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Letters to Aelfrida Tillyard from Alethea Graham: File 4, 1933 - 1934

Reference Code: GBR/0271/GCPP Tillyard 3/1/4

Scope and Contents

The original envelope was labelled in Aelfrida Tillyard's hand: 'Alethea's letters from S. Mary's Abbey, Malling, S. Thomas' Hospital etc etc. 1933-34. One letter from her father to her. Dec 29 1933 (?his last)'. They are addressed variously from the Katherine Low Settlement, Battersea, April 1933; St Mary's Abbey, West Malling, Kent, Sep - Nov 1933; St Thomas' Hospital, London [where Alethea was having an operation], 23 Nov - 11 Dec 1933; St Mary's, West Malling, 21 Dec 1933 - 7 Feb 1934; and Wetenhall Cottage, Brooklands Avenue, Cambridge 16 May 1934; and include a letter to Alethea from her father, Constantine Graham, 29 Dec 1933. The letter of 3 April 1933 concerns Alethea's calling to St Mary's and her discussions on the subject with Margaret Deanesly [now Sr. Radegund at St Mary's] - 'I think it is the only thing I can do'. In the letter of 8 October 1933 Alethea discusses the illness of her father. 30 Jan 1934 is a short letter concerning the death of her father.


  • Creation: 1933 - 1934



1 file(s) : Paper

Language of Materials



Graham, Alethea

Finding aid date

2010-01-26 09:31:54+00:00

Repository Details

Part of the Girton College Archive Repository

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