Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874 - 1965 (Knight, statesman and historian)
- Existence: 1874 - 1965
Found in 40 Collections and/or Records:
Speeches: House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 25 Jun 1940 - 21 Nov 1941
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/173A-B
Scope and Contents
Speech notes for WSC's speech (25 June) entitled "The fall of France" on the capitulation of France, the surrender of the French fleet to Germany and his visit to see [Paul] Reynaud [Prime Minister of France]. Published: Complete Speeches VI, pp 6239-41.Statement by WSC (4 July) on the British destruction of the French fleet at Oran [Algeria]. Source material includes notes on the co-ordination of intelligence, the role of the Commander-in-Chief of the Home Forces [General Sir Alan Brooke,...
25 Jun 1940 - 21 Nov 1941
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 30 Sep 1941 - 11 Dec 1941
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/180A-B
Scope and Contents
Speech notes for statement by WSC (30 September) on the war situation including: the threat posed by Hitler, WSC's intention not to publish shipping losses to U-Boats, food and rations, the strength of the United States and the Soviet Union, Germany's attack on the Soviet Union, the army and Bomber Command, and events and operations in Persia [Iran]. Also includes correspondence from 1st Lord Woolton [earlier Frederick Marquis] Minister of Food, Frank Wood, and Major-General Bernard Paget,...
30 Sep 1941 - 11 Dec 1941
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: House of Commons: Speech notes and typescript., 20 Apr 1932 - 08 Jun 1932
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/100
Scope and Contents
Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (21 April), entitled "The Budget" on 1st Lord Snowden's past budgets, British prestige in the United States, Protectionism, the harmful effects of paying war debts in gold, the Gold Standard, the need for an economic alliance with the United States and the stability of sterling. Also includes printed extracts from the Budget Debate, reporting WSC's speech and speeches by Sir Robert Horne [former Chancellor of the Exchequer] and Leo Amery....
20 Apr 1932 - 08 Jun 1932
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 11 Feb 1950 - 24 Feb 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/32A-C
Scope and Contents
Press Association transcript and press cutting from the Sevenoaks News reporting WSC's election address (11 February, Sevenoaks [Kent] Constitutional Club) on the Labour threat to the economy and the Empire. Also includes transcript of comments by Ness Edwards [Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Labour and National Service] on WSC's responsibility for sending in troops during the miners' strike at [Tonypandy, Glamorgan, Wales, 1910]. Part published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 7935 -...
11 Feb 1950 - 24 Feb 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: Non House of Commons: Speech notes, typescript and press cuttings., 02 Jul 1926 - 08 Dec 1926
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/77A-B
Scope and Contents
Typescript for WSC's speech (3 January, Wolfe Dinner, Westerham, Kent) on the achievements and prosperity of Canada.Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (20 January, Chamber of Commerce Dinner, Leeds, Yorkshire), entitled "National Finance", on the increase in national expenditure and necessity for cuts, particularly in education, on the changing funding system for local authorities, electricity development, the coal subsidy and averting a coal dispute, and the general improvement in...
02 Jul 1926 - 08 Dec 1926
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: speech notes., 03 May 1946 - 31 May 1946
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/5A-B
Scope and Contents
Newscutting reporting WSC's speech (3 May, Dorchester Hotel, London) at the Jubilee dinner celebrating 50 years of the Daily Mail, and reporting speeches delivered by 2nd Lord Rothermere [earlier Esmond Harmsworth] Chairman of the Daily Mail, 1st Lord Beaverbrook [earlier Max Aitken], 1st Lord Tedder and G Ward Price.Speech notes for WSC's speech of thanks (7 May) on receiving the freedom of Westminster entitled "The British Commonwealth" including: his standing for election in Westminster...
03 May 1946 - 31 May 1946
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: speech notes., 14 Jun 1945 - 31 Mar 1947
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/11A-E
Scope and Contents
Speech notes and Hansard report of WSC's speech (10 February 1947, House of Commons) on the coal crisis including: criticism of the policies of Emanuel Shinwell, Minister of Fuel and Power; the need to plan for winter and the inefficiencies of cutting the coal supply. Source material includes: notes from "N S" ["Jo" Sturdee, later Lady Onslow, Secretary to WSC]; notes on the increased numbers of civil servants; press cuttings on subjects including the challenge by Gwilym Lloyd George [later...
14 Jun 1945 - 31 Mar 1947
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: speech notes., 03 Jun 1947 - 16 Aug 1947
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/13A-E
Scope and Contents
Speech notes for WSC's speech (3 June, House of Commons) on India and the transfer of power including: the need for agreement of all parties and the likelihood of unrest. Source material includes: a paper on government policy regarding Indian independence and partition. Published: Complete Speeches VII, pp 7499-500.Speech notes for WSC's speech (4 August, Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire) at the West Country Conservative Rally entitled "A Doctor's Mandate" including: criticism of the...
03 Jun 1947 - 16 Aug 1947
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: speech notes., 10 Sept 1947 - 28 Oct 1947
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/14A-F
Scope and Contents
Speech notes for WSC's speech (10 September, International Congress of Physicians, Guildhall, London) on the medical profession and scientific advances in which he reflects on previous speeches made by Sir Edward Grey and 1st Lord Morley of Blackburn. Also includes a report from the Lancet on WSC's speech and the reply to it made by 1st Lord Moran and papers about the meeting. Published: Complete Speeches VII, pp 7521-3.Speech notes for WSC's speech (27 September, Royal Wanstead Schools,...
10 Sept 1947 - 28 Oct 1947
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: speech notes., Jul 1944 - 16 Feb 1948
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/16A-D
Scope and Contents
Speech notes for WSC's speech (23 January 1948, House of Commons) on the foreign affairs debate including: support for the Labour government's foreign policy; affairs and events in various countries including Greece, Italy and the United States; his predictions of the Cold war in his Fulton speech ["The Sinews of Peace" see CHUR 5/4A-B] and the need for reconciliation between France and Germany at Zurich ["The Tragedy of Europe", see CHUR 5/8]; criticism of a speech by Herbert Morrison, Lord...
Jul 1944 - 16 Feb 1948
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: speech notes., 10 Jul 1948 - 30 Jul 1948
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/20A-D
Scope and Contents
Speech notes for WSC's speech (10 July, Woodford [Essex]) at an open air constituency meeting entitled "A new parliament" on subjects including: praise for Sir James Hawkey as Chairman of the Woodford Conservative Association; the strength of the Conservative Party; his involvement with social policy; the National Health service; the need to oppose communism; the possibility of war with the Soviet Union; the Labour government's economic policy; and the pledges of the Conservative Party. Also...
10 Jul 1948 - 30 Jul 1948
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: Speech notes., 16 Jan 1950 - 28 Jan 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/30A-B
Scope and Contents
Speech notes for WSC's party political broadcast (21 January) for the Conservative Party entitled "The Conservative Point of View" on subjects including: the importance of voting and of the election; criticism of socialism and the principle of state control; the rejection of socialism in New Zealand and the United States; the need to establish basic standards of living and counter unemployment; Labour government expenditure; the importance of food production; economic affairs; and social...
16 Jan 1950 - 28 Jan 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: speech notes., 04 Feb 1950 - 09 Feb 1950
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/31A-D
Scope and Contents
Speech notes for WSC's election address (4 February, Town Hall, Leeds [Yorkshire]) including: criticism of the Labour government's economic policy and manifesto; party politics and the numbers of candidates fielded by the Liberal Party; quotes by [Clement] Attlee [Prime Minister] on socialism; the rejection of socialism in Canada, Australia and New Zealand; nationalisation and its effect on the coal industry; the planned nationalisation of the steel industry; the continuation of rationing;...
04 Feb 1950 - 09 Feb 1950
Conditions Governing Access:
Speeches: speech notes (by WSC as First Lord of the Admiralty) and other material., 20 Jan 1940 - 29 Feb 1940
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/143
Scope and Contents
Notes for WSC's broadcast (20 January, BBC) on the war situation, entitled "A house of many mansions" on the German threat to neutral and allied shipping, to neutral nations, and Finland's stand against the Soviet Union. Also includes cuttings from the Times and the Listener containing the text of WSC's broadcast. Published: Complete Speeches VI, pp 6183-6.Notes for WSC's statement (24 January, House of Commons 1922 Committee) on British naval strength, the U-boat war, pocket battleships,...
20 Jan 1940 - 29 Feb 1940
Conditions Governing Access:
WSC's speech for the debate on the address, 06 Nov 1951
Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/45A/6-52
Scope and Contents
Speech notes WSC's speech (House of Commons) for the debate on the address, on subjects including: the political divisions in the country; the charge of war-mongering laid against the Conservatives, and the need for steady government; the restoration of university representation in Parliament; the repeal of the Iron and Steel Nationalization Act; future parliamentary business, including the defence debate; keeping the Minister of Education out of the Cabinet, and Welsh representation in...
06 Nov 1951
Conditions Governing Access: