Royal Navy
Found in 1960 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 12 May 1915
Telegram from WSC, First Lord of the Admiralty to Vice-Admiral John De Robeck, hoping that he would not be discouraged by the recall of HMS "Queen Elizabeth". Stating that the two Monitors that were being sent out could go anywhere, and were the last word in bombarding vessels. "I am determined to support you and the army in every way to the end of your task and I am quit sure that the result will amply repay the sacrifices and anxieties" [typescript copy].
(Untitled), 12 May 1915
(Untitled), 13 May 1915
Telegram from French Ministry of Marine, Paris to WSC, First Lord of the Admiralty, thanks for praise of Rear-Admiral Guepratte. Stating that because of the increase of the French Fleet in the Dardanelles they were putting the French forces under Vice-Admiral Nicol, promoted from today, and therefore junior to the British Vice Admiral John De Robeck [typescript copy].
(Untitled), 13 May 1915
Telegram from Vice-Admiral John De Robeck to Admiralty, reporting loss of HMS "Goliath", attacked by Destroyers and sunk by two torpedoes [typescript copy].
(Untitled), 06 Jan 1915
Telegram from Admiralty to Vice-Admiral Sir Doveton Sturdee, HMS Invincible", St Vincent, stating that he last paragraph of his telegram of 6 Jan, [objecting to being called upon to justify his actions in three telegrams] was improper, and should not be repeated. Stating that the Board of Admiralty would await his written report and despatches before reaching a conclusion [typescript copy].
(Untitled), 08 Jan 1915
Telegram from Malcolm Robertson, British Embassy, Rio de Janiero, Brazil to Foreign Office, on confiscation of wireless equipment of German ships in Brazilian ports [typescript copy].
(Untitled), 13 Jan 1915
Telegram from San Francisco to Admiralty, reporting rumours that the German cruiser "Dresden" was coming to San Francisco, or was "somehow in communication with the City" [typescript copy].
(Untitled), 14 Jan 1915
Telegram from San Francisco to Admiralty, on search for German cruiser "Dresden".
(Untitled), 19 Jan 1915
Minute from WSC, First Lord of the Admiralty to the First Sea Lord, Admiral of the Fleet Lord Fisher, on concern that the Royal Navy had no ship superior to the German cruiser, "Dresden" on the Pacific coast of North America [typescript copy].
(Untitled), 23 Jan 1940
Printed note by WSC for the War Cabinet on Scapa Flow [Orkney Islands, Scotland], containing an independent account by Sir Archibald Sinclair [later 1st Lord Thurso].
(Untitled), 04 Mar 1940
Printed note by WSC for the War Cabinet on planned joint Naval mining operations with the French, involving the Royal Marines.
(Untitled), Jun 1940 - Dec 1940
Envelope, in WSC's manuscript, headed "Misc private correspondence": on Admiralty appointments, Lord Halifax [Foreign Secretary, earlier Edward Wood and Lord Irwin] and [David] Euan Wallace [Senior Regional Commissioner for Civil Defence in London]; endorsed with Prime Ministerial seal.
(Untitled), 16 Sep [1940]
Manuscript letter from Eric Seal [Principal Private Secretary to WSC] on naval staff appointments, mentions: Vice-Admiral John Tovey [Commander-in-Chief Home Fleet], Vice-Admiral John Cunningham [Commanding First Cruiser Squadron], Rear-Admiral Tom Phillips [Vice-Chief of Naval Staff] and Vice-Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham, Commander-in-Chief Mediterranean; annotated by WSC.
(Untitled), 29 Oct 1940
Letter and envelope from King George VI to WSC enclosing list of names for Admiralty posts, mentions Rear-Admiral [William] Campbell Tait and Lord Louis Mountbatten; list of names of captains: Rhoderick McGrigor [Chief of Staff, China Station]; Loben Maund [Naval Chief of Staff, Narvik [Norway] operations]; Charles Woodhouse; George Creasy; H Oram; Charles Lambe; Michael Denny [Deputy Director of Naval Ordnance, Admiralty] and G Menzies. [Manuscript].
(Untitled), 19 Dec [1940]
Letter from Eric Seal to WSC on acting as his Principal Private Secretary, appointments at the Admiralty, particularly a successor to George Cotton [Under-Secretary, Admiralty] at Bath [Somerset]. [Manuscript].
(Untitled), 16 Dec 1940
Letter from A V Alexander [First Lord of the Admiralty] to WSC on the appointment of a new Permanent Secretary; mentions Eric Seal replacing George Cotton as Under-Secretary at Bath [Somerset].
(Untitled), [Jun 1940]
Letter, annotated, from WSC to [Franklin Roosevelt], President of the United States, on surrendering or scuttling of the British Fleet. [Typescript].
(Untitled), 03 Nov 1939
Statement by WSC to the French Admiralty on joint submarine warfare and the success of "ASDIC" [anti-submarine detection indicator]; the need for larger ships to oppose the Bismarck and continue the protection of trade routes.
(Untitled), 19 Nov 1939
Letter from WSC to Sir Alexander Cadogan [Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs] on replacing Sir Hugh Sinclair as Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service with Captain [Gerald] Muirhead-Gould RN; also the need to improve Admiralty intelligence services, with note to Private Secretary on distribution. [carbon and draft].
(Untitled), 09 Nov 1939
Letter from Sir Alexander Cadogan [Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs] to Sir Archibald Carter [Permanent Secretary of Admiralty] asking for nominations from WSC and [Admiral of the Fleet Sir] Dudley Pound [1st Sea Lord] for Admiral [Sir Hugh] Sinclair's replacement as Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service.
(Untitled), 22 Nov 1939
Letter from Lord Halifax [earlier Edward Wood and Lord Irwin, Foreign Secretary] to WSC offering advice on a statement to the House of Commons on damage inflicted by German submarines; with letter of thanks from WSC to Halifax.
(Untitled), 22 Nov 1939-25 Nov 1939
Letter from Admiral of the Fleet [1st] Lord Chatfield [Minister for Co-ordination of Defence] to WSC asking him not to mention Chatfield's involvement in the Royal Oak case; with acknowledgement.
(Untitled), 07 Dec 1939
Letter from WSC to Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain on discussions arising from "the Nelson affair" [the damaging of HMS Nelson by a magnetic mine]. [carbon].
(Untitled), 12 Apr 1940
Letter from King George VI (Buckingham Palace) to WSC congratulating him on countering German aggression towards Scandinavia and requesting a meeting to discuss naval affairs. [in the King's hand].
(Untitled), 29 Apr 1940
Letter from [Rear-]Admiral Sir Bruce Fraser [Controller of the Navy] to WSC, criticising the evacuation of Central Norway and giving advice on future Scandinavian movements [annotated "First Lord saw Controller 30/4/40"]; with covering letter from "E A S" [Eric Seal, Principal Private Secretary to First Lord of the Admiralty] to [Arthur] Rucker, [Principal Private Secretary to Prime Minster Neville Chamberlain]. [annotated "recalled before it was shown to the Prime Minister"].