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The House of Commons/The House of Lords, c 1962

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.10275/1/2/1/2/8

Scope and Contents

A large cartoon mural featuring a felt-tip pen and coloured crayon illustration, created by Roger Law for display at Peter Cook's nightclub, The Establishment. The illustration depicts members of the House of Commons on the left side of the drawing, sat at a large table laden with food, and members of the House of Lords standing in a group on the far right side of the mural. In the middle of the illustration, there is a drawing of the Abbot of Ampleforth, accompanied by a caption, which reads, 'We regard both the House of Lords and the House of Commons as quite respectable organisations' (RL/Pre-/1480).


  • Creation: c 1962


Conditions Governing Access

Restricted. Not available for consultation. Please contact repository.

Conditions Governing Use

Copyright - held by Roger Law.


1 rolled item(s) (Item wrapped in paper.) : Newsprint paper

Language of Materials



4200mm x 560mm

Repository Details

Part of the Cambridge University Library Repository

Cambridge University Library
West Road
Cambridge CB3 9DR United Kingdom