1581/2;

60l. Whaddon. Bond in £20: John Morley, gent., and William Brocke, yeomen, both of Whaddon. Witnesses: Bernard Phillips and Robert Rowley, 1 Nov. 1582 [Note. Halman also lists a five-mile certificate for Ickleton. This appears to have been that for 1616 now in UA VCCt III.22; the date brings into question the authenticity of Halman's file];

61. Bond in £100 of John Williamson of Cambridge, ?George Williamson snr and George Williamson jnr of Waterbeach, yeomen, that JW on his marriage to Margaret, widow of John Hodgeson of Cambridge, will bring up M. and JH's children and honour their father's legacies to them, 30 Aug. 1576;

62. Licence by John Young, Vice-Chancellor, for Simon Watson, stationer or book-binder and vintner, to retail all manner of wines, 10 Nov. 1553;

63. Bond in £40 of John Greneway of Northampton, surgeon, to appear before Robert Beaumont, Vice-Chancellor, on 1 July next and not then to depart the town until licensed or dismissed, 22 Mar. 1566/7;

64. Bond in £10 of Thomas Barnes and Richard Fan that Joan Troe, alias Fann, banished for incontinent living and lewd behaviour depart for ever within four days. Witnesses: David Powell, MA (Trinity College), Thomas Challis, Richard Hullocke, Robert Crier, 15 Feb. 1566/7;

65. Bond in £20 of John Cockcrofte and John Northende both of Halifax, Yorks, clothiers, Henry Warren, MA (Chaplain of St John's College) and Hugh Boothe, MA (Fellow of St John's College) that Cockcrofte and Northende procure letters of attorney from Elizabeth Cockcrofte (mother) and Elizabeth and Agnes Cockcrofte (sisters) of Henry Cockcrofte, deceased, to execute his will and administer his estate. Witnesses: Sir Taylor and Matthew Stokys, 11 Nov. 1567;

66. Bond in £10 of John Buttres, cobbler, that neither he nor his wife, nor their agents, have dealings with any scholar not a Fellow or MA, nor with anyone under 20, nor with any apprentice, 10 Nov. 1556;

67. Bond in £10 of John Waller of Cambridge, slater, to deliver to William Bright, alderman, 20 quarters of barley before the Feast of All Saints. Witnesses: William Ward and John Norket, 14 July 1570;

68. Licence of John Young, Vice-Chancellor, for Walter Allen, MA (Christ's College) to preach, citing relevant section of Letters Patent of 1561. Attested: Matthew Stokys, 25 Mar. 1568/9;

69. Bond in 40 marks of Thomas Vauhan of Cambridge, cook, to Peter Waley of Cambridge, cordwainer, to deliver to him 136 stone of tallow, hard and soft, by Shrove Tuesday next. Witnesses: John Norkot and Thomas Barnes, notaries public, 29 Mar. 1585;

70a. Bond in £20 of Hugh Ridyng of Cambridge, tailor, to Vice-Chancellor, not to practise the art of tailor within the town until he have proved that he may lawfully do so and been licensed by the Vice-Chancellor. Witness: Matthew Stokys, 11 Aug. 1571;

70b. Similar bond in £5 of John Heardman, tailor, to pay 50s to the use of the tailors of Cambridge by 1 September and to forbear trading under conditions above, except as servant to an existing tailor. Witnesses: Martin Gill, gent., and William Steward of Grantchester, 16 Aug. 1571;

71. Certificate of William Emerson, alderman's deputy, George ?Gybbes and Richard Purdewe, constables, all of St Saviour's, Southwark, that John Hardman served his apprenticeship with Mr Parry, now in the Marshalsea for debt, but intending when released to make JH if so disposed a freeman of London, n.d. [1571];

72. Writ from Lord Burghley, Chancellor, restoring to Nicholas Browne, BD (Fellow of Trinity College) his licence to preach, originally issued on 29 March 1566, on his subscriptions to the articles, 18 Jan. 1571/2;

73. Bond in £10 of James Cookeson, cook, and David Trevor, joiner, to John Miller, slater, all of Cambridge, to keep the covenants in deeds of even date concerning the rebuilding etc. of a messuage in St Michael's parish. Witnesses: John Homes, Anthony Ben and Robert Church, scribe, 1 Apr. 1571;

74. Bond in 20 marks of Laurence Taylor, carpenter, and William Orum, tailor, both of Cambridge, to the Vice-Chancellor that LT, residuary legatee of Robert Stannawayes to the tune of £13 8s 9d, bring up RS's daughter Agnes Stannawayes until she be sixteen, 24 June 1559;

75. Bond in £40 of Peter Jones of Cambridge, tailor, to John Stokys, Vice-Chancellor, to receive monies and documents relating to the inheritance of his apprentice, John Osbourne, and not to spend monies on JO's properties without the consent of John Richardson of Cambridge, tailor. Witnesses: John Baxter and ?Peter Robinson, bedells, and Matthew Stokys, 3 May 1566;

76. John Robinson of Cambridge, son of Richard Robinson, barber, releases John Raynoldes of Cambridge, burgess and cordwainer, from all actions against him. Witnesses: James Townson, Christopher Townson and Thomas Barber, notary public, 12 Jan. 1578/9;

77. Cancelled bond in £50 of Francis Saxton of Lynn, merchant, to Walter Myres, citizen and skinner of London, to pay him £29 at Sturbridge Fair by 8 September. Witnesses: Thomas Ithell, apprentice to Thomas Lome, ?sheriff, 4 Apr. 1583;

78. Bond in 40 marks of Robert Dawson, miller, and Thomas Evers, tailor, to John Norkett, burgess and scribe, all of Cambridge, to deliver to him 40 quarters of barley by 6 November next. Witnesses: Miles Jugge and Thomas Barber, notary public, 31 Jan. 1582/3;

79. Deed of sale by Thomas Fynche, citizen and skinner of London, to Robert Myghell of Barnard's Inn, Middlesex, gent., of six half pieces of cambric, 20 pieces of holland, 40 pieces of canvas, six of white 'hamborough' etc., 11 Sept. 1583;

80. Bond in £20 of Francis Cuttes, BA (Trinity Hall), and Godfrey Coulton of Cambridge, tailor, to George Newman, LLB (Trinity Hall), and John Stevyn of Cambridge, baker, to save harmless GN and JS bound to John Porter in 20 marks. Witnesses: John Porter and Thomas Barber, notary public, 28 Mar. 1587;

81. Bond in £30 of John Harvie, innholder, to Richard Fallowes, pantler of King's College, to save harmless RF jointly bound with him to the Vice-Chancellor in £32. Witnesses: John Lumley and Thomas Smith, notary public, 13 Jan. 1589/90;

82. Bond in £200 of Remige Bouth of Cambridge, gent., to Nicholas Forster, MA (King's College), clerk, of Ditchingham, Norfolk, to procure the resignation of the rectory of Wing, Rutland, within 21 days after Michaelmas. Witnesses: Robert Cooke and Leonard ?Ponian, 1 Aug. 1586;

83. Bond in 40 marks of Edward Olyver and Thomas Howes, both of Cambridge, yeomen, to the Vice-Chancellor that EO on his marriage to Rose, widow and executrix of Hugh Meadowcroft, gardener, will satisfy HM's legacies to his son John Meadowcroft. Witnesses: Matthew Stokys, Thomas Crawford, Henry Frogge and Thomas Barber, notary public, 18 May 1584;

84. Bond of John Male of London, shoemaker, [ ] Phidlinge of Cambridge and [ ] Graves of Wilburton, butchers, that Agnes, wife of John Male, refrain from entertaining lewd or suspicious persons, etc. 14 June 1592;

85. Bond in £20 of Roger Brooke of Cambridge, cook, to William Boyden of Little Shelford, yeoman, to save harmless WB bound with him in £10 to John Tyddeswell, chandler. Witness: Thomas Barber, notary public, 6 July 1588;

86. Bond in £20 of John Wells snr. of Cambridge, goldsmith, and John Bateson of Cambridge, tiler, to the Vice-Chancellor faithfully to execute JW's guardianship of his sons, William, Andrew and John and to save harmless the Vice-Chancellor etc. from all suits arising. Witnesses: Richard Collyn, tailor, Matthew Stokys, 31 Mar. 1587;

87. Bond in £10 of Thomas Crowfoote of Cambridge, baker, to Robert Fletcher of Cambridge, cook, to be paid for the use of Luke, son of RF at Christmas 1591. Witnesses: George Lee, John ?Havell, John Power, 10 Mar. 1584/5;

88. Bond in 200 marks of John Dawson of Cambridge, innholder, to Agnes Scott of Cambridge, widow, to keep the terms of a deed of assignment from JD to AS of even date. Witnesses: Richard Gravner and James ? Watton, 25 Jan. 1590/1;

89. Bond in 40 marks of Matthew Sethell, MA (Fellow of Corpus Christi College), Edward Elvin, MA (Fellow of Corpus Christi College) and John Fletcher, MA (Fellow of Gonville and Caius College) to the Vice-Chancellor that MS will deliver to the Vice-Chancellor certain goods (or their value) shown in an inventory to be delivered to him by Anthony Hickman, MA (Fellow of Corpus Christi College). Witness: Thomas Smith, notary public, 10 July 1592;

90. Bond in £20 of John Hawxshawe of Cambridge, tailor, and John Dawson, gent., to Richard Fallowes and Thomas Evers of Cambridge, tailors, that JH prosecute his two appeals from the sentence of the Vice-Chancellor's Court. Witnesses: John Barton, notary public, John Standyshe, 25 Mar. 1592/3;

91. Bond in £9 of Edward Cooper, pointmaker [maker of laces], John Waller, slater, and Lancelot Sewell, tailor, all of Cambridge, to Robert Wheattley of Little Walsingham, Norfolk, cordwainer, that EC pay RW £4 10s on 8 May next in the south porch of Great St Mary's provided that RW deliver an acquittance by William Gowche of Lowestoft, Suffolk, fisherman, and John Matcham of Yarmouth, cordwainer, discharging EC from all suits. Witnesses: Thomas Browne, John Fricklen, notary public and Christopher Wattell, 17 Sept. 1588;

92. Draft licence of Thomas Nevell, Vice-Chancellor, for the friends of John Avison of St Giles' parish, being sick of a rupture etc., to collect alms for him, 4 June 1589;

93. Bond in £100 of Ralph Ellis (St John's College), John Sacker of Cambridge, cordwainer, and Richard Sacker, chandler, to the University for RE's good behaviour. Witness: John Barton, notary public, 4 Aug. 1592;

94. Bond in 200 marks of William Jeames of Peterborough, gent., to the Vice-Chancellor to bring up Ann Lorkin to the age of 20 years and then to deliver to her her inheritance. Witnesses: John Eyrton, draper, and Thomas Smith, notary public, 29 May 1591;

95. Bonds in £20 to sell ale and beer at the Vice-Chancellor's price and no other: a. John Sherman of Cambridge b. Edward Holmes of Cambridge c. Robert Matchett of Cambridge d. Henry Allabie of Cambridge e. Henry Wallis of Cambridge f. Francis Byrd of Cambridge g. Robert Yaxley of Barnwell h. Michael Holmes of Cambridge j. Thomas Cropley of Cambridge. All dated 17 July 1590;

96. Bond in £100 of Richard Scott of Chesterton, baker, and Richard Drue of Barnwell, to the Vice-Chancellor that RS shall keep the orders for bakers at Sturbridge Fair and shall appear before the Vice-Chancellor at three days' notice to be left at the house of RD, 6 Sept. 1592;

97. Bargain and sale from Thomas Parnell of St Ives, Hunts., tanner, to Richard Wyne of Earith, Hunts., yeoman, of 'goods, chattels and implements' at St Ives for £20, 21 Feb. 1590/1;

98. Deed of sale by John Bonnye of Cambridge, husbandman, to Thomas Hodylowe of Cambridge, brewer, of his household goods, for the discharge of a direct debt of £67 and of £54 owed by TH on JB's behalf. Witnesses: Anthony Pigney, William ?Daw and John Norkot, notary public, 20 Nov. [?1589];

99. The King's Arms on Trumpington St, near the Blue Boar, All Saint's parish, allowed as an inn, on condition of extra stabling being built by John ?Wenler, tiler. Witness: Philip Stringer, 24 Aug. 1588;

100. Order for Commencement and the wearing of caps etc. (see 1785 Statues, p.455), n.d. [?1571/2];

101. (?This item is now UA CUR 1.2*(176)) 'Indenture for the Fenn and Neale Chest', [?22 Jan. 1588/9];

102. (This item is missing) 'A search for things wanting in Fenn and Neale', n.d.;

103. (This item is now UA CUR 35 (59*)) Statement of [ ] Waterman as to his having on the instructions of George Bagsett (King's College) and William Nicholson (Queens' College), Taxors, enlarged a wooden bushel, brought by Hugh Jones, to hold one pint more than the brass standard; with note of measurement of the bushel in the presence of Mr Lively, Richard Fallowes, John Reynolds, [ ] Woodes, Waterman and [?Leonard] Glascock, 18 Jan. [1594/5]. Also, a list of deponents against Peter Baro, DD, Lady Margaret Professor, [sworn 22 Jan. 1594/5];

104. Materia exceptatoria of John Edmunds, MA (Peterhouse), sued for debt by Miles Sandys, MA (formerly Peterhouse, now Queens' College), [1588]. Dorse: deposition of Thomas Perne (former Fellow of Peterhouse) on three interrogatories on the case, [1588];

105. Passport by Vice-Chancellor for Thomas Palmer (St John's College) to travel to his father's house at Wingham, Kent, 4 Aug. 1588;

106a. Philip Baker, BD (Provost of King's College), Vice-Chancellor, appoints Andrew Perne and John Porye his deputies, 13 Nov. 1561;

106b. John Whitgift, Vice-Chancellor elect, to Matthew Stokys, Esquire Bedell, that he cannot come to be admitted; that Drs Perne, Kelke, Hawford should be appointed his deputies and that Stokys should make the appropriate instrument with the advice of the Proctors. From Lincoln, holograph, 12 Nov. 1573;

106c. The instrument, sealed by William Chaderton, DD, Archdeacon of York (Provost of Queens' College), 15 Nov. 1573;

106d. Thomas Lodge, LLD (Master of Gonville and Caius College), Vice-Chancellor, appoints Andrew Perne, Humphrey Tyndall and Edmund Barwell, DDs, his deputies, 19 Jan. 1587/8;

107. Bond in £20 of Alan Carr, [?BA, Christ's College], and George Bembridge to the Vice-Chancellor that AC will not depart the realm for one year, [1587/8 or 1592/3];

108. Bond in £4 of Alban Eden and Marcellus Allen [to Henry Mayse] to pay a debt in four instalments. Witnesses: Richard Roberts, Oliver Roberts and John [ ], 1588;

109a. Bond of [ ] Andrews to save the Vice-Chancellor harmless for granting execution against Margaret Hamond on behalf of Joan Flynt, 1589-90;

109b. Similar bond of John Norkot, 1588-9;

110. List [of University preachers, also including Hugh Bellot, Junior Proctor 1570, but apparently never a preacher] 1561-73, [?1573];

111a. List of Colleges and sums totalling £100, 1563;

111b. Similar list, sum totalling £5175 18s 4 3/4d, [?1563];

112a. Inventory of stuff from the University Chapel sold, [1565];

112b. List of purchasers and prices paid, 11 Oct. 1565;

113. Orders of the Vice-Chancellor and Heads re recantation [of Marmaduke Pickering] convicted of popish errors, 17 Feb. [1568/9] (see Cooper Annals II, 239);

114. List of 23 persons, mostly from France (Orleans, Chartres, Picardy, Normandy, Brittany, Gascony and Flanders) sworn and matriculated, 3 Aug. 1569;

115a. Inventory of certain goods of William Thompson, appraised by George Sherwood and William Burwell, 26 Jan. 1573/4;

115b. Fair copy in the form of an indenture, 26 Jan. 1573/4;

116. Viis et modis for Jeremiah Kidd, charged with uttering 'famosos libellos', 5 Mar. 1573/4;

117. Orders of the Vice-Chancellor and Heads relating to the repairs and caretaking of the Schools, 14 Dec. n.y.;

118. Summary proceedings in case of [Leonard] Glascock vs [?John] Richardson, 1585-6, exhibited 20 July 1586;

119. Allegations in Commissary's Court of Thomas Bradshaw, stationer, against William Knowesley, stationer, as having taken over a debt of £15 due to TB from Thomas Chard of London, stationer, exhibited 25 Jan. 1588/9.

The documents are reassembled in the order of Halman's index, nos. 110 and 119 (1561-89) which he does not list, being appended in chronological order. Halman's order is not chronological, but may represent a file order.


  • Creation: 1540-95


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119 item(s) (taken off original file, guarded and filed, now in box)

Language of Materials




The documents are reassembled in the order of Halman's index, nos. 110 and 119 (1561-89) which he does not list, being appended in chronological order. Halman's order is not chronological, but may represent a file order.

Other Finding Aids

Documents 1-109 were listed (in VCCt.III.1*) by James Halman, Registrary 1683-1701. Reference has been made to this earlier list in compiling the online schedule.

Finding aid date

1999-06-12 10:20:31+00:00

Repository Details

Part of the Cambridge University Library Repository

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