Found in 660 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), [May 1891]
Letter from "Jack" John S Churchill to WSC, on the result of The Derby, and asking him to send stamp book.
(Untitled), 05 Jul 1891
Letter from "Jack" John S Churchill to WSC, on Jack's illness.
(Untitled), 12 Jul 1891
Letter from "Jack" John S Churchill (Elstree School) to WSC, on WSC's visit to the Eton v. Harrow cricket match at Lord's and on Jack's new pony.
(Untitled), [Aug 1891]
Letter from "Jack" John S Churchill (Banstead Manor, Newmarket) to WSC, on their "den" which was dirty inside, but had withstood the weather well, and on the health of the animals.
(Untitled), 05 Oct 1891
Letter from "Jack" John S Churchill to WSC, on construction of a hammock.
(Untitled), 24 Oct [1891]
Letter from "Jack" John S Churchill to WSC, on disappointment that WSC did not visit him at Elstree.
(Untitled), 13 Nov 1891
Letter from "Jack" [John S Churchill] (Elstree School) to WSC, account of meeting of hunt at Elstree, with sketches of huntsman and hounds.
(Untitled), 29 Nov [1891]
Letter from "Jack" [John S Churchill] (Elstree School) to WSC, birthday greetings.
(Untitled), 08 Jan 1892
Letter from "Jack" John S Churchill (Canford Manor, Wimborne, [Dorset]) to WSC, on Jack's visit to Canford, with sketch of Lord Randolph Churchill "looking very well, but with a horrid beard".
(Untitled), 27 Mar 1892
Letter from "Jack" [John S Churchill] (Elstree School, Herts) to WSC, on the Harrow Fencing Cup.
(Untitled), [Jan 1893]
Letter from "Jack" [John S Churchill] (Harrow School) to WSC, on WSC's failure in the Sandhurst entrance examination.
(Untitled), 02 Feb 1894
Letter from "Jack" [John S Churchill] (Harrow School) to WSC, With little to report due to WSC's recent visit, commenting on WSC's good time in London.
(Untitled), [03 Mar 1894]
Letter from "Jack" John S Churchill to WSC, on the state of Jack's finances "I am bankrupt".
(Untitled), 14 Apr 1894
Letter from "Jack" [John S Churchill] (Harrow School) to WSC, school news, regretting that WSC would not be visiting, and commenting on report of speech by Lord Randolph Churchill in The Times.
(Untitled), [c 1891]
Letter from "Jack" [John S Churchill] to WSC, asking WSC not to send him a birthday present, and asking him to save his money until they were at home together.
(Untitled), [Feb 1893]
Letter from "Jack" [John S Churchill] to Lady Randolph Churchill, on outbreak of scarlet fever at Harrow, Jack's birthday, and WSC's visit to Harrow.
(Untitled), 05 Mar [1893]
Letter from "Jack" [John S Churchill] to Lady Randolph Churchill, on WSC's typewriter and on report of speech by Lord Randolph Churchill in the Daily Graphic.
(Untitled), 24 Feb 1890
Letter from Lord Randolph Churchill, 2 Connaught Place, London to WSC, thanks for letters containing news of Harrow, also commenting on the death of "poor Daisy" and sending postal order for 21s.
(Untitled), 15 Jan 1892
Letter from Lord Randolph Churchill, 2 Connaught Place, London to WSC, on the need for WSC to return to Harrow a week early to prepare for the Sandhurst entrance examination, with Lord Randolph's reminiscences about his final examinations at Oxford. Also commenting on the death of the Duke of Clarence "one Of the saddest events I have ever known".
(Untitled), 29 Mar 1892
Letter from Lord Randolph Churchill, 2 Connaught Place, London to WSC, complaining about WSC's spending "I think you have got through about £10 this term. This cannot last, & if you are not more careful should you get into the army six months of it will see you in the Bankruptcy Court".
(Untitled), 25 Oct 1892
Letter from Lord Randolph Churchill, 50 Grosvenor Square, London to WSC and John S Churchill, on Lady Randolph's illness and on the death of his brother-in-law, the Duke of Roxburgh.
(Untitled), 04 Nov 1892
Letter from Lord Randolph Churchill, 50 Grosvenor Square, London to WSC, on WSC's visit to London and on Lady Randolph's illness.
(Untitled), 09 Aug 1893
(Untitled), 10 Feb 1894
Letter from Lord Randolph Churchill, Le Nid, Monte Carlo, Monaco, to WSC, urging him to work hard at Sandhurst - to "keep the standard up & keep raising"...Pull yourself together & keep yourself well abreast & even ahead of those you are competing with..Keep down the smoking, keep down the drink & go to bed as early as you can" With postscript suggesting that he should substitute "father" for "papa" in future letters.